cabaletta / baritone

google maps for block game
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
7.14k stars 1.43k forks source link

pwease upgwade bawitone paffindew so dat it wowks as good as wuuwst uwu #489

Open ZeroMemes opened 5 years ago

ZeroMemes commented 5 years ago
 * Copyright � 2014 - 2018 | Wurst-Imperium | All rights reserved.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;

import net.minecraft.block.*;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.wurstclient.WurstClient;
import net.wurstclient.compatibility.WBlock;
import net.wurstclient.compatibility.WMinecraft;

public class PathFinder
    private final WurstClient wurst = WurstClient.INSTANCE;

    private final boolean invulnerable =
    private final boolean creativeFlying =
    protected final boolean flying =
        creativeFlying || wurst.mods.flightMod.isActive();
    private final boolean immuneToFallDamage =
        invulnerable || wurst.mods.noFallMod.isActive();
    private final boolean noWaterSlowdown =
    private final boolean jesus = wurst.mods.jesusMod.isActive();
    private final boolean spider = wurst.mods.spiderMod.isActive();
    protected boolean fallingAllowed = true;
    protected boolean divingAllowed = true;

    private final PathPos start;
    protected PathPos current;
    private final BlockPos goal;

    private final HashMap<PathPos, Float> costMap = new HashMap<>();
    protected final HashMap<PathPos, PathPos> prevPosMap = new HashMap<>();
    private final PathQueue queue = new PathQueue();

    protected int thinkSpeed = 1024;
    protected int thinkTime = 200;
    private int iterations;

    protected boolean done;
    protected boolean failed;
    private final ArrayList<PathPos> path = new ArrayList<>();

    public PathFinder(BlockPos goal)
            start = new PathPos(new BlockPos(WMinecraft.getPlayer().posX,
                WMinecraft.getPlayer().posY + 0.5,
            start = new PathPos(new BlockPos(WMinecraft.getPlayer()));
        this.goal = goal;

        costMap.put(start, 0F);
        queue.add(start, getHeuristic(start));

    public PathFinder(PathFinder pathFinder)
        thinkSpeed = pathFinder.thinkSpeed;
        thinkTime = pathFinder.thinkTime;

    public void think()
            throw new IllegalStateException("Path was already found!");

        int i = 0;
        for(; i < thinkSpeed && !checkFailed(); i++)
            // get next position from queue
            current = queue.poll();

            // check if path is found

            // add neighbors to queue
            for(PathPos next : getNeighbors(current))
                // check cost
                float newCost = costMap.get(current) + getCost(current, next);
                if(costMap.containsKey(next) && costMap.get(next) <= newCost)

                // add to queue
                costMap.put(next, newCost);
                prevPosMap.put(next, current);
                queue.add(next, newCost + getHeuristic(next));
        iterations += i;

    protected boolean checkDone()
        return done = goal.equals(current);

    private boolean checkFailed()
        return failed = queue.isEmpty() || iterations >= thinkSpeed * thinkTime;

    private ArrayList<PathPos> getNeighbors(PathPos pos)
        ArrayList<PathPos> neighbors = new ArrayList<>();

        // abort if too far away
        if(Math.abs(start.getX() - pos.getX()) > 256
            || Math.abs(start.getZ() - pos.getZ()) > 256)
            return neighbors;

        // get all neighbors
        BlockPos north = pos.north();
        BlockPos east = pos.east();
        BlockPos south = pos.south();
        BlockPos west = pos.west();

        BlockPos northEast = north.east();
        BlockPos southEast = south.east();
        BlockPos southWest = south.west();
        BlockPos northWest = north.west();

        BlockPos up = pos.up();
        BlockPos down = pos.down();

        // flying
        boolean flying = canFlyAt(pos);
        // walking
        boolean onGround = canBeSolid(down);

        // player can move sideways if flying, standing on the ground, jumping,
        // or inside of a block that allows sideways movement (ladders, webs,
        // etc.)
        if(flying || onGround || pos.isJumping()
            || canMoveSidewaysInMidairAt(pos) || canClimbUpAt(pos.down()))
            // north
            if(checkHorizontalMovement(pos, north))
                neighbors.add(new PathPos(north));

            // east
            if(checkHorizontalMovement(pos, east))
                neighbors.add(new PathPos(east));

            // south
            if(checkHorizontalMovement(pos, south))
                neighbors.add(new PathPos(south));

            // west
            if(checkHorizontalMovement(pos, west))
                neighbors.add(new PathPos(west));

            // north-east
            if(checkDiagonalMovement(pos, EnumFacing.NORTH, EnumFacing.EAST))
                neighbors.add(new PathPos(northEast));

            // south-east
            if(checkDiagonalMovement(pos, EnumFacing.SOUTH, EnumFacing.EAST))
                neighbors.add(new PathPos(southEast));

            // south-west
            if(checkDiagonalMovement(pos, EnumFacing.SOUTH, EnumFacing.WEST))
                neighbors.add(new PathPos(southWest));

            // north-west
            if(checkDiagonalMovement(pos, EnumFacing.NORTH, EnumFacing.WEST))
                neighbors.add(new PathPos(northWest));

        // up
        if(pos.getY() < 256 && canGoThrough(up.up())
            && (flying || onGround || canClimbUpAt(pos))
            && (flying || canClimbUpAt(pos) || goal.equals(up)
                || canSafelyStandOn(north) || canSafelyStandOn(east)
                || canSafelyStandOn(south) || canSafelyStandOn(west))
            && (divingAllowed || WBlock.getMaterial(up.up()) != Material.WATER))
            neighbors.add(new PathPos(up, onGround));

        // down
        if(pos.getY() > 0 && canGoThrough(down) && canGoAbove(down.down())
            && (flying || canFallBelow(pos))
            && (divingAllowed || WBlock.getMaterial(pos) != Material.WATER))
            neighbors.add(new PathPos(down));

        return neighbors;

    private boolean checkHorizontalMovement(BlockPos current, BlockPos next)
        if(isPassable(next) && (canFlyAt(current) || canGoThrough(next.down())
            || canSafelyStandOn(next.down())))
            return true;

        return false;

    private boolean checkDiagonalMovement(BlockPos current,
        EnumFacing direction1, EnumFacing direction2)
        BlockPos horizontal1 = current.offset(direction1);
        BlockPos horizontal2 = current.offset(direction2);
        BlockPos next = horizontal1.offset(direction2);

        if(isPassable(horizontal1) && isPassable(horizontal2)
            && checkHorizontalMovement(current, next))
            return true;

        return false;

    protected boolean isPassable(BlockPos pos)
        return canGoThrough(pos) && canGoThrough(pos.up())
            && canGoAbove(pos.down()) && (divingAllowed
                || WBlock.getMaterial(pos.up()) != Material.WATER);

    protected boolean canBeSolid(BlockPos pos)
        Material material = WBlock.getMaterial(pos);
        Block block = WBlock.getBlock(pos);
        return material.blocksMovement() && !(block instanceof BlockSign)
            || block instanceof BlockLadder || jesus
                && (material == Material.WATER || material == Material.LAVA);

    private boolean canGoThrough(BlockPos pos)
        // check if loaded
        if(!WMinecraft.getWorld().isBlockLoaded(pos, false))
            return false;

        // check if solid
        Material material = WBlock.getMaterial(pos);
        Block block = WBlock.getBlock(pos);
        if(material.blocksMovement() && !(block instanceof BlockSign))
            return false;

        // check if trapped
        if(block instanceof BlockTripWire
            || block instanceof BlockPressurePlate)
            return false;

        // check if safe
            && (material == Material.LAVA || material == Material.FIRE))
            return false;

        return true;

    private boolean canGoAbove(BlockPos pos)
        // check for fences, etc.
        Block block = WBlock.getBlock(pos);
        if(block instanceof BlockFence || block instanceof BlockWall
            || block instanceof BlockFenceGate)
            return false;

        return true;

    private boolean canSafelyStandOn(BlockPos pos)
        // check if solid
        Material material = WBlock.getMaterial(pos);
            return false;

        // check if safe
            && (material == Material.CACTUS || material == Material.LAVA))
            return false;

        return true;

    private boolean canFallBelow(PathPos pos)
        // check if player can keep falling
        BlockPos down2 = pos.down(2);
        if(fallingAllowed && canGoThrough(down2))
            return true;

        // check if player can stand below
            return false;

        // check if fall damage is off
        if(immuneToFallDamage && fallingAllowed)
            return true;

        // check if fall ends with slime block
        if(WBlock.getBlock(down2) instanceof BlockSlime && fallingAllowed)
            return true;

        // check fall damage
        BlockPos prevPos = pos;
        for(int i = 0; i <= (fallingAllowed ? 3 : 1); i++)
            // check if prevPos does not exist, meaning that the pathfinding
            // started during the fall and fall damage should be ignored because
            // it cannot be prevented
            if(prevPos == null)
                return true;

            // check if point is not part of this fall, meaning that the fall is
            // too short to cause any damage
                return true;

            // check if block resets fall damage
            Block prevBlock = WBlock.getBlock(prevPos);
            if(prevBlock instanceof BlockLiquid
                || prevBlock instanceof BlockLadder
                || prevBlock instanceof BlockVine
                || prevBlock instanceof BlockWeb)
                return true;

            prevPos = prevPosMap.get(prevPos);

        return false;

    private boolean canFlyAt(BlockPos pos)
        return flying
            || !noWaterSlowdown && WBlock.getMaterial(pos) == Material.WATER;

    private boolean canClimbUpAt(BlockPos pos)
        // check if this block works for climbing
        Block block = WBlock.getBlock(pos);
        if(!spider && !(block instanceof BlockLadder)
            && !(block instanceof BlockVine))
            return false;

        // check if any adjacent block is solid
        BlockPos up = pos.up();
        if(!canBeSolid(pos.north()) && !canBeSolid(pos.east())
            && !canBeSolid(pos.south()) && !canBeSolid(pos.west())
            && !canBeSolid(up.north()) && !canBeSolid(up.east())
            && !canBeSolid(up.south()) && !canBeSolid(up.west()))
            return false;

        return true;

    private boolean canMoveSidewaysInMidairAt(BlockPos pos)
        // check feet
        Block blockFeet = WBlock.getBlock(pos);
        if(blockFeet instanceof BlockLiquid || blockFeet instanceof BlockLadder
            || blockFeet instanceof BlockVine || blockFeet instanceof BlockWeb)
            return true;

        // check head
        Block blockHead = WBlock.getBlock(pos.up());
        if(blockHead instanceof BlockLiquid || blockHead instanceof BlockWeb)
            return true;

        return false;

    private float getCost(BlockPos current, BlockPos next)
        float[] costs = {0.5F, 0.5F};
        BlockPos[] positions = new BlockPos[]{current, next};

        for(int i = 0; i < positions.length; i++)
            Material material = WBlock.getMaterial(positions[i]);

            // liquids
            if(material == Material.WATER && !noWaterSlowdown)
                costs[i] *= 1.3164437838225804F;
            else if(material == Material.LAVA)
                costs[i] *= 4.539515393656079F;

            // soul sand
            if(!canFlyAt(positions[i]) && WBlock
                .getBlock(positions[i].down()) instanceof BlockSoulSand)
                costs[i] *= 2.5F;

        float cost = costs[0] + costs[1];

        // diagonal movement
        if(current.getX() != next.getX() && current.getZ() != next.getZ())
            cost *= 1.4142135623730951F;

        return cost;

    private float getHeuristic(BlockPos pos)
        float dx = Math.abs(pos.getX() - goal.getX());
        float dy = Math.abs(pos.getY() - goal.getY());
        float dz = Math.abs(pos.getZ() - goal.getZ());
        return 1.001F * (dx + dy + dz - 0.5857864376269049F * Math.min(dx, dz));

    public PathPos getCurrentPos()
        return current;

    public BlockPos getGoal()
        return goal;

    public int countProcessedBlocks()
        return prevPosMap.keySet().size();

    public int getQueueSize()
        return queue.size();

    public float getCost(BlockPos pos)
        return costMap.get(pos);

    public boolean isDone()
        return done;

    public boolean isFailed()
        return failed;

    public ArrayList<PathPos> formatPath()
        if(!done && !failed)
            throw new IllegalStateException("No path found!");
            throw new IllegalStateException("Path was already formatted!");

        // get last position
        PathPos pos;
            pos = current;
            pos = start;
            for(PathPos next : prevPosMap.keySet())
                if(getHeuristic(next) < getHeuristic(pos)
                    && (canFlyAt(next) || canBeSolid(next.down())))
                    pos = next;

        // get positions
        while(pos != null)
            pos = prevPosMap.get(pos);

        // reverse path

        return path;

    public void renderPath(boolean debugMode, boolean depthTest)
        // GL settings
        GL11.glBlendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);

        GL11.glTranslated(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);

            int renderedThings = 0;

            // queue (yellow)
            GL11.glColor4f(1, 1, 0, 0.75F);
            for(PathPos element : queue.toArray())
                if(renderedThings >= 5000)


            // processed (red)
            for(Entry<PathPos, PathPos> entry : prevPosMap.entrySet())
                if(renderedThings >= 5000)

                    GL11.glColor4f(1, 0, 1, 0.75F);
                    GL11.glColor4f(1, 0, 0, 0.75F);

                PathRenderer.renderArrow(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey());

        // path (blue)
            GL11.glColor4f(0, 0, 1, 0.75F);
            GL11.glColor4f(0, 1, 0, 0.75F);
        for(int i = 0; i < path.size() - 1; i++)
            PathRenderer.renderArrow(path.get(i), path.get(i + 1));


        // GL resets

    public boolean isPathStillValid(int index)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Path is not formatted!");

        // check player abilities
        if(invulnerable != WMinecraft.getPlayer().capabilities.isCreativeMode
            || flying != (creativeFlying || wurst.mods.flightMod.isActive())
            || immuneToFallDamage != (invulnerable
                || wurst.mods.noFallMod.isActive())
            || noWaterSlowdown != wurst.mods.noSlowdownMod.blockWaterSlowness()
            || jesus != wurst.mods.jesusMod.isActive()
            || spider != wurst.mods.spiderMod.isActive())
            return false;

        // if index is zero, check if first pos is safe
        if(index == 0)
            PathPos pos = path.get(0);
            if(!isPassable(pos) || !canFlyAt(pos) && !canGoThrough(pos.down())
                && !canSafelyStandOn(pos.down()))
                return false;

        // check path
        for(int i = Math.max(1, index); i < path.size(); i++)
            if(!getNeighbors(path.get(i - 1)).contains(path.get(i)))
                return false;

        return true;

    public PathProcessor getProcessor()
            return new FlyPathProcessor(path, creativeFlying);

        return new WalkPathProcessor(path);

    public void setThinkSpeed(int thinkSpeed)
        this.thinkSpeed = thinkSpeed;

    public void setThinkTime(int thinkTime)
        this.thinkTime = thinkTime;

    public void setFallingAllowed(boolean fallingAllowed)
        this.fallingAllowed = fallingAllowed;

    public void setDivingAllowed(boolean divingAllowed)
        this.divingAllowed = divingAllowed;
babbaj commented 5 years ago


0-x-2-2 commented 5 years ago

baritoen needs this code

    public void setThinkSpeed(int thinkSpeed)
        this.thinkSpeed = thinkSpeed;