caarmen / network-monitor

A network monitor tool for Android that executes an http GET to every x seconds and logs the results into a file.
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view log file ui enhancement #117

Open dsnz opened 5 years ago

dsnz commented 5 years ago


I would like to propose a change that will greatly enhance the usability of viewing the log. After all the gist of this app is reviewing the log file periodically.

Currently the view is that of a spreadsheet with way too many columns which makes difficult the viewing and also makes it difficult to be certain which is the right line that is being viewed (despite the alternate line coloring).

I suggest two enhancement variations

  1. the "fields to monitor" selection screen select the fields that will be displayed in the spreadsheet (same functionality as of now), but it will be possible to click on a row and get to a new "detail" screen that lists all fields (vertically preferably) in this variation all fields are really monitored always but we select which to view quickly in the spreadsheet so we pick the row of interest and if we like we can peek deeper to see all fields

  2. this is same as 1. except the following difference the "fields to monitor" selection screen will now contain two check marks for each field, the 1st check mark selects the field to be displayed in the spreadsheet and the 2nd selects if it will be monitored and displayed in the "detail" screen

I think option 1. is much easier to implement