This is a Pokémon Rom Hack made by TheSmithPlays with the intended purpose of fixing Pokémon Crystal into a more polished experience while staying true to the vision of Generation 2.
No longer displays dex lore/info, unless you've caught the pokemon. added UncaughtMon_Info_Erase_PageNum which erases the A button prompt and page num when this is the case
fixed the base stats page num bug, added const in pokedex_stats_page.asm that sets the const value depending on if StatEXP or EVs are being used in the ROM, and more elegant solution in pokedex.asm
No longer displays dex lore/info, unless you've caught the pokemon. added UncaughtMon_Info_Erase_PageNum which erases the A button prompt and page num when this is the case
fixed the base stats page num bug, added const in pokedex_stats_page.asm that sets the const value depending on if StatEXP or EVs are being used in the ROM, and more elegant solution in pokedex.asm