Closed EvilSourcerer closed 6 years ago
There is! Make sure simplifyunloadedycoord is false then set a goal with a y coord of 120 like 1000000 120 0 or something. This won't make it replace lava though, it never breaks any block touching lava. And it will use caves if it makes it faster, it won't just dig for no reason, also make sure it has a fast pick otherwise it will dip down into open nether more often
Thank you for the reply! Is it possible to make it more of a straight line, just so that there is no risk of it dying in open nether? It would be great I could AFK mine the highway.
I will try out your suggestion and see if it helps.
Hm... not really. Actually, maybe. You could try something really sketchy (be very very careful)... Try setting costHeuristic to something quite high like 10 or 20 or more. (make sure to set back to 3.5 when done though!!) This effectively bypasses pathfinding cost calculation entirely and makes it choose a completely straight line path as long as it's possible, no matter how expensive (lava isn't just very expensive, it's impossible, so don't worry it won't die. it may however spend a minute mining through obby when just going around it would be 10x faster).
thank you! That's exactly what I was hoping for!
maybe something like a proper implementation as this seems quite useful? like maybe a "behavior mod" and even outsource it to 3rd party devs
hmm that may also be a good idea...
if it's something 3rd party devs can interface with it would be cool to have things like highway digger, afk fish while tending to crops, not sure what more but this is more in the side of flexibility
Hey, I would love it if baritone had a highway digging feature! I don't care if it does not support diagonals, but because the current version of Baritone tries to go through open nether rather than digging highways, I would love to know if there is a way to program a highway digger mode, which would automatically replace any lava in the way or just avoid it if AllowPlace is enabled.
Or is there a way to make it keep y axis that i'm not aware of?