Closed rigid closed 9 years ago
hi @rigid ,
can you also share /data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/dSploitd.log
it seems that 'gem install' returns 1. this is an error, but we should got something from the process stderr, but nothing has been read.
i'll soon make an apk for debug your issue. will post here a link once ready.
thanks for testing cSploit :blush:
Other affected users: @1234xm4321 logcat:
Here's my dSploitd.log:
[DEBUG ] connection_reader: started (fd=1, tid=11974488)
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 0, size = 18, id = 0, data = '\x00android\x00DEADBEEF\x00' }
[DEBUG ] connection_worker: started (fd=1, tid=11973904)
[DEBUG ] on_auth_request: user "android" logged in
[DEBUG ] connection_writer: started (fd=1, tid=11973320)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 0, size = 1, id = 0, data = '\x01' }
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 1, size = 1, id = 0, data = '\x0A' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 1, size = 62, id = 0, data = '\x0A\x06\x02tcpdump\x00\x01\x03raw\x00\x02\x02nmap\x00\x04\x02hydra\x00\x03\x02ettercap\x00\x00\x00blind\x00\x05\x02arpspoof\x00' }
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 2, size = 12, id = 0, data = '\x03\x01which\x00env\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_cmd_start: successfully started a child for 'raw' (pid=16844)
[DEBUG ] handle_child: new child started. (name=raw, pid=16844)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 2, size = 4, id = 0, data = '\x04\x00\x01\x00' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 1, size = 17, id = 1, data = '/system/xbin/env\x0A' }
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "handle_child(name=raw, pid=16844)" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11979296)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 2, size = 6, id = 0, data = '\x07\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00' }
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 3, size = 97, id = 0, data = '\x03\x01du\x00-xsm\x00/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby\x00/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/msf\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_cmd_start: successfully started a child for 'raw' (pid=16846)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 3, size = 4, id = 0, data = '\x04\x00\x02\x00' }
[DEBUG ] handle_child: new child started. (name=raw, pid=16846)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 1, size = 91, id = 2, data = '1\x09/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby\x0A1\x09/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/msf\x0A' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 3, size = 6, id = 0, data = '\x07\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00' }
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "handle_child(name=raw, pid=16846)" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11979312)
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 4, size = 5, id = 0, data = '\x03\x01sh\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_cmd_start: successfully started a child for 'raw' (pid=16853)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 4, size = 4, id = 0, data = '\x04\x00\x03\x00' }
[DEBUG ] handle_child: new child started. (name=raw, pid=16853)
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 0, size = 882, id = 3, data = 'export RUBYLIB="/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/arm-linux-androideabi:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.9.1:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.9.1/arm-linux-androideabi:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/arm-linux-androideabi"\x0Aexport PATH="$PATH:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/bin"\x0Aexport HOME="/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/home/ruby"\x0Aexport PATH="$PATH:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/msf"\x0Amsfrpcd -P 'msf' -U 'msf' -p '5553' -a -n -S -t Msg -f; exit $?\x0A' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 4, size = 6, id = 0, data = '\x07\x00\x03\x00\x7F\x00' }
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "handle_child(name=raw, pid=16853)" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11979344)
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 5, size = 47, id = 0, data = '\x03\x01sh\x00-c\x00echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_cmd_start: successfully started a child for 'raw' (pid=16858)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 5, size = 4, id = 0, data = '\x04\x00\x04\x00' }
[DEBUG ] handle_child: new child started. (name=raw, pid=16858)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "handle_child(name=raw, pid=16858)" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11979176)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 5, size = 6, id = 0, data = '\x07\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00' }
[DEBUG ] connection_reader: connection closed (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "connection_writer" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11973320)
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "connection_worker" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11973904)
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "connection_reader" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11974488)
[DEBUG ] connection_worker: started (fd=2, tid=11979856)
[DEBUG ] connection_writer: started (fd=2, tid=11979272)
[DEBUG ] connection_reader: started (fd=2, tid=11980440)
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=2)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 6, size = 18, id = 0, data = '\x00android\x00DEADBEEF\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_auth_request: user "android" logged in
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=2)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 0, size = 1, id = 0, data = '\x01' }
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=2)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 7, size = 1, id = 0, data = '\x0A' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=2)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 1, size = 62, id = 0, data = '\x0A\x06\x02tcpdump\x00\x01\x03raw\x00\x02\x02nmap\x00\x04\x02hydra\x00\x03\x02ettercap\x00\x00\x00blind\x00\x05\x02arpspoof\x00' }
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=2)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 8, size = 5, id = 0, data = '\x03\x01sh\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_cmd_start: successfully started a child for 'raw' (pid=16874)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=2)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 8, size = 4, id = 0, data = '\x04\x00\x01\x00' }
[DEBUG ] handle_child: new child started. (name=raw, pid=16874)
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=2)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 0, size = 882, id = 1, data = 'export RUBYLIB="/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/arm-linux-androideabi:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.9.1:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.9.1/arm-linux-androideabi:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/arm-linux-androideabi"\x0Aexport PATH="$PATH:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/bin"\x0Aexport HOME="/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/home/ruby"\x0Aexport PATH="$PATH:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/msf"\x0Amsfrpcd -P 'msf' -U 'msf' -p '5553' -a -n -S -t Msg -f; exit $?\x0A' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=2)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 2, size = 39, id = 0, data = '\x09\x00\x01\x00sh: <stdin>[5]: msfrpcd: not found\x00' }
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "handle_child(name=raw, pid=16874)" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11973304)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=2)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 3, size = 6, id = 0, data = '\x07\x00\x01\x00\x7F\x00' }
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=2)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 9, size = 12, id = 0, data = '\x03\x01which\x00env\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_cmd_start: successfully started a child for 'raw' (pid=16905)
[DEBUG ] handle_child: new child started. (name=raw, pid=16905)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=2)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 9, size = 4, id = 0, data = '\x04\x00\x02\x00' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=2)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 4, size = 44, id = 0, data = '\x09\x00\x02\x00which: standard output: Bad file number\x00' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=2)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 5, size = 6, id = 0, data = '\x07\x00\x02\x00\x01\x00' }
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "handle_child(name=raw, pid=16905)" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11973224)
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=2)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 10, size = 80, id = 0, data = '\x03\x01rm\x00-rf\x00/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/cache/\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_cmd_start: successfully started a child for 'raw' (pid=16907)
[DEBUG ] handle_child: new child started. (name=raw, pid=16907)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=2)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 10, size = 4, id = 0, data = '\x04\x00\x03\x00' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=2)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 6, size = 6, id = 0, data = '\x07\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00' }
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "handle_child(name=raw, pid=16907)" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11973328)
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=2)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 11, size = 52, id = 0, data = '\x03\x01rm\x00-rf\x00/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/msf\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_cmd_start: successfully started a child for 'raw' (pid=16909)
[DEBUG ] handle_child: new child started. (name=raw, pid=16909)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=2)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 11, size = 4, id = 0, data = '\x04\x00\x04\x00' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=2)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 7, size = 6, id = 0, data = '\x07\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00' }
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "handle_child(name=raw, pid=16909)" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11973344)
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=2)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 12, size = 47, id = 0, data = '\x03\x01sh\x00-c\x00echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_cmd_start: successfully started a child for 'raw' (pid=16913)
[DEBUG ] handle_child: new child started. (name=raw, pid=16913)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=2)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 12, size = 4, id = 0, data = '\x04\x00\x05\x00' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=2)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 8, size = 6, id = 0, data = '\x07\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00' }
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "handle_child(name=raw, pid=16913)" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11973360)
[DEBUG ] connection_reader: connection closed (fd=2)
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "connection_writer" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11979272)
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "connection_worker" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11979856)
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "connection_reader" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11980440)
[DEBUG ] connection_reader: started (fd=1, tid=11974488)
[DEBUG ] connection_writer: started (fd=1, tid=11973320)
[DEBUG ] connection_worker: started (fd=1, tid=11973904)
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 0, size = 18, id = 0, data = '\x00android\x00DEADBEEF\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_auth_request: user "android" logged in
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 0, size = 1, id = 0, data = '\x01' }
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 1, size = 1, id = 0, data = '\x0A' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 1, size = 62, id = 0, data = '\x0A\x06\x02tcpdump\x00\x01\x03raw\x00\x02\x02nmap\x00\x04\x02hydra\x00\x03\x02ettercap\x00\x00\x00blind\x00\x05\x02arpspoof\x00' }
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 2, size = 5, id = 0, data = '\x03\x01sh\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_cmd_start: successfully started a child for 'raw' (pid=20284)
[DEBUG ] handle_child: new child started. (name=raw, pid=20284)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 2, size = 4, id = 0, data = '\x04\x00\x01\x00' }
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 0, size = 883, id = 1, data = 'export RUBYLIB="/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/arm-linux-androideabi:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.9.1:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.9.1/arm-linux-androideabi:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/arm-linux-androideabi"\x0Aexport PATH="$PATH:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/bin"\x0Aexport HOME="/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/home/ruby"\x0Aexport PATH="$PATH:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/msf"\x0Amsfrpcd -P 'msf' -U 'msf' -p '55553' -a -n -S -t Msg -f; exit $?\x0A' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 2, size = 6, id = 0, data = '\x07\x00\x01\x00\x7F\x00' }
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "handle_child(name=raw, pid=20284)" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11979256)
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 3, size = 12, id = 0, data = '\x03\x01which\x00env\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_cmd_start: successfully started a child for 'raw' (pid=20316)
[DEBUG ] handle_child: new child started. (name=raw, pid=20316)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 3, size = 4, id = 0, data = '\x04\x00\x02\x00' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 1, size = 17, id = 2, data = '/system/xbin/env\x0A' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 3, size = 6, id = 0, data = '\x07\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00' }
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "handle_child(name=raw, pid=20316)" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11979176)
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 4, size = 5, id = 0, data = '\x03\x01sh\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_cmd_start: successfully started a child for 'raw' (pid=20320)
[DEBUG ] handle_child: new child started. (name=raw, pid=20320)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 4, size = 4, id = 0, data = '\x04\x00\x03\x00' }
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 0, size = 789, id = 3, data = 'export RUBYLIB="/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/arm-linux-androideabi:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.9.1:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.9.1/arm-linux-androideabi:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/arm-linux-androideabi"\x0Aexport PATH="$PATH:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/bin"\x0Aexport HOME="/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/home/ruby"\x0Awhich bundle || gem install bundle; exit $?\x0A' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "handle_child(name=raw, pid=20320)" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11979176)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 4, size = 6, id = 0, data = '\x07\x00\x03\x00\x01\x00' }
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 5, size = 80, id = 0, data = '\x03\x01rm\x00-rf\x00/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/cache/\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_cmd_start: successfully started a child for 'raw' (pid=20324)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 5, size = 4, id = 0, data = '\x04\x00\x04\x00' }
[DEBUG ] handle_child: new child started. (name=raw, pid=20324)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 5, size = 6, id = 0, data = '\x07\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00' }
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "handle_child(name=raw, pid=20324)" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11979192)
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 6, size = 52, id = 0, data = '\x03\x01rm\x00-rf\x00/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/msf\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_cmd_start: successfully started a child for 'raw' (pid=20326)
[DEBUG ] handle_child: new child started. (name=raw, pid=20326)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 6, size = 4, id = 0, data = '\x04\x00\x05\x00' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 6, size = 6, id = 0, data = '\x07\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00' }
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "handle_child(name=raw, pid=20326)" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11979208)
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 7, size = 47, id = 0, data = '\x03\x01sh\x00-c\x00echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_cmd_start: successfully started a child for 'raw' (pid=20375)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 7, size = 4, id = 0, data = '\x04\x00\x06\x00' }
[DEBUG ] handle_child: new child started. (name=raw, pid=20375)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 7, size = 6, id = 0, data = '\x07\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00' }
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "handle_child(name=raw, pid=20375)" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11979208)
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "connection_writer" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11973320)
[DEBUG ] connection_reader: connection closed (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "connection_worker" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11973904)
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "connection_reader" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=11974488)
thanks @rigid , but unluckily no useful info.
i'm working on the debug apk.
i installed the latest release and retried. I guess this is the relevant log message:
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 6, size = 51, id = 0, data = '\x09\x00\x04\x00sh: <stdin>[4]: gem: No such file or directory\x00' }
complete log:
[DEBUG ] connection_writer: started (fd=1, tid=30417608)
[DEBUG ] connection_reader: started (fd=1, tid=30418776)
[DEBUG ] connection_worker: started (fd=1, tid=30418192)
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 0, size = 18, id = 0, data = '\x00android\x00DEADBEEF\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_auth_request: user "android" logged in
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 0, size = 1, id = 0, data = '\x01' }
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 1, size = 1, id = 0, data = '\x0A' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 1, size = 62, id = 0, data = '\x0A\x06\x02tcpdump\x00\x01\x03raw\x00\x02\x02nmap\x00\x04\x02hydra\x00\x03\x02ettercap\x00\x00\x00blind\x00\x05\x02arpspoof\x00' }
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 2, size = 12, id = 0, data = '\x03\x01which\x00env\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_cmd_start: successfully started a child for 'raw' (pid=23782)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 2, size = 4, id = 0, data = '\x04\x00\x01\x00' }
[DEBUG ] handle_child: new child started. (name=raw, pid=23782)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 1, size = 17, id = 1, data = '/system/xbin/env\x0A' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "handle_child(name=raw, pid=23782)" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=30419480)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 2, size = 6, id = 0, data = '\x07\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00' }
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 3, size = 5, id = 0, data = '\x03\x01sh\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_cmd_start: successfully started a child for 'raw' (pid=23787)
[DEBUG ] handle_child: new child started. (name=raw, pid=23787)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 3, size = 4, id = 0, data = '\x04\x00\x02\x00' }
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 0, size = 882, id = 2, data = 'export RUBYLIB="/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/arm-linux-androideabi:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.9.1:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.9.1/arm-linux-androideabi:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/arm-linux-androideabi"\x0Aexport PATH="$PATH:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/bin"\x0Aexport HOME="/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/home/ruby"\x0Aexport PATH="$PATH:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/msf"\x0Amsfrpcd -P 'msf' -U 'msf' -p '5553' -a -n -S -t Msg -f; exit $?\x0A' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 3, size = 39, id = 0, data = '\x09\x00\x02\x00sh: <stdin>[5]: msfrpcd: not found\x00' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 4, size = 6, id = 0, data = '\x07\x00\x02\x00\x7F\x00' }
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "handle_child(name=raw, pid=23787)" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=30419512)
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 4, size = 12, id = 0, data = '\x03\x01which\x00env\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_cmd_start: successfully started a child for 'raw' (pid=23817)
[DEBUG ] handle_child: new child started. (name=raw, pid=23817)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 4, size = 4, id = 0, data = '\x04\x00\x03\x00' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 1, size = 17, id = 3, data = '/system/xbin/env\x0A' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 5, size = 6, id = 0, data = '\x07\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00' }
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "handle_child(name=raw, pid=23817)" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=30419360)
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 5, size = 5, id = 0, data = '\x03\x01sh\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_cmd_start: successfully started a child for 'raw' (pid=23819)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 5, size = 4, id = 0, data = '\x04\x00\x04\x00' }
[DEBUG ] handle_child: new child started. (name=raw, pid=23819)
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 0, size = 789, id = 4, data = 'export RUBYLIB="/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/arm-linux-androideabi:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.9.1:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.9.1/arm-linux-androideabi:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/arm-linux-androideabi"\x0Aexport PATH="$PATH:/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/bin"\x0Aexport HOME="/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/home/ruby"\x0Awhich bundle || gem install bundle; exit $?\x0A' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 6, size = 51, id = 0, data = '\x09\x00\x04\x00sh: <stdin>[4]: gem: No such file or directory\x00' }
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 7, size = 6, id = 0, data = '\x07\x00\x04\x00\x01\x00' }
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "handle_child(name=raw, pid=23819)" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=30419360)
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 6, size = 80, id = 0, data = '\x03\x01rm\x00-rf\x00/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/cache/\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_cmd_start: successfully started a child for 'raw' (pid=23823)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 6, size = 4, id = 0, data = '\x04\x00\x05\x00' }
[DEBUG ] handle_child: new child started. (name=raw, pid=23823)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 8, size = 6, id = 0, data = '\x07\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00' }
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "handle_child(name=raw, pid=23823)" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=30419376)
[DEBUG ] read_message: received a message (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] read_message: { seq = 7, size = 52, id = 0, data = '\x03\x01rm\x00-rf\x00/data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/msf\x00' }
[DEBUG ] on_cmd_start: successfully started a child for 'raw' (pid=23825)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 7, size = 4, id = 0, data = '\x04\x00\x06\x00' }
[DEBUG ] handle_child: new child started. (name=raw, pid=23825)
[DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=1)
[DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 9, size = 6, id = 0, data = '\x07\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00' }
[DEBUG ] reaper: thread "handle_child(name=raw, pid=23825)" joined. (exit_val=0x0, tid=30419392)
ruby installed without errors.
i see PATH is set correctly and "gem" is where it should be. I can only guess but either the "export PATH=..." is not executed correctly or the "gem" call is using a different environment, not respecting the previously set PATH?
@rigid thanks for testing! i've fixed it in 0fc339068468040350bdcd2e730ad81aaa46dba8 .
i'll make a release candidate in the next minutes, so you can test it while i'm working on other issues.
thanks again :blush:
you deserve it :) but it's not quite closed, yet (should I open another issue?)
E/DSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](29994): Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
E/DSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](29994): /data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/bin/ruby -r ./siteconf20141108-30768-1g8rlzm.rb extconf.rb
E/DSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](29994): No such file or directory - /data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/bin/ruby -r ./siteconf20141108-30768-1g8rlzm.rb extconf.rb 2>&1
E/DSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](29994): Gem files will remain installed in /data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/bcrypt-3.1.7 for inspection.
neither siteconf20141108-30768-1g8rlzm.rb nor extconf.rb are in /it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/bcrypt-3.1.7
yep, i've seen it on my device yesterday, but i forgot to fix it.
working on this.
found, understood, fixed and reported.
waiting for merge and new gem version.
working on a temporary workaround.
Has this been fixed already? I manually patched /data/data/ and get antorher error with cSploit-1.2.3 Here's the full logcat:
D/CSPLOIT[core.System.init](11230): initializing System...
D/CSPLOIT[MainActivity.onCreate](11230): initializer thread created and started in 0 ms
D/CSPLOIT[core.System.isARM](11230): Build.CPU_ABI = armeabi-v7a
D/CSPLOIT[core.ToolsInstaller.needed](11230): Checking version file /data/data/
D/CSPLOIT[core.ToolsInstaller.install](11230): Installing tools ...
D/CSPLOIT[core.System.setForwarding](11230): Setting ipv4 forwarding to false
E/CSPLOIT[core.System.setForwarding](11230): cannot start commands
D/CSPLOIT[](11230): Service started.
D/CSPLOIT[](11230): Network monitor started ...
D/CSPLOIT[net.NetworkDiscovery$](11230): UdpProber started ...
D/CSPLOIT[net.NetworkDiscovery$](11230): ArpReader started ...
E/CSPLOIT[MainActivity$](11230): cannot start commands
D/CSPLOIT[net.NetworkDiscovery$](11230): was resolved to PC
D/CSPLOIT[net.NetworkDiscovery$](11230): was DNS resolved to
D/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.isUpdateAvailable](11230): localVersion = 1.2.3
D/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.isUpdateAvailable](11230): remoteVersion = 1.2.3
D/CSPLOIT[core.System.readFirstLine](11230): /data/data/ open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
D/CSPLOIT[](11230): Service stopped.
I/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.downloadFile](11230): downloading '' to '/storage/emulated/0/ruby.tar.xz'
I/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.downloadFile](11230): download finished successfully
I/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.extract](11230): extracting '/storage/emulated/0/ruby.tar.xz' to '/data/data/'
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/system/xbin/env' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: ChildEnd: { exit_status=0 }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): Child #1 exited ( exitValue=0 )
I/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.extract](11230): extraction completed
I/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.extract](11230): .nomedia created
D/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.finishNotification](11230): deleting notifications
D/CSPLOIT[](11230): Service started.
D/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.isUpdateAvailable](11230): localVersion = 1.2.3
D/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.isUpdateAvailable](11230): remoteVersion = 1.2.3
D/CSPLOIT[core.System.readFirstLine](11230): /data/data/ open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
D/CSPLOIT[net.GitHubParser.getBranch](11230): no branch has been selected yet
E/CSPLOIT[MainActivity$](11230): cannot start commands
D/CSPLOIT[](11230): Service stopped.
I/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.downloadFile](11230): downloading '' to '/storage/emulated/0/'
I/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.downloadFile](11230): download finished successfully
I/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.verifyArchiveIntegrity](11230): verifying archive integrity
I/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.extract](11230): extracting '/storage/emulated/0/' to '/data/data/'
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/system/xbin/env' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: ChildEnd: { exit_status=0 }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): Child #3 exited ( exitValue=0 )
I/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.extract](11230): extraction completed
I/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.extract](11230): .nomedia created
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: ChildEnd: { exit_status=1 }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): Child #4 exited ( exitValue=1 )
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='bcrypt (3.1.7 arm-linux)' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='json (1.8.1 arm-linux)' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='msgpack (0.5.5 arm-linux)' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='network_interface (0.0.1 arm-linux)' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='nokogiri (1.6.0 arm-linux)' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='pcaprub (0.10.0 arm-linux)' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='pg (0.17.1 arm-linux)' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='sqlite3 (1.3.9 arm-linux)' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: ChildEnd: { exit_status=0 }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): Child #6 exited ( exitValue=0 )
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: ChildEnd: { exit_status=0 }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): Child #7 exited ( exitValue=0 )
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Successfully installed bundler-1.7.6' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Successfully installed bundle-0.0.1' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='2 gems installed' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: ChildEnd: { exit_status=0 }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): Child #5 exited ( exitValue=0 )
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Don't run Bundler as root. Bundler can ask for sudo if it is needed, and' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='installing your bundle as root will break this application for all non-root' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='users on this machine.' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP GET' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP 200 OK' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP GET' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP 200 OK' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Fetching gem metadata from' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Query List: ["redcarpet", "yard", "pry", "factory_girl", "factory_girl_rails", "fivemat", "rake", "rspec", "rspec-rails", "aruba", "cucumber-rails", "shoulda-matchers", "simplecov", "timecop", "activerecord", "metasploit-credential", "metasploit_data_models", "pg", "network_interface", "pcaprub", "activesupport", "actionpack", "bcrypt", "jsobfu", "json", "metasploit-concern", "metasploit-model", "meterpreter_bins", "msgpack", "nokogiri", "packetfu", "railties", "recog", "rb-readline", "robots", "rubyzip", "sqlite3", "tzinfo"]' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: redcarpet,yard,pry,factory_girl,factory_girl_rails,fivemat,rake,rspec,rspec-rails,aruba,cucumber-rails,shoulda-matchers,simplecov,timecop,activerecord,metasploit-credential,metasploit_data_models,pg,network_interface,pcaprub,activesupport,actionpack,bcrypt,jsobfu,json,metasploit-concern,metasploit-model,meterpreter_bins,msgpack,nokogiri,packetfu,railties,recog,rb-readline,robots,rubyzip,sqlite3,tzinfo' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP GET,yard,pry,factory_girl,factory_girl_rails,fivemat,rake,rspec,rspec-rails,aruba,cucumber-rails,shoulda-matchers,simplecov,timecop,activerecord,metasploit-credential,metasploit_data_models,pg,network_interface,pcaprub,activesupport,actionpack,bcrypt,jsobfu,json,metasploit-concern,metasploit-model,meterpreter_bins,msgpack,nokogiri,packetfu,railties,recog,rb-readline,robots,rubyzip,sqlite3,tzinfo' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP 200 OK' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Query List: ["mini_portile"]' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: mini_portile' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP GET' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP 200 OK' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Query List: []' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Fetching gem metadata from' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Query List: ["redcarpet", "yard", "pry", "factory_girl", "factory_girl_rails", "fivemat", "rake", "rspec", "rspec-rails", "aruba", "cucumber-rails", "shoulda-matchers", "simplecov", "timecop", "activerecord", "metasploit-credential", "metasploit_data_models", "pg", "network_interface", "pcaprub", "activesupport", "actionpack", "bcrypt", "jsobfu", "json", "metasploit-concern", "metasploit-model", "meterpreter_bins", "msgpack", "nokogiri", "packetfu", "railties", "recog", "rb-readline", "robots", "rubyzip", "sqlite3", "tzinfo"]' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: redcarpet,yard,pry,factory_girl,factory_girl_rails,fivemat,rake,rspec,rspec-rails,aruba,cucumber-rails,shoulda-matchers,simplecov,timecop,activerecord,metasploit-credential,metasploit_data_models,pg,network_interface,pcaprub,activesupport,actionpack,bcrypt,jsobfu,json,metasploit-concern,metasploit-model,meterpreter_bins,msgpack,nokogiri,packetfu,railties,recog,rb-readline,robots,rubyzip,sqlite3,tzinfo' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP GET,yard,pry,factory_girl,factory_girl_rails,fivemat,rake,rspec,rspec-rails,aruba,cucumber-rails,shoulda-matchers,simplecov,timecop,activerecord,metasploit-credential,metasploit_data_models,pg,network_interface,pcaprub,activesupport,actionpack,bcrypt,jsobfu,json,metasploit-concern,metasploit-model,meterpreter_bins,msgpack,nokogiri,packetfu,railties,recog,rb-readline,robots,rubyzip,sqlite3,tzinfo' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP 200 OK' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Query List: ["bourne", "win32console", "method_source", "slop", "coderay", "spoon", "ruby_parser", "ffi", "docile", "simplecov-html", "multi_json", "lockfile", "rails", "rspec-mocks", "rspec-expectations", "rspec-core", "cucumber", "hoe", "diff-lcs", "syntax", "spicycode-rcov", "childprocess", "background_process", "bcat", "rdiscount", "rake-compiler", "erubis", "rspec-support", "webrat", "rack", "activemodel", "rspec-collection_matchers", "mini_portile", "racc", "tenderlove-frex", "rexical", "weakling", "mime-types", "capybara", "rack-test", "arel", "activerecord-deprecated_finders", "actionview", "builder", "sprockets", "journey", "rack-cache", "rails-dom-testing", "rails-html-sanitizer", "rails-deprecated_sanitizer", "i18n", "rack-mount", "thread_safe", "thor", "rdoc", "rack-ssl", "minitest", "memcache-client", "arel-helpers", "activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter", "jdbc-postgres", "rubyntlm", "rkelly-remix"]' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: bourne,win32console,method_source,slop,coderay,spoon,ruby_parser,ffi,docile,simplecov-html,multi_json,lockfile,rails,rspec-mocks,rspec-expectations,rspec-core,cucumber,hoe,diff-lcs,syntax,spicycode-rcov,childprocess,background_process,bcat,rdiscount,rake-compiler,erubis,rspec-support,webrat,rack,activemodel,rspec-collection_matchers,mini_portile,racc,tenderlove-frex,rexical,weakling,mime-types,capybara,rack-test,arel,activerecord-deprecated_finders,actionview,builder,sprockets,journey,rack-cache,rails-dom-testing,rails-html-sanitizer,rails-deprecated_sanitizer,i18n,rack-mount,thread_safe,thor,rdoc,rack-ssl,minitest,memcache-client,arel-helpers,activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter,jdbc-postgres,rubyntlm,rkelly-remix' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP GET,win32console,method_source,slop,coderay,spoon,ruby_parser,ffi,docile,simplecov-html,multi_json,lockfile,rails,rspec-mocks,rspec-expectations,rspec-core,cucumber,hoe,diff-lcs,syntax,spicycode-rcov,childprocess,background_process,bcat,rdiscount,rake-compiler,erubis,rspec-support,webrat,rack,activemodel,rspec-collection_matchers,mini_portile,racc,tenderlove-frex,rexical,weakling,mime-types,capybara,rack-test,arel,activerecord-deprecated_finders,actionview,builder,sprockets,journey,rack-cache,rails-dom-testing,rails-html-sanitizer,rails-deprecated_sanitizer,i18n,rack-mount,thread_safe,thor,rdoc,rack-ssl,minitest,memcache-client,arel-helpers,activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter,jdbc-postgres,rubyntlm,rkelly-remix' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP 200 OK' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Query List: ["archive-tar-minitar", "rcov", "sprockets-rails", "bundler", "actionmailer", "activeresource", "activejob", "actionwebservice", "multimap", "multi_test", "gherkin", "cucumber-core", "term-ansicolor", "treetop", "polyglot", "json_pure", "tilt", "hike", "xpath", "culerity", "selenium-webdriver", "celerity", "database_cleaner", "test-spec", "camping", "fcgi", "mongrel", "ruby-openid", "thin", "hpricot", "ZenTest", "RubyInline", "mocha", "rubyforge", "gemcutter", "abstract", "sexp_processor", "ParseTree", "activerecord-jdbc-adapter", "bones", "bcrypt-ruby", "atomic", "loofah"]' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: archive-tar-minitar,rcov,sprockets-rails,bundler,actionmailer,activeresource,activejob,actionwebservice,multimap,multi_test,gherkin,cucumber-core,term-ansicolor,treetop,polyglot,json_pure,tilt,hike,xpath,culerity,selenium-webdriver,celerity,database_cleaner,test-spec,camping,fcgi,mongrel,ruby-openid,thin,hpricot,ZenTest,RubyInline,mocha,rubyforge,gemcutter,abstract,sexp_processor,ParseTree,activerecord-jdbc-adapter,bones,bcrypt-ruby,atomic,loofah' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP GET,rcov,sprockets-rails,bundler,actionmailer,activeresource,activejob,actionwebservice,multimap,multi_test,gherkin,cucumber-core,term-ansicolor,treetop,polyglot,json_pure,tilt,hike,xpath,culerity,selenium-webdriver,celerity,database_cleaner,test-spec,camping,fcgi,mongrel,ruby-openid,thin,hpricot,ZenTest,RubyInline,mocha,rubyforge,gemcutter,abstract,sexp_processor,ParseTree,activerecord-jdbc-adapter,bones,bcrypt-ruby,atomic,loofah' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP 200 OK' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Query List: ["SexpProcessor", "metaclass", "daemons", "fastthread", "gem_plugin", "cgi_multipart_eof_fix", "tins", "ruby-yadis", "spruz", "flexmock", "facets", "markaby", "metaid", "mab", "eventmachine", "eventmachine-le", "http_parser.rb", "preforker", "little-plugger", "loquacious", "bones-git", "bones-extras", "net-scp", "rails-observers", "mail", "text-format", "trollop", "websocket", "libwebsocket", "globalid", "activemodel-globalid"]' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: SexpProcessor,metaclass,daemons,fastthread,gem_plugin,cgi_multipart_eof_fix,tins,ruby-yadis,spruz,flexmock,facets,markaby,metaid,mab,eventmachine,eventmachine-le,http_parser.rb,preforker,little-plugger,loquacious,bones-git,bones-extras,net-scp,rails-observers,mail,text-format,trollop,websocket,libwebsocket,globalid,activemodel-globalid' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP GET,metaclass,daemons,fastthread,gem_plugin,cgi_multipart_eof_fix,tins,ruby-yadis,spruz,flexmock,facets,markaby,metaid,mab,eventmachine,eventmachine-le,http_parser.rb,preforker,little-plugger,loquacious,bones-git,bones-extras,net-scp,rails-observers,mail,text-format,trollop,websocket,libwebsocket,globalid,activemodel-globalid' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP 200 OK' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Query List: ["text-hyphen", "addressable", "net-ssh", "git", "tlsmail", "bones-rcov", "bones-rubyforge", "bones-rspec", "bones-zentest"]' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: text-hyphen,addressable,net-ssh,git,tlsmail,bones-rcov,bones-rubyforge,bones-rspec,bones-zentest' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP GET,addressable,net-ssh,git,tlsmail,bones-rcov,bones-rubyforge,bones-rspec,bones-zentest' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP 200 OK' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Query List: ["launchy", "needle", "jruby-pageant", "echoe"]' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: launchy,needle,jruby-pageant,echoe' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP GET,needle,jruby-pageant,echoe' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP 200 OK' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Query List: ["configuration", "highline", "allison"]' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: configuration,highline,allison' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP GET,highline,allison' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP 200 OK' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Query List: ["termios"]' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: termios' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP GET' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='HTTP 200 OK' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Query List: []' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Resolving dependencies...............................................................................................................................................................................' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing rake 10.3.2' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: rake (10.3.2) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing i18n 0.6.11' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: i18n (0.6.11) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing multi_json 1.0.3' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: multi_json (1.0.3) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing activesupport 3.2.21' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: activesupport (3.2.21) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing builder 3.0.4' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: builder (3.0.4) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing activemodel 3.2.21' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: activemodel (3.2.21) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing erubis 2.7.0' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: erubis (2.7.0) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing journey 1.0.4' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: journey (1.0.4) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing rack 1.4.5' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: rack (1.4.5) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing rack-cache 1.2' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: rack-cache (1.2) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing rack-test 0.6.2' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: rack-test (0.6.2) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing hike 1.2.3' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: hike (1.2.3) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing tilt 1.4.1' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: tilt (1.4.1) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing sprockets 2.2.3' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: sprockets (2.2.3) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing actionpack 3.2.21' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: actionpack (3.2.21) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing arel 3.0.3' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: arel (3.0.3) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing tzinfo 0.3.42' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: tzinfo (0.3.42) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing activerecord 3.2.21' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: activerecord (3.2.21) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing arel-helpers 2.0.1' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: arel-helpers (2.0.1) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing bcrypt 3.1.7' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: bcrypt (3.1.7) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Using bundler 1.7.6' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: bundler (1.7.6) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing rkelly-remix 0.0.6' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: rkelly-remix (0.0.6) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing jsobfu 0.2.1' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: jsobfu (0.2.1) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing json 1.8.1' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: json (1.8.1) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing rack-ssl 1.3.4' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: rack-ssl (1.3.4) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing rdoc 3.12.2' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: rdoc (3.12.2) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing thor 0.19.1' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: thor (0.19.1) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing railties 3.2.21' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: railties (3.2.21) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing metasploit-concern 0.3.0' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: metasploit-concern (0.3.0) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing metasploit-model 0.28.0' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: metasploit-model (0.28.0) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing pg 0.17.1' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: pg (0.17.1) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing mini_portile 0.5.3' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: mini_portile (0.5.3) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing nokogiri 1.6.0' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: nokogiri (1.6.0) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing recog 1.0.5' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: recog (1.0.5) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing metasploit_data_models 0.21.2' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: metasploit_data_models (0.21.2) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing rubyntlm 0.4.0' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: rubyntlm (0.4.0) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing rubyzip 1.1.6' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: rubyzip (1.1.6) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing metasploit-credential 0.13.3' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: metasploit-credential (0.13.3) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing meterpreter_bins 0.0.11' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: meterpreter_bins (0.0.11) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing msgpack 0.5.5' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: msgpack (0.5.5) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing packetfu 1.1.9' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: packetfu (1.1.9) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing rb-readline 0.5.1' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: rb-readline (0.5.1) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing robots 0.10.1' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: robots (0.10.1) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing sqlite3 1.3.9' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: sqlite3 (1.3.9) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Using metasploit-framework from source at .' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: metasploit-framework ( from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Using metasploit-framework-db from source at .' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: metasploit-framework-db ( from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Installing network_interface 0.0.1' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='0: network_interface (0.0.1) from /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line=' /data/data/ -r ./siteconf20141119-11417-o4pr6e.rb extconf.rb ' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='No such file or directory - /data/data/ -r ./siteconf20141119-11417-o4pr6e.rb extconf.rb 2>&1' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Gem files will remain installed in /data/data/ for inspection.' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Results logged to /data/data/' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ ``'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `run'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `block in build'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `open'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `build'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `block (2 levels) in build_extension'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `chdir'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `block in build_extension'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='<internal:prelude>:10:in `synchronize'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `build_extension'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `block in build_extensions'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `each'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `build_extensions'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `build_extensions'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `install'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `block in install'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `preserve_paths'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `install'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `block in install_gem_from_spec'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `with_build_args'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `install_gem_from_spec'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `block in install_sequentially'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `each'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `each'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `install_sequentially'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `run'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `install'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `run'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `install'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `run'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `invoke_command'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `dispatch'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `start'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `start'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `block in <top (required)>'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `with_friendly_errors'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `<top (required)>'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `load'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='/data/data/ `<main>'' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='An error occurred while installing pcaprub (0.12.0), and Bundler cannot' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='continue.' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: NewlineEvent: { line='Make sure that `gem install pcaprub -v '0.12.0'` succeeds before bundling.' }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: ChildEnd: { exit_status=5 }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): Child #8 exited ( exitValue=5 )
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): running: bundle install --verbose --gemfile '/data/data/' --without development test
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Don't run Bundler as root. Bundler can ask for sudo if it is needed, and
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): installing your bundle as root will break this application for all non-root
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): users on this machine.
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP GET
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP 200 OK
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP GET
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP 200 OK
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Fetching gem metadata from
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Query List: ["redcarpet", "yard", "pry", "factory_girl", "factory_girl_rails", "fivemat", "rake", "rspec", "rspec-rails", "aruba", "cucumber-rails", "shoulda-matchers", "simplecov", "timecop", "activerecord", "metasploit-credential", "metasploit_data_models", "pg", "network_interface", "pcaprub", "activesupport", "actionpack", "bcrypt", "jsobfu", "json", "metasploit-concern", "metasploit-model", "meterpreter_bins", "msgpack", "nokogiri", "packetfu", "railties", "recog", "rb-readline", "robots", "rubyzip", "sqlite3", "tzinfo"]
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: redcarpet,yard,pry,factory_girl,factory_girl_rails,fivemat,rake,rspec,rspec-rails,aruba,cucumber-rails,shoulda-matchers,simplecov,timecop,activerecord,metasploit-credential,metasploit_data_models,pg,network_interface,pcaprub,activesupport,actionpack,bcrypt,jsobfu,json,metasploit-concern,metasploit-model,meterpreter_bins,msgpack,nokogiri,packetfu,railties,recog,rb-readline,robots,rubyzip,sqlite3,tzinfo
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP GET,yard,pry,factory_girl,factory_girl_rails,fivemat,rake,rspec,rspec-rails,aruba,cucumber-rails,shoulda-matchers,simplecov,timecop,activerecord,metasploit-credential,metasploit_data_models,pg,network_interface,pcaprub,activesupport,actionpack,bcrypt,jsobfu,json,metasploit-concern,metasploit-model,meterpreter_bins,msgpack,nokogiri,packetfu,railties,recog,rb-readline,robots,rubyzip,sqlite3,tzinfo
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP 200 OK
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Query List: ["mini_portile"]
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: mini_portile
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP GET
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP 200 OK
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Query List: []
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Fetching gem metadata from
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Query List: ["redcarpet", "yard", "pry", "factory_girl", "factory_girl_rails", "fivemat", "rake", "rspec", "rspec-rails", "aruba", "cucumber-rails", "shoulda-matchers", "simplecov", "timecop", "activerecord", "metasploit-credential", "metasploit_data_models", "pg", "network_interface", "pcaprub", "activesupport", "actionpack", "bcrypt", "jsobfu", "json", "metasploit-concern", "metasploit-model", "meterpreter_bins", "msgpack", "nokogiri", "packetfu", "railties", "recog", "rb-readline", "robots", "rubyzip", "sqlite3", "tzinfo"]
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: redcarpet,yard,pry,factory_girl,factory_girl_rails,fivemat,rake,rspec,rspec-rails,aruba,cucumber-rails,shoulda-matchers,simplecov,timecop,activerecord,metasploit-credential,metasploit_data_models,pg,network_interface,pcaprub,activesupport,actionpack,bcrypt,jsobfu,json,metasploit-concern,metasploit-model,meterpreter_bins,msgpack,nokogiri,packetfu,railties,recog,rb-readline,robots,rubyzip,sqlite3,tzinfo
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP GET,yard,pry,factory_girl,factory_girl_rails,fivemat,rake,rspec,rspec-rails,aruba,cucumber-rails,shoulda-matchers,simplecov,timecop,activerecord,metasploit-credential,metasploit_data_models,pg,network_interface,pcaprub,activesupport,actionpack,bcrypt,jsobfu,json,metasploit-concern,metasploit-model,meterpreter_bins,msgpack,nokogiri,packetfu,railties,recog,rb-readline,robots,rubyzip,sqlite3,tzinfo
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP 200 OK
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Query List: ["bourne", "win32console", "method_source", "slop", "coderay", "spoon", "ruby_parser", "ffi", "docile", "simplecov-html", "multi_json", "lockfile", "rails", "rspec-mocks", "rspec-expectations", "rspec-core", "cucumber", "hoe", "diff-lcs", "syntax", "spicycode-rcov", "childprocess", "background_process", "bcat", "rdiscount", "rake-compiler", "erubis", "rspec-support", "webrat", "rack", "activemodel", "rspec-collection_matchers", "mini_portile", "racc", "tenderlove-frex", "rexical", "weakling", "mime-types", "capybara", "rack-test", "arel", "activerecord-deprecated_finders", "actionview", "builder", "sprockets", "journey", "rack-cache", "rails-dom-testing", "rails-html-sanitizer", "rails-deprecated_sanitizer", "i18n", "rack-mount", "thread_safe", "thor", "rdoc", "rack-ssl", "minitest", "memcache-client", "arel-helpers", "activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter", "jdbc-postgres", "rubyntlm", "rkelly-remix"]
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: bourne,win32console,method_source,slop,coderay,spoon,ruby_parser,ffi,docile,simplecov-html,multi_json,lockfile,rails,rspec-mocks,rspec-expectations,rspec-core,cucumber,hoe,diff-lcs,syntax,spicycode-rcov,childprocess,background_process,bcat,rdiscount,rake-compiler,erubis,rspec-support,webrat,rack,activemodel,rspec-collection_matchers,mini_portile,racc,tenderlove-frex,rexical,weakling,mime-types,capybara,rack-test,arel,activerecord-deprecated_finders,actionview,builder,sprockets,journey,rack-cache,rails-dom-testing,rails-html-sanitizer,rails-deprecated_sanitizer,i18n,rack-mount,thread_safe,thor,rdoc,rack-ssl,minitest,memcache-client,arel-helpers,activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter,jdbc-postgres,rubyntlm,rkelly-remix
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP GET,win32console,method_source,slop,coderay,spoon,ruby_parser,ffi,docile,simplecov-html,multi_json,lockfile,rails,rspec-mocks,rspec-expectations,rspec-core,cucumber,hoe,diff-lcs,syntax,spicycode-rcov,childprocess,background_process,bcat,rdiscount,rake-compiler,erubis,rspec-support,webrat,rack,activemodel,rspec-collection_matchers,mini_portile,racc,tenderlove-frex,rexical,weakling,mime-types,capybara,rack-test,arel,activerecord-deprecated_finders,actionview,builder,sprockets,journey,rack-cache,rails-dom-testing,rails-html-sanitizer,rails-deprecated_sanitizer,i18n,rack-mount,thread_safe,thor,rdoc,rack-ssl,minitest,memcache-client,arel-helpers,activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter,jdbc-postgres,rubyntlm,rkelly-remix
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP 200 OK
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Query List: ["archive-tar-minitar", "rcov", "sprockets-rails", "bundler", "actionmailer", "activeresource", "activejob", "actionwebservice", "multimap", "multi_test", "gherkin", "cucumber-core", "term-ansicolor", "treetop", "polyglot", "json_pure", "tilt", "hike", "xpath", "culerity", "selenium-webdriver", "celerity", "database_cleaner", "test-spec", "camping", "fcgi", "mongrel", "ruby-openid", "thin", "hpricot", "ZenTest", "RubyInline", "mocha", "rubyforge", "gemcutter", "abstract", "sexp_processor", "ParseTree", "activerecord-jdbc-adapter", "bones", "bcrypt-ruby", "atomic", "loofah"]
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: archive-tar-minitar,rcov,sprockets-rails,bundler,actionmailer,activeresource,activejob,actionwebservice,multimap,multi_test,gherkin,cucumber-core,term-ansicolor,treetop,polyglot,json_pure,tilt,hike,xpath,culerity,selenium-webdriver,celerity,database_cleaner,test-spec,camping,fcgi,mongrel,ruby-openid,thin,hpricot,ZenTest,RubyInline,mocha,rubyforge,gemcutter,abstract,sexp_processor,ParseTree,activerecord-jdbc-adapter,bones,bcrypt-ruby,atomic,loofah
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP GET,rcov,sprockets-rails,bundler,actionmailer,activeresource,activejob,actionwebservice,multimap,multi_test,gherkin,cucumber-core,term-ansicolor,treetop,polyglot,json_pure,tilt,hike,xpath,culerity,selenium-webdriver,celerity,database_cleaner,test-spec,camping,fcgi,mongrel,ruby-openid,thin,hpricot,ZenTest,RubyInline,mocha,rubyforge,gemcutter,abstract,sexp_processor,ParseTree,activerecord-jdbc-adapter,bones,bcrypt-ruby,atomic,loofah
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP 200 OK
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Query List: ["SexpProcessor", "metaclass", "daemons", "fastthread", "gem_plugin", "cgi_multipart_eof_fix", "tins", "ruby-yadis", "spruz", "flexmock", "facets", "markaby", "metaid", "mab", "eventmachine", "eventmachine-le", "http_parser.rb", "preforker", "little-plugger", "loquacious", "bones-git", "bones-extras", "net-scp", "rails-observers", "mail", "text-format", "trollop", "websocket", "libwebsocket", "globalid", "activemodel-globalid"]
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: SexpProcessor,metaclass,daemons,fastthread,gem_plugin,cgi_multipart_eof_fix,tins,ruby-yadis,spruz,flexmock,facets,markaby,metaid,mab,eventmachine,eventmachine-le,http_parser.rb,preforker,little-plugger,loquacious,bones-git,bones-extras,net-scp,rails-observers,mail,text-format,trollop,websocket,libwebsocket,globalid,activemodel-globalid
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP GET,metaclass,daemons,fastthread,gem_plugin,cgi_multipart_eof_fix,tins,ruby-yadis,spruz,flexmock,facets,markaby,metaid,mab,eventmachine,eventmachine-le,http_parser.rb,preforker,little-plugger,loquacious,bones-git,bones-extras,net-scp,rails-observers,mail,text-format,trollop,websocket,libwebsocket,globalid,activemodel-globalid
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP 200 OK
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Query List: ["text-hyphen", "addressable", "net-ssh", "git", "tlsmail", "bones-rcov", "bones-rubyforge", "bones-rspec", "bones-zentest"]
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: text-hyphen,addressable,net-ssh,git,tlsmail,bones-rcov,bones-rubyforge,bones-rspec,bones-zentest
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP GET,addressable,net-ssh,git,tlsmail,bones-rcov,bones-rubyforge,bones-rspec,bones-zentest
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP 200 OK
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Query List: ["launchy", "needle", "jruby-pageant", "echoe"]
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: launchy,needle,jruby-pageant,echoe
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP GET,needle,jruby-pageant,echoe
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP 200 OK
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Query List: ["configuration", "highline", "allison"]
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: configuration,highline,allison
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP GET,highline,allison
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP 200 OK
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Query List: ["termios"]
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: termios
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP GET
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): HTTP 200 OK
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Query List: []
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Resolving dependencies...............................................................................................................................................................................
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing rake 10.3.2
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: rake (10.3.2) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing i18n 0.6.11
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: i18n (0.6.11) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing multi_json 1.0.3
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: multi_json (1.0.3) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing activesupport 3.2.21
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: activesupport (3.2.21) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing builder 3.0.4
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: builder (3.0.4) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing activemodel 3.2.21
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: activemodel (3.2.21) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing erubis 2.7.0
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: erubis (2.7.0) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing journey 1.0.4
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: journey (1.0.4) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing rack 1.4.5
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: rack (1.4.5) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing rack-cache 1.2
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: rack-cache (1.2) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing rack-test 0.6.2
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: rack-test (0.6.2) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing hike 1.2.3
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: hike (1.2.3) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing tilt 1.4.1
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: tilt (1.4.1) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing sprockets 2.2.3
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: sprockets (2.2.3) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing actionpack 3.2.21
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: actionpack (3.2.21) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing arel 3.0.3
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: arel (3.0.3) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing tzinfo 0.3.42
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: tzinfo (0.3.42) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing activerecord 3.2.21
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: activerecord (3.2.21) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing arel-helpers 2.0.1
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: arel-helpers (2.0.1) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing bcrypt 3.1.7
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: bcrypt (3.1.7) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Using bundler 1.7.6
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: bundler (1.7.6) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing rkelly-remix 0.0.6
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: rkelly-remix (0.0.6) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing jsobfu 0.2.1
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: jsobfu (0.2.1) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing json 1.8.1
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: json (1.8.1) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing rack-ssl 1.3.4
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: rack-ssl (1.3.4) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing rdoc 3.12.2
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: rdoc (3.12.2) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing thor 0.19.1
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: thor (0.19.1) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing railties 3.2.21
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: railties (3.2.21) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing metasploit-concern 0.3.0
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: metasploit-concern (0.3.0) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing metasploit-model 0.28.0
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: metasploit-model (0.28.0) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing pg 0.17.1
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: pg (0.17.1) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing mini_portile 0.5.3
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: mini_portile (0.5.3) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing nokogiri 1.6.0
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: nokogiri (1.6.0) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing recog 1.0.5
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: recog (1.0.5) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing metasploit_data_models 0.21.2
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: metasploit_data_models (0.21.2) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing rubyntlm 0.4.0
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: rubyntlm (0.4.0) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing rubyzip 1.1.6
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: rubyzip (1.1.6) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing metasploit-credential 0.13.3
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: metasploit-credential (0.13.3) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing meterpreter_bins 0.0.11
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: meterpreter_bins (0.0.11) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing msgpack 0.5.5
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: msgpack (0.5.5) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing packetfu 1.1.9
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: packetfu (1.1.9) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing rb-readline 0.5.1
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: rb-readline (0.5.1) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing robots 0.10.1
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: robots (0.10.1) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing sqlite3 1.3.9
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: sqlite3 (1.3.9) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Using metasploit-framework from source at .
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: metasploit-framework ( from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Using metasploit-framework-db from source at .
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: metasploit-framework-db ( from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Installing network_interface 0.0.1
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): 0: network_interface (0.0.1) from /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ -r ./siteconf20141119-11417-o4pr6e.rb extconf.rb
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): No such file or directory - /data/data/ -r ./siteconf20141119-11417-o4pr6e.rb extconf.rb 2>&1
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Gem files will remain installed in /data/data/ for inspection.
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Results logged to /data/data/
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ ``'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `run'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `block in build'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `open'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `build'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `block (2 levels) in build_extension'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `chdir'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `block in build_extension'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): <internal:prelude>:10:in `synchronize'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `build_extension'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `block in build_extensions'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `each'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `build_extensions'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `build_extensions'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `install'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `block in install'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `preserve_paths'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `install'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `block in install_gem_from_spec'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `with_build_args'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `install_gem_from_spec'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `block in install_sequentially'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `each'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `each'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `install_sequentially'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `run'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `install'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `run'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `install'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `run'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `invoke_command'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `dispatch'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `start'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `start'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `block in <top (required)>'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `with_friendly_errors'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `<top (required)>'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `load'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): /data/data/ `<main>'
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): An error occurred while installing pcaprub (0.12.0), and Bundler cannot
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): continue.
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): Make sure that `gem install pcaprub -v '0.12.0'` succeeds before bundling.
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.execShell](11230): exitValue: 5
E/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.onHandleIntent](11230): java.lang.RuntimeException: cannot install msf gems
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: ChildEnd: { exit_status=0 }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): Child #9 exited ( exitValue=0 )
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): received an event: ChildEnd: { exit_status=0 }
D/CSPLOIT[core.ChildManager.onEvent](11230): Child #10 exited ( exitValue=0 )
D/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateService.finishNotification](11230): deleting notifications
-> MSF update failed.
@rigid thank you very much for your time.
you show a new problem: i have to patch every gemspec file, not only the "master" one. when i wrote the installer there was only 1 gemspec, but breaks all the things.
thanks again.
working on it.
Sorry for spamming :pensive: i had to reorganise my branches so that only the needed commit for the related issue was included.
@cmayer0087 thanks for your efforts :blush:
anyway let me give you some suggestions:
should save us some alternative to your code can be this:
// android does not have git, but we downloaded the archive from the git repo.
// so it's content it's exactly the same seen by git.
sb.append("-e 's/`git ls-files`/`find . -type f`/' ");
// set files to work on
for( File f : new File(msfPath).listFiles()) {
String fpath = f.getAbsolutePath();
if(fpath.endsWith(".gemspec")) {
sb.append("' ");
sb.append(String.format("'%s/Gemfile'", msfPath));
considering the high amount of changes that msf (and ruby, ...) gets, wouldn't it be better to provide a diff/patch tool instead of hardcoding every change? diffs could be fetched (e.g. from gist) and applied with just one call. Also, such fixes could be provided without recompiling. Imo it would make sense to control the entire installation process using a shell-script wrapper. What do you think?
@rigid yep, your idea sounds good, but we must create a patch for every commit.
currently the user can download the MSF zip and put it on the sdcard for offline installation, how do you now which patch apply ?
a solution is to force the name of the zip to
where SHA is the commit sha.
another solution is to fork the MSF repo providing a branch that is up to date with the upstream plus some specific changes.
anyway i like the idea of removing this part of the work from your devices.
i like both ideas but i like the first idea better. the reason for the whole diff/patch idea is to offload maintenance work from the project (you), since it's easier to provide a patch than to send a pull request. The diff (gist) should be kept up-to-date to work with the latest version that is downloaded. There should be one diff for every selectable branch. If the URL to the diff can be set manually (e.g. in some kind of "expert settings" in the prefs dialog), one could even update if the project is abandoned or if you don't have the time.
@tux-mind: My pleasure! :wink: And i see, busybox doesn't always akt as expected. i will wait for the result of this discussion to change that :smiley:
If we deside to provide a patch-file for each commit, we have to as soon as possibly, otherwhise the bundle wents wrong if there is a new commit in the MSF repo and cSploit can't be installed. Forking the MSF repo always provides a prepared, buildable repo.
Maybe in future we can provide a prebuild package.
Would keeping the forked msf repo in sync with the original repo be manageable? I guess the least (if new commits don't break anything) work would require regular pulls & installation tests (see if nothing breaks) which could be automated. @cmayer0087 i agree that it would be a benefit when cSploit is always installable; my concern is that it might be totally outdated at some point in the future (which could be a showstopper with security related software). Personally I'd love to see cSploit contributors/maintainers invest their precious time into new cSploit features & fixes rather than in maintaining an msf (ruby, arpspoof, etc. whatever could break) fork.
@rigid thanks for your precious suggestion :blush:
let me make a tidy list of what we can do.
Pros | Cons |
download directly from rapid7 repo | patch logic inside cSploit |
cSploit code must be up to date with MSF repo. this means that for every MSF changes we have to made a new release for a small code update.
Pros | Cons |
already patched, just download the zip | we have to maintain a fork of the MSF |
no extra work on your device | we need a dedicated patch server |
maintaining a fork is a time consuming task. will be great if we can find a way to automatically update our fork. an idea that comes into my mind is to have a script that fetch MSF branches, hard reset our repo to their latest version, patch their files, commit and push.
Pros | Cons |
patch is hosted outside your device | we must have a patch for every commit... a lot of commits |
we must known the commit version if user want to offline install the MSF | |
we must write some code to apply patches from java |
utility available :astonished: )Pros | Cons |
the script is outside your device | ruby is needed ( but MSF require it too :wink: ) |
no commit version needed | the script must recognize what to do. |
only one file to maintain |
I personally prefer the last method ( i love ruby :heart_eyes: )
@cmayer0087 you are now in the @cSploit/android-devs team,
feel free to change to code of
to fix this issue.
i'm currently working on the network-monitor, i have an hard issue to solve ( pcap library and multithreading is driving me mad ).
a good news for all: rubygems maintainers fixed the platform matching problem
i'll push the new ruby package ASAP.
ASAP => As Soon As rubygems developers Publish version 2.4.5 :laughing:
@tux-mind thanks for cleaning things up :) Maybe I have a major misunderstanding: Would cSploit need to support manual msf installs of arbitrary MSF versions/commits?
apply the patch ( even without the patch utility available :astonished: )
Would there be a case where the diff/patch package is unavailable?
this means that for every MSF changes we have to made a new release for a small code update.
Only if the change breaks something, not for every change. Does rapid7 oftenly do significant changes that break cSploit?
search in an online json ( HUGE ) table the patch file URL
I'd not say that we would need a patch for every commit, just the latest commit that breaks msf on cSploit. To make things clear how I imagined the patch files:
Here's how I'd update the overview:
Pros | Cons |
download directly from rapid7 repo | patch logic inside cSploit |
.apk release needed when msf commit breaks stuff | |
centralized | |
more complexity (java code is more complex than diffs) |
cSploit code must be up to date with MSF repo. this means that for every MSF changes we have to made a new release for a small code update.
Pros | Cons |
already patched, just download the zip | we have to maintain a fork of the MSF |
no extra work on your device | we need a dedicated patch server |
less complexity (no patching needed) | maintaining a fork is a time consuming task. (could be automated) |
centralized (could be decentralized with custom fork url - high user effort) |
an idea that comes into my mind is to have a script that fetch MSF branches, hard reset our repo to their latest version, patch their files, commit and push.
Pros | Cons |
patch is hosted outside your device | we must know the commit version if user want to offline install the MSF |
can be applied to other 3rd party dependencies | code to apply patches from java needed (if no arm build of diff/patch is installed) |
only 3 files to maintain (one per branch - master, release, unstable, ...) | would need (bundled) arm versions of diff/patch |
users can send diffs to pull requests (quicker than sending java code) | |
decentralized (user can upload his patch to gist and change url in settings) | |
less complexity (diffs are less complex than code) |
Pros | Cons |
the script is outside your device | ruby is needed ( but MSF require it too :wink: ), can't patch ruby itself |
no commit version needed | the script must recognize what to do. |
only one file to maintain | more complexity (ruby code is more complex than diffs) |
decentralized |
@cmayer0087 I'd love if your merge would fix the msf install in the meantime. (While it's nice to have a well designed install mechanism, the most important thing is to get cSploit up and running - no matter how efficient the install process is :wink:
@tux-mind done :smiley:
@cmayer0087 great job!
but this issue shouldn't be closed until rubygems 2.4.5 is included in our ruby package.
as now appear offline ( cannot be resolved ).
i'll rebuild and upload the new ruby package as them publish the 2.4.5 version.
Hi @rigid , i didn't see your post before, sorry.
Would cSploit need to support manual msf installs of arbitrary MSF versions/commits?
yes, i think that it's a cool feature that can solve some problems like proxies or internet unavailable. but, the big reason, is that you don't have to re-download 80MB of archive is something goes wrong.
Would there be a case where the diff/patch package is unavailable?
yes, if user does not have busybox installed. I also understood to use external tools as less as possible ( see #11 ).
Only if the change breaks something, not for every change. Does rapid7 oftenly do significant changes that break cSploit?
no, in fact we didn't change the patch code of dSploit/cSploit for more than an year. maybe the current approach is the easier one after all.
how I imagined the patch files: ...
ok, so we need a patch for every branch, but this breaks the offline installation feature. further more we have to update the diffs for any of the following reasons:
i think that the diff require to much work on our side, a single script ( bash or ruby ) can do all the required changes by modifying the content of the files where it is needed. the script URL can be changed by the user in settings. for a patch approach it can contains the following:
wget -O - "http://my_awesome_patch_url" | patch -p1
can't patch ruby itself
ruby don't have to be patched, we maintain the ruby package, not rapid7.
maintaining a fork is a time consuming task. (could be automated)
how? the fork approach seems the less error-prone solution ATM.
the patch server can be a free amazon ec2 instance. it should simply reset to upstream, patch ( using a script i guess ), commit, force push.
thanks for all your suggestion @rigid :blush:
Hi @tux-mind ,
yes, i think that it's a cool feature that can solve some problems like proxies or internet unavailable. but, the big reason, is that you don't have to re-download 80MB of archive is something goes wrong.
Still, would different commit-version be necessary? Even offline one would probably install the latest msf/diff. Afaik gist also maintains a history (every change is a commit, iirc). Of course we could also use a regular repository here. Shouldn't make much difference to download a raw file instead of a gist)
In any case, the diff must correspond to MSF, so the user would have to manually check out a specific commit of the diff. (As she must to get a specific commit of the MSF). Surely we could use an URL scheme like http://.../cSploit_msf_{branch}_{msf_commit}.diff and use a new URL for everytime.
I also understood to use external tools as less as possible
even bundled ones? I thought about providing diff/patch in the .apk
a patched file is changed by rapid7 ( even if only line numbers changes )
afaik patch is not bad at doing tolerant patches. Line number changes don't necessarily break things.
like you said: mirror commits from rapid7 repo, run cSploit build test, alert on error
Another method came into my mind: A separate .apk for msf that can be updated the regular "android way". I know this is a complete different scale in terms of efforts needed, just for completeness. :)
imho, the single script way combined with a customizable diff URL is the best approach (as long as the script does proper logging/error reporting). I think a simple bash script handling bundled diff/patch tools would be best. A ruby script with its own patch mechanism would also work.
instead of patching the .gemspec files, wouldnt it save alot of work to just utilize the git binaries provided by the terminal ide app ( ive uploaded the .tar.gz extracted from the .apk containing the system directory with the git binaries for android here
@n0bd patching isn't required only to fix the missing git
binary, we patch the gems repository URL and required gems versions.
because many gems needed by the MSF must be compiled and android does not comes with a compiler.
our current solution is to host compiled gems on a server and change bundler configuration files ( Gemfile and .gemspec ) to use our server and our gem versions.
btw. what about using SL4A? They announced ruby support in 2009. If they support it by now, this might be another option.
@rigid i think that the repo solution is the easiest.
no patching on the device means that we don't have to deal with problems like missing patch
utility or similar.
also we don't have to track any commit because any zip that has been download is already patched.
i just need some time to try this stuff. if you want you can try and test yourself, report there your results and then i'll assign you a git repo owned by the cSploit organization.
ATM i prefer focusing on the code :blush: the network-monitor is driving me mad :astonished:
EDIT: i looked at SL4A time ago, when i worked on ruby for dSploit. native ruby is no more maintained, they now provide ruby using JRuby, but this is horrible.
the ruby used by cSploit is a port of ruby to the bionic libc ( made by me :sweat_smile: ). it run hundreds time faster then JRuby.
ok :+1:
Will there be a release with the fixes from @cmayer0087 ?
the ruby used by cSploit is a port of ruby to the bionic libc ( made by me :sweat_smile: ).
both ruby and msf don't seem to have android releases. I'm not sure about the glue that would be necessary for a future cSploit.apk to use a future Ruby.apk natively, but that might be the cleanest long-term solution. And since you already have a ruby (and soon msf) fork, it might be worth thinking about how to package them in separate apk's. Then cSploit could even finally make it into f-droid.
it run hundreds time faster then JRuby.
ok. Performance was also my main qualm, so this is no option.
Will there be a release with the fixes from @cmayer0087 ?
of course, the next one :smile:
i'm finishing the network-monitor, after that i'll resume working on the Java part and test @cmayer0087 changes.
after a few tests and fixes i'll push a new release.
both ruby and msf don't seem to have android releases.
the native ruby isn't an android app, it's an android program. for example, adb is an android program, gmail it's an app.
MSF is a framework, it works on the top of another programming/script language ( ruby for MSF ). as a framework it is platform-independent, even for android.
I'm not sure about the glue that would be necessary for a future cSploit.apk to use a future Ruby.apk natively, but that might be the cleanest long-term solution.
did you may mean an application for install/manage the native ruby ? like the busybox installer, isn't it ? this can be a good choice. but ... the apk version will differ from the native one, and we have to use Android IPC for applications to retrieve the native version / install path / RUBYLIB ( compare it to a simple file read ... ).
And since you already have a ruby (and soon msf) fork, it might be worth thinking about how to package them in separate apk's.
please explain me what would be the benefits, except the f-droid one. i have to take a deep look to the Android IPC, it may require to have an always present Service ( process ) only for answer this 2 simple questions:
i'll surely reject this feature request if I have to use a Service for achieve this simple task.
Then cSploit could even finally make it into f-droid.
such beautiful, very comfortable, very cool. wow :sunglasses: yep, i like the idea of using f-droid :blush:
you're right that it would take some efforts for the glue. Everything would be installed in the packages' data directories and are not easily accessed. Besides android Intents, I wouldn't know any way to provide dependant apps with ways to use msf/ruby. (like for example) Maybe there are ways to use some, provided in org.csploit.msf, with ?
The main idea was, that if cSploit would depend on an org.csploit.msf (depending on an org.csploit.ruby), compatibility could be maintained using android. I'm not sure if that's a benefit :) Just thinking...
Hi guys, First of all, sorry for my english, I'm Italian
I'm following this issue for days and I wanna ask tux-mind the following question:
If the ETA for the release is too much, while we're waiting your release, can you please release a method (e.g. an sh script or terminal commands ) to manually install msf? obviously, if you could and want.
Ah, I forgot, I don't know if it can help, but on my phone ruby install successfully. The problem is only metasploit. Thanks
With baa3ea8d299710e4720c1f4d20bd4d9150980bb8 msf could be build on my device. Maybe after update to version 2.4.5 we can reenable the ssl-transfer.
@Ottavio97 you can use the nightly-builds on
@cmayer0087 I've just tried nightly and it fails ruby install and just after that, it show "heart attack!" :(
It seems that it return "Heart attack" message right after SU request
I've also tried building the master github with Android Studio, but it doesn't start
The "Heart attack" issue is discussed in #33 and should be fixed soon. @Ottavio97 i mean to say: if you can't wait till release you can try the nightlys if they work :smiley:
@cmayer0087 Yeah, i know it. I thought last nightlies resolved issue. But they don't. In fact, i asked you a method to install msf manually. I'll try to build master with commit on Windows with Android Studio, and if it fails, i'll try on linux.
@tux-mind sorry if i bother you, but i would like to know how far you've come with the solution of the issue. Thanks a lot.
UPDATE: I tried to build the 1.2.3 android release with @cmayer0087 last commit. So I don't have the Heart Attack message and I can install MSF. There's only one problem: It seems to install MSF successfully but at installation end it return me "MSF RPC Daemon returned #1". It appear on button "Start Metasploit RCPD" too.
If someone would like to try, here's my apk:
Hi @Ottavio97 sorry for the late reply.
in open source project there is few rules, one of them is that: never ask for ETAs :smile:
btw the time that i can spend on cSploit has been drastically reduced since my notebook died. anyway an awesome user of the internet contacted me and offer himself to buy an used T60 for me. this is true love :heart:
uh! great! rubygems developers have published version 2.4.5, give me some minute, i'll update the ruby package soon.
for the MSF RPC Daemon returned #1
error please post your logcat. ( pastebin preferred )
@cmayer0087 thanks for take care of the project when i can't :heart_eyes:
@tux-mind I know rules. In fact, i didn't ask you when there will be the release. I only asked a temporarily solution. Anyway, I haven't got much time, now. I'll see later for the logcat. However, welcome back @tux-mind :) I hope we'll use cSploit as soon as possible.
I have endless Ruby install fo msf. I think, that this is some error. Android 4.4 CM 11. I use @Ottavio97 build of cSploit. Here is my log: In the end of log (not in paste) i have only 2 strings, that repeating all time: [DEBUG ] send_message: { seq = 1100, size = 1, id = 7, data = '.' } [DEBUG ] send_message: message sent (fd=2)
(Sorry for my bad English)
@Ottavio97 i'm having some issue in creating the ruby package, the test phase fails.
will work more on this tonight.
@Kanareika thanks for the logcat but it seems to be truncated.
the string that you see it's the rubygem update that print a dot on every progress in the dependencies calculation.
thanks anyway for your time.
ok, I made it. now i have to setup the cSploit network infrastructure for host the ruby package.
we are still using the dsploit one :sweat:
ok, updated. try to update the ruby package and let me known.
updated. How much time must take gems install? I will wait 1 hour, then i post my log.
(sorry for my bad English)
Has this issue (also originally in dSploit) been resolved already? I still can't install MSF with the latest