cSploit / android

cSploit - The most complete and advanced IT security professional toolkit on Android.
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Crash on Lollipop #24

Closed Xefir closed 9 years ago

Xefir commented 9 years ago

Hi !

dSploit as same as cSploit crash at start on Android 5.0 Lollipop. Here is my logcat :

I/ActivityManager(26125): Start proc org.csploit.android for activity org.csploit.android/.MainActivity: pid=31377 uid=10109 gids={50109, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015} abi=armeabi
D/CSPLOIT[core.System.init](31377): initializing System...
D/WifiService(26125): New client listening to asynchronous messages
D/WifiService(26125): acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{wifiLock type=1 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@148b40cd}
D/OpenGLRenderer(31377): Render dirty regions requested: true
D/Atlas   (31377): Validating map...
D/CSPLOIT[MainActivity.onCreate](31377): initializer thread created and started in 1 ms
D/CSPLOIT[core.System.isARM](31377): Build.CPU_ABI = armeabi-v7a
D/CSPLOIT[core.ToolsInstaller.needed](31377): Checking version file /data/data/org.csploit.android/files/tools/VERSION
D/CSPLOIT[core.ToolsInstaller.install](31377): Installing tools ...
D/CSPLOIT[core.System.setForwarding](31377): Setting ipv4 forwarding to false
D/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateChecker.run](31377): Service started.
D/CSPLOIT[net.NetworkDiscovery.run](31377): Network monitor started ...
E/cSploitClient(31377): start_command: not authenticated
E/CSPLOIT[core.System.setForwarding](31377): cannot start commands
D/CSPLOIT[net.NetworkDiscovery$UdpProber.run](31377): UdpProber started ...
E/cSploitClient(31377): connect_unix: connect: No such file or directory
D/CSPLOIT[net.NetworkDiscovery$ArpReader.run](31377): ArpReader started ...
E/cSploitClient(31377): start_command: not authenticated
E/CSPLOIT[MainActivity$7.run](31377): cannot start commands
I/Adreno-EGL(31377): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:410>: QUALCOMM Build: 10/24/14, 167c270, I68fa98814b
I/OpenGLRenderer(31377): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
W/Adreno-ES20(31377): <get_gpu_clk:229>: open failed: errno 24
D/OpenGLRenderer(31377): Enabling debug mode 0
W/art     (31377): Large object allocation failed: ashmem_create_region failed for 'large object space allocation': Too many open files
E/NativeCrypto(31377): AppData::create pipe(2) failed: Too many open files
E/CSPLOIT[core.System.errorLogging](31377): Unable to create application data
E/CSPLOIT[core.System.errorLogging](31377): javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Unable to create application data
E/CSPLOIT[core.System.errorLogging](31377):     at com.android.org.conscrypt.NativeCrypto.SSL_new(Native Method)
E/CSPLOIT[core.System.errorLogging](31377):     at com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLSocketImpl.startHandshake(OpenSSLSocketImpl.java:270)
E/CSPLOIT[core.System.errorLogging](31377):     at com.android.okhttp.Connection.upgradeToTls(Connection.java:197)
E/CSPLOIT[core.System.errorLogging](31377):     at com.android.okhttp.Connection.connect(Connection.java:151)
E/CSPLOIT[core.System.errorLogging](31377):     at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:276)
E/CSPLOIT[core.System.errorLogging](31377):     at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.sendRequest(HttpEngine.java:211)
E/CSPLOIT[core.System.errorLogging](31377):     at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpURLConnectionImpl.execute(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:373)
E/CSPLOIT[core.System.errorLogging](31377):     at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpURLConnectionImpl.connect(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:106)
E/CSPLOIT[core.System.errorLogging](31377):     at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.connect(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:89)
E/CSPLOIT[core.System.errorLogging](31377):     at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.connect(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:25)
E/CSPLOIT[core.System.errorLogging](31377):     at org.csploit.android.net.GitHubParser.fetchRemoteData(GitHubParser.java:77)
E/CSPLOIT[core.System.errorLogging](31377):     at org.csploit.android.net.GitHubParser.fetchReleases(GitHubParser.java:102)
E/CSPLOIT[core.System.errorLogging](31377):     at org.csploit.android.net.GitHubParser.getLastReleaseVersion(GitHubParser.java:171)
E/CSPLOIT[core.System.errorLogging](31377):     at org.csploit.android.core.UpdateService.isUpdateAvailable(UpdateService.java:163)
E/CSPLOIT[core.System.errorLogging](31377):     at org.csploit.android.core.UpdateChecker.run(UpdateChecker.java:60)
D/CSPLOIT[core.System.readFirstLine](31377): /data/data/org.csploit.android/files/ruby/VERSION: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
I/art     (31377): Alloc sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 49420(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 2(93KB) LOS objects, 32% free, 16MB/24MB, paused 1.400ms total 23.654ms
W/art     (31377): Large object allocation failed: ashmem_create_region failed for 'large object space allocation': Too many open files
I/art     (31377): Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1876(65KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 40% free, 16MB/27MB, paused 4.345ms total 25.390ms
I/ActivityManager(26125): Displayed org.csploit.android/.MainActivity: +927ms
D/CSPLOIT[core.UpdateChecker.run](31377): Service stopped.
W/Adreno-EGLSUB(31377): <DequeueBuffer:721>: dequeue native buffer fail: Unknown error 2147483646, buffer=0x0, handle=0x0
E/BufferQueueProducer(25829): [org.csploit.android/org.csploit.android.MainActivity] dequeueBuffer: can't dequeue multiple buffers without setting the buffer count
W/Adreno-EGLSUB(31377): <DequeueBuffer:721>: dequeue native buffer fail: Function not implemented, buffer=0x0, handle=0x0
W/Adreno-EGL(31377): <qeglDrvAPI_eglSwapBuffers:3720>: EGL_BAD_SURFACE
W/OpenGLRenderer(31377): swapBuffers encountered EGL_BAD_SURFACE on 0xa331a640, halting rendering...
F/libc    (31377): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x54 in tid 31402 (RenderThread)
I/libc    (31377): Suppressing debuggerd output because prctl(PR_GET_DUMPABLE)==0
I/WindowState(26125): WIN DEATH: Window{e603083 u0 Toast}
D/WifiService(26125): releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{wifiLock type=1 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@148b40cd}
D/WifiService(26125): Client connection lost with reason: 4
W/InputDispatcher(26125): channel '33af73d org.csploit.android/org.csploit.android.MainActivity (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred.  events=0x9
E/InputDispatcher(26125): channel '33af73d org.csploit.android/org.csploit.android.MainActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
W/InputDispatcher(26125): channel 'b9dfe2c Mise à jour disponible (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred.  events=0x9
E/InputDispatcher(26125): channel 'b9dfe2c Mise à jour disponible (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
I/WindowState(26125): WIN DEATH: Window{b9dfe2c u0 Mise à jour disponible}
W/InputDispatcher(26125): Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel 'b9dfe2c Mise à jour disponible (server)'
I/WindowState(26125): WIN DEATH: Window{33af73d u0 org.csploit.android/org.csploit.android.MainActivity}
W/InputDispatcher(26125): Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '33af73d org.csploit.android/org.csploit.android.MainActivity (server)'
I/Zygote  (25831): Process 31377 exited due to signal (11)
I/ActivityManager(26125): Process org.csploit.android (pid 31377) has died
W/ActivityManager(26125): Force removing ActivityRecord{c229604 u0 org.csploit.android/.MainActivity t252}: app died, no saved state
W/InputMethodManagerService(26125): Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 31377 uid 10109
W/NotificationService(26125): Object died trying to hide notification android.app.ITransientNotification$Stub$Proxy@3c8ba4e2 in package org.csploit.android
W/ActivityManager(26125): setProcessForeground called on unknown pid: 31377
W/NotificationService(26125): Object died trying to show notification android.app.ITransientNotification$Stub$Proxy@3c7e4073 in package org.csploit.android

If you have an idea ^^" Thanks :-)

tux-mind commented 9 years ago

thanks for the report.

it seems that the NetoworkMonitor opens too many files and android goes crazy.

will fix when i port the NetworkMonitor into the core.

minguccio86 commented 9 years ago

there is a way to solve this problem?

tux-mind commented 9 years ago

not again, i'm working on moving the code that trigger this issue into the core.

i'm almost done, few days i guess.

minguccio86 commented 9 years ago

ok then I await your news :)

tux-mind commented 9 years ago

i found a problem that cannot be solved without modifying the pcap library.

sorry for the huge time required to fix this issue.

i'll update my Nexus 4 to lollipop as I fix the above error ( seems kernel-specific ).

minguccio86 commented 9 years ago

then LG lollipop g3 there is no solution?

tux-mind commented 9 years ago

@minguccio86 I didn't say that i won't fix it.

i have to update my device to lollipop too ( i have a boring notification on my phone about that ), so i will certainly fix this issue.

but currently i'm busy with fixing the above one. I was just apologizing for the huge time i'm taking to fix this problem.

DominikTV commented 9 years ago

I run Lollipop @ my Nexus 5 and it's crashes too. Plesse keep up the great work. If it's possible to help Festung, I'm here ;)

minguccio86 commented 9 years ago

@tux-mind ok thanks a lot then it will wait and thanks for your work

minguccio86 commented 9 years ago

@tux-mind I noticed that the app (dsploit) is no more in playstore. there is news? has been replaced by some other app? thanks again for your support

minguccio86 commented 9 years ago

I resolved, dsploit was replaced by Zanti and works on LOLLIPOP, here is the link for download : https://s3.amazonaws.com/zANTI/zANTI2.apk

xaitax commented 9 years ago

What does that have to do with cSploit?

minguccio86 commented 9 years ago

dsploi and zAnti are fusion


xaitax commented 9 years ago

And still, what does that have to do with cSploit?

minguccio86 commented 9 years ago

@xaitax The app is called dsploit and not csploit. The app has the same functions as Zanti dsploit also not crash on LOLLIPOP

xaitax commented 9 years ago

You know this here is a cSploit page?

minguccio86 commented 9 years ago

@xaitax feel we are talking about: '' dSploit as same as cSploit crash at start on Android 5.0 Lollipop ''. read the title, I close with this, if I can be of help was ok, good day

tux-mind commented 9 years ago

keep calm guys :laughing:

@minguccio86 dSploit has been merged into zANTI. i talked some week ago with evilsocket and him told me that android 5.0 it's full of crap and he spent a lot of time in fixing native code for being run over lollipop.

BTW, zANTI has nothing to do with cSploit. evilsocket is paid for working on zANTI. i received about 15 $ for all my work on cSploit.

even more they work 8 hours per day, while I have 1 hour per day from when my notebook broken up.

anyway a kindly guy purchased me an used thinkpad ( T60 ), it should arrive in my country in some days. when i receive it I can resume working while i'm in classroom.

sorry for the delay for fixing this issue, but the time i can send on this project it's drastically reduced because i can't work on it when i'm at school ( i'm writing from mobile now ).

thanks for your comprehension.

Systemad commented 9 years ago

@miniguccio86 jaja, go play with your zanti, cSploit is still better.

minguccio86 commented 9 years ago

ok I apologize. I realized my mistake now. I wait csploit be fixed for lollipop

koenhendriks commented 9 years ago

+1 for this, i could really use this on my nexus 6

minguccio86 commented 9 years ago

Hello everyone, we have news for csploit on lollipop?

erionialb commented 9 years ago

This is a problem with android 5.0, must flash this file on recovery that u can download from here : "http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=3061976&d=1418466953" . before doing this you must completely delete csploit and all his component. it will help with the sniffing and Heart attack. enjoy

minguccio86 commented 9 years ago

@erionialb I tried but nothing. does not work

erionialb commented 9 years ago

[Android 'L'] Bypassing the new PIE security check http://forum.xda-developers.com/google-nexus-5/development/fix-bypassing-pie-security-check-t2797731/page7 this is the page were i found the solution end with that flash all my sniffing tools started working again. i have a note 3 n9005 with android 5.0 touchwiz . have not tried on aosp

tux-mind commented 9 years ago

sorry for still inactive for so long, I spent holidays with my girlfriend's family, aware of my workstation.

@erionialb this issue is not related to the PIE error you talked about. PIE is only for dynamically linked executables. cSploit uses statically linked executables ATM.

working on it right now...

tux-mind commented 9 years ago

can someone test this pre-release apk ?

uninstalling or delete app data is not required.

thank you in advance :blush:

tux-mind commented 9 years ago

Oooops, wrong thread, sorry.

koenhendriks commented 9 years ago

If it helps in anyway, that release still crashes on my Nexus 6 stock

Xefir commented 9 years ago

FYI, this is exactly the problem I have currently with android 5.0.1


I don't understand how compile the two others repositories required to make cSploit work so I can't test to disable the keepAlive property.

Maybe you could test

tux-mind commented 9 years ago

@Xefir thanks for the hint!

please let me help you compiling the cSploit application, it's simpler than publish an apk for every attempt for fix this issue.

what repositories you can't compile ? what is the content of build.log ?

thanks for your precious time.

Xefir commented 9 years ago

When i want to do a make on this repo : https://github.com/cSploit/daemon

It gave me this :

gcc -g -O0 -Werror -Wall -I. -I../cSploitCommon -fPIC  -c -o authenticator.o authenticator.c
authenticator.c:28:10: fatal error: 'logger.h' file not found
#include "logger.h"
1 error generated.
make: *** [authenticator.o] Error 1

Moreover, I don't know where I have to copy the two .so generated files after to include it on final apk

EDIT : I finally pointed the problem. You have to have the android-ndk and deal with readline on Mac OS.

Thanksfully I succeded to compile and run cSploit \o/

And my previous statement is wrong. In fact at several places, you have some FileInputStream and FileOutputStrem unclosed witch causes the Too Many Open Files here.

But it is not the main problem for Lollipop. The first error I have to fix is this :

5727-5773/org.csploit.android E/cSploitClient﹕ connect_unix: connect: No such file or directory

And I have absolute no idea where it goes =/

tux-mind commented 9 years ago

Hi @Xefir .

thanks for spending your time helping me fixing issues on cSploit.

long story short: if you use the make command you will compile cSploitd for your PC, not for Android.

for compiling the native stuff open a terminal and

cd /path/to/cSploit/repo/cSploit/jni/

if some problem occurs post the content of /path/to/cSploit/repo/cSploit/jni/build.log .

it will build all the native stuff ( will take a lot the first time ), and make the core package containing the daemon and some required tools like nmap, ettercap and so on.

after that, open android studio Open Existing Project > /path/to/cSploit/repo/settings.gradle > Use gradle wrapper

if it asks about an existing project choose "Delete and Import".

then: Run > Run

it will install cSploit on your device ( you have to reinstall it the first time ).

How do you known that there is many unclosed FileStreams ? can you point me out the code ? thanks :blush:

fabinhojcr commented 9 years ago

Download the app SELinux mode changer in playstore and change the SELinux mode of enforcing to Permissive and restart the device, uninstall and reinstall the csploit.

koenhendriks commented 9 years ago

@fabinhojcr that doesn't work on nexus 6 lollipop 5.0.1

tux-mind commented 9 years ago

finally I switched from network discovery to network-radar. this should also fix the EMFILE bug, which affect lollipop devices.

now that i reached a stable state with network-radar I can upgrade my device to lollipop too :blush:

please test latest release ( 1.3.0 ) and let me known the results :wink:

agjurich commented 9 years ago

@tux-mind tested on Nexus 6 5.0.1 Lollipop, it initializes, asks for root and then pops up with:

Initialization Error heart attack!

tux-mind commented 9 years ago

@SaggySally thanks for tried it out so fast!

can you provide a logcat ? it will be perfect if you can also provide /data/data/org.csploit.android/files/cSploitd.log.

thanks in advance :blush:

alexmanner commented 9 years ago

@tux-mind Many thanks for your great work, below you find the logcat: build.board: shamu build.bootloader: 0x7105 build.brand: google build.cpu_abi: armeabi-v7a build.cpu_abi2: armeabi build.device: shamu build.display: LRX22G build.fingerprint: google/eos_shamu/shamu:5.0.2/LRX22G/david01250615:userdebug/test-keys build.hardware: shamu build.host: kofftop build.id: LRX22G build.manufacturer: motorola build.model: Nexus 6 build.product: eos_shamu build.radio: unknown build.serial: ZX1G4224FG build.tags: release-keys build.time: 1422188158000 build.type: userdebug build.user: david version.codename: REL version.incremental: eng.david.20150125.061209 version.release: 5.0.2 version.sdk_int: 21

01-26 11:05:56.273 E/AndroidRuntime(21365): Process: org.csploit.android, PID: 21365 01-26 11:05:56.273 E/AndroidRuntime(21365): at org.csploit.android.MainActivity$2$1.run(MainActivity.java:359) 01-26 11:06:01.674 E/AndroidRuntime(21499): Process: org.csploit.android, PID: 21499 01-26 11:06:13.222 I/DEBUG (8418): pid: 21799, tid: 21821, name: RenderThread >>> org.csploit.android <<< 01-26 11:06:23.406 I/DEBUG (8418): pid: 22062, tid: 22084, name: RenderThread >>> org.csploit.android <<< 01-26 11:06:35.976 I/DEBUG (8418): pid: 22488, tid: 22510, name: RenderThread >>> org.csploit.android <<< 01-26 11:07:01.831 I/DEBUG (8418): pid: 23578, tid: 23600, name: RenderThread >>> org.csploit.android <<< 01-28 14:28:26.365 W/FileUtils(9786): Failed to chmod(/storage/emulated/0/Boat_Browser_Free/downloads/cSploit-release-6.apk): android.system.ErrnoException: chmod failed: EPERM (Operation not permitted) 01-28 14:28:28.096 I/ActivityManager(995): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=file:///storage/emulated/0/Boat_Browser_Free/downloads/cSploit-release-6.apk typ=application/vnd.android.package-archive flg=0x10000000 cmp=android/com.android.internal.app.ResolverActivity} from uid 10117 on display 0 01-28 14:28:30.957 I/ActivityManager(995): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=file:///storage/emulated/0/Boat_Browser_Free/downloads/cSploit-release-6.apk typ=application/vnd.android.package-archive flg=0x13000000 cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.PackageInstallerActivity} from uid 10117 on display 0 01-28 14:28:42.721 I/ActivityManager(995): START u0 {dat=file:///storage/emulated/0/Boat_Browser_Free/downloads/cSploit-release-6.apk cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallAppProgress (has extras)} from uid 10044 on display 0 01-28 14:28:42.784 W/InstallAppProgress(28718): Replacing package:org.csploit.android 01-28 14:28:43.184 D/Finsky (16956): [1] WorkerTask.onPreExecute: Verification Requested for id = 7, data=file:///storage/emulated/0/Boat_Browser_Free/downloads/cSploit-release-6.apk flags=18 fromVerificationActivity=false 01-28 14:28:45.014 D/DefContainer(28756): Copying /storage/emulated/0/Boat_Browser_Free/downloads/cSploit-release-6.apk to base.apk 01-28 14:28:45.705 D/PackageManager(995): Renaming /data/app/vmdl1178234289.tmp to /data/app/org.csploit.android-2 01-28 14:28:45.710 I/ActivityManager(995): Force stopping org.csploit.android appid=10181 user=-1: uninstall pkg 01-28 14:28:45.864 I/PackageManager(995): Package org.csploit.android codePath changed from /data/app/org.csploit.android-1 to /data/app/org.csploit.android-2; Retaining data and using new 01-28 14:28:45.887 I/art (995): DexFile_isDexOptNeeded failed to open oat file '/data/dalvik-cache/arm/data@app@org.csploit.android-2@base.apk@classes.dex' for file location '/data/app/org.csploit.android-2/base.apk': Failed to open oat filename for reading: No such file or directory 01-28 14:28:45.887 I/art (995): DexFile_isDexOptNeeded failed to open oat file '/data/app/org.csploit.android-2/arm/base.odex' for file location '/data/app/org.csploit.android-2/base.apk': Failed to open oat filename for reading: No such file or directory 01-28 14:28:45.887 I/PackageManager(995): Running dexopt on: /data/app/org.csploit.android-2/base.apk pkg=org.csploit.android isa=arm vmSafeMode=false 01-28 14:28:45.934 I/dex2oat (28778): /system/bin/dex2oat --zip-fd=6 --zip-location=/data/app/org.csploit.android-2/base.apk --oat-fd=7 --oat-location=/data/dalvik-cache/arm/data@app@org.csploit.android-2@base.apk@classes.dex --instruction-set=arm --instruction-set-features=div --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx512m 01-28 14:28:48.303 I/ActivityManager(995): Force stopping org.csploit.android appid=10181 user=-1: update pkg 01-28 14:28:48.304 W/PackageManager(995): Code path for pkg : org.csploit.android changing from /data/app/org.csploit.android-1 to /data/app/org.csploit.android-2 01-28 14:28:48.304 W/PackageManager(995): Resource path for pkg : org.csploit.android changing from /data/app/org.csploit.android-1 to /data/app/org.csploit.android-2 01-28 14:28:48.521 I/ActivityManager(995): Force stopping org.csploit.android appid=10181 user=0: pkg removed 01-28 14:28:48.681 D/BackupManagerService(995): Received broadcast Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package:org.csploit.android flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 01-28 14:28:49.982 D/BackupManagerService(995): Received broadcast Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:org.csploit.android flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 01-28 14:28:49.993 W/BackupManagerService(995): Removing schedule queue dupe of org.csploit.android 01-28 14:28:50.244 I/ConfigFetchService(3068): PackageReceiver: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package:org.csploit.android flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.config.ConfigFetchService$PackageReceiver (has extras) } 01-28 14:28:50.304 I/ConfigFetchService(3068): onStartCommand Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package:org.csploit.android cmp=com.google.android.gms/.config.ConfigFetchService (has extras) } 01-28 14:28:50.342 D/PackageBroadcastService(3068): Received broadcast action=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED and uri=org.csploit.android 01-28 14:28:53.460 I/ActivityManager(995): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 pkg=org.csploit.android cmp=org.csploit.android/.MainActivity} from uid 10044 on display 0 01-28 14:28:53.510 I/ActivityManager(995): Start proc org.csploit.android for activity org.csploit.android/.MainActivity: pid=28974 uid=10181 gids={50181, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015} abi=armeabi 01-28 14:28:53.867 D/CSPLOITcore.System.init: initializing System... 01-28 14:28:54.148 D/CSPLOITcore.System.isARM: Build.CPU_ABI = armeabi-v7a 01-28 14:28:54.149 D/CSPLOITcore.ToolsInstaller.needed: Checking version file /data/data/org.csploit.android/files/tools/VERSION 01-28 14:28:54.151 D/CSPLOITcore.ToolsInstaller.install: Installing tools ... 01-28 14:28:54.152 D/CSPLOITcore.System.setForwarding: Setting ipv4 forwarding to false 01-28 14:28:54.157 E/cSploitClient(28974): start_command: not authenticated 01-28 14:28:54.158 E/CSPLOITcore.System.setForwarding: cannot start commands 01-28 14:28:54.158 E/cSploitClient(28974): connect_unix: connect: No such file or directory 01-28 14:28:54.649 I/ActivityManager(995): Displayed org.csploit.android/.MainActivity: +1s157ms 01-28 14:28:55.969 I/ConfigFetchService(3068): PackageReceiver: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:org.csploit.android flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.config.ConfigFetchService$PackageReceiver (has extras) } 01-28 14:28:56.098 I/ConfigFetchService(3068): onStartCommand Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:org.csploit.android cmp=com.google.android.gms/.config.ConfigFetchService (has extras) } 01-28 14:28:56.202 E/cSploitClient(28974): connect_unix: connect: No such file or directory 01-28 14:28:56.239 D/PackageBroadcastService(3068): Received broadcast action=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED and uri=org.csploit.android 01-28 14:28:56.257 I/UpdateIcingCorporaServi(27618): Updating corpora: APPS=org.csploit.android, CONTACTS=MAYBE 01-28 14:28:57.034 D/PackageBroadcastService(3068): Received broadcast action=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED and uri=org.csploit.android 01-28 14:28:58.945 D/SCREEBL (5319): ---> SCREEBL Package Upgraded: package:org.csploit.android 01-28 14:29:03.326 D/CSPLOITcore.System.startCoreDaemon: 'ACCESS GRANTED' found 01-28 14:29:03.326 W/CSPLOITcore.System.startCoreDaemon: STDERR: error: only position independent executables (PIE) are supported. 01-28 14:29:03.327 E/CSPLOITMainActivity$5.run: core daemon returned 1 01-28 14:29:11.758 D/CSPLOITcore.System.setForwarding: Setting ipv4 forwarding to false 01-28 14:29:11.759 E/cSploitClient(28974): start_command: not authenticated 01-28 14:29:11.759 E/CSPLOITcore.System.setForwarding: cannot start commands 01-28 14:29:11.759 D/CSPLOITcore.System.clean: Releasing locks. 01-28 14:29:31.201 I/ActivityManager(995): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=org.csploit.android/.MainActivity (has extras)} from uid 10022 on display 0 01-28 14:29:31.329 D/CSPLOITcore.System.isARM: Build.CPU_ABI = armeabi-v7a 01-28 14:29:31.329 D/CSPLOITcore.ToolsInstaller.needed: Checking version file /data/data/org.csploit.android/files/tools/VERSION 01-28 14:29:31.330 E/cSploitClient(28974): connect_unix: connect: No such file or directory 01-28 14:29:31.510 I/ActivityManager(995): Displayed org.csploit.android/.MainActivity: +253ms 01-28 14:29:31.627 D/CSPLOITcore.System.startCoreDaemon: 'ACCESS GRANTED' found 01-28 14:29:31.627 W/CSPLOITcore.System.startCoreDaemon: STDERR: error: only position independent executables (PIE) are supported. 01-28 14:29:31.627 E/CSPLOITMainActivity$5.run: core daemon returned 1 01-28 14:29:33.624 D/CSPLOITcore.System.setForwarding: Setting ipv4 forwarding to false 01-28 14:29:33.624 E/cSploitClient(28974): start_command: not authenticated 01-28 14:29:33.624 E/CSPLOIT[core.System.setForwarding](289

tux-mind commented 9 years ago

ok, I have to fix the PIE bug. I have to think a smart way to not ship different binaries in the same package. putting both PIE and not-PIE executables inside cSploit will double it's size.

will work on it in the next week, I have to study physics now :pensive:

alexmanner commented 9 years ago

Sorry, I had autospelling errors in my first post and have edited it :-) Sounds like a great approach. Do you think that the pie fix posted above from @erionialb could work? Best luck for physics!

alexmanner commented 9 years ago

The answer to my question is no. If you install the first fix in the link then you will get stuck in boot and the second fix doesn't work either. :-)

tux-mind commented 9 years ago

Good news: i just installed 5.0.1 :sunglasses:

tux-mind commented 9 years ago

@alexmanner the solution to the PIE error is to have ALL native executables in PIE format.

many apps have both in PIE and not-PIE, then select the one to use on runtime. cSploit binaries require up to 20MB and I hate apps that require too much space on my device.

I think that a good solution is to use something like http://update.csploit.org/android/core.zip and appending a list of per-platform settings.

some examples:

and so on...

any other suggestion ?

the drawbacks of this solution is that an internet connection is required on first installation.

tux-mind commented 9 years ago

PIE: core fixed.

next steps:

other problems with lollipop:

thanks for waiting all this time. sorry if I could't update my device before, but i preferred fix a bug on my previous ROM, thus to increase app compatibility.

bilal21 commented 9 years ago

@tux-mind When will dsploit apk Will be available

bilal21 commented 9 years ago

I am talking about the new update For lollipop !!

tux-mind commented 9 years ago

Never ask for ETA :laughing: BTW I'm choosing how to fix the PIE error .

There are three choices:

I don't want to lost support for older devices. So the last option isn't the right one.

I have to look out if the PIE loader works even of devices with different processor ( e.g. armv7a binaries on armv5t platform ), I bet it will not.

To check it out I have to make some tests.

Probably the 2 different packages solution is the right one.

The design phase is the most delicate one :wink:

alexmanner commented 9 years ago

@tux-mind Many thanks again for all your work and that you share your work with the public. This is very much appreciated. I happy to hear that you have migrated to Android 5.x. Regarding the disk space the application requires, this is totally irrelevant for me since I still have 22 GB free disk space. But I understand that there are people for who disk space might be an issue.

Great to hear that you have identified the core issues with Android 5.x compatibility.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Hey tux, any progress on fixing the app for Lollipop?