cabaletta / baritone

google maps for block game
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Anti-Baritone plugin easily blocks Baritone and kicks the player in seconds #895

Closed VirxEC closed 4 years ago

VirxEC commented 4 years ago

Describe your suggestion

Download the anti-cheat plugin called Matrix from, and boot up a server with it. Open Minecraft with Baritone. Personally, I just did #mine oak_log, and the plugin kicked me in seconds with the default settings for Baritone.


Add a legit setting to Baritone where the head moves slower, blocks are placed slower, and everything overall just looks legit to the point where a human can't tell. It might be slower, but that's why it's an option. Also, it should be slower because humans are just slower than computers in general.


This might make Baritone a bit slower, but also undetectable.

Final checklist

LoganDark commented 4 years ago

I can start development on this after I'm done with the new commands

VirxEC commented 4 years ago

Seriously? Awesome!

zbot473 commented 4 years ago

Does it kick you while walking, or just when moving the head?

VirxEC commented 4 years ago

When placing and breaking blocks. Not while moving because I turned free look off.

LoganDark commented 4 years ago

@VirxEC freelook is client-side, it doesn't affect at all how your head moves on the server

leijurv commented 4 years ago

What version of Minecraft?

VirxEC commented 4 years ago

Only tested in 1.14.4, but the plugin supports 1.8.X and 1.12-1.14.4

VirxEC commented 4 years ago

Btw it uses machine learning, so... it better be a very human bot.

LoganDark commented 4 years ago

@VirxEC it uses ML for killaura detection but nothing else. I should be able decompile Matrix and take a look at their anti-baritone code in the near future

VirxEC commented 4 years ago

No, they train the anti-cheat with machine learning enabled on everything to develop it, then they package it with the data. Here's my server's machine-learning.yml file:

0-x-2-2 commented 4 years ago

Btw it uses machine learning, so... it better be a very human bot.

"""machine learning"""

LoganDark commented 4 years ago

Btw it uses machine learning, so... it better be a very human bot.

That can go both ways:

VirxEC commented 4 years ago

The way it works is that if it thinks you're a bot, it doesn't do anything. However, if it detects that you're a bot multiple times, then it kicks you from the server. I don't know if it ever bans you, but there's a command for an admin to do it. (/matix ban ) And also it alerts all admins if a player is kicked for cheating.

bokja commented 4 years ago

A legit feature which slows down baritone overall would be really appreciated. The head flicks on #farm are insane and can easily be caught by anticheats.

LoganDark commented 4 years ago

can easily be caught by anticheats.

Even vanilla catches that sometimes!

0-x-2-2 commented 4 years ago

can easily be caught by anticheats.

Even vanilla catches that sometimes!

sounds like fake news 🤔

ghost commented 4 years ago

This should be pretty obvious as smooth head rotations are still not a thing. "simulate player input to some point"

0-x-2-2 commented 4 years ago

yaas downvoted for a comment that is true. furry nation on top. vanilla anticheat == fly not enabled on this server.

LoganDark commented 4 years ago

@0-x-2-2 fly has nothing to do with turning your head, also what the hell is a furry nation

0-x-2-2 commented 4 years ago

u == furry

0-x-2-2 commented 4 years ago

lol, vanilla does NOT detect instantly turning your head.

LoganDark commented 4 years ago

dude, I'm not here to argue, sorry for offending you with my profile picture.

0-x-2-2 commented 4 years ago

I never said your profile picture offended me. 🤔🤔🤔🤔

leijurv commented 4 years ago

Fixed by

RandomName18 commented 3 years ago

@LoganDark Have you gotten to making the code for this yet? Im just curious

LoganDark commented 3 years ago

@RandomName18 I don't work on Baritone anymore.

AlizerUncaged commented 11 months ago

any news on this, I still get detected even if I have legitmine and free look enabled

BigKake commented 1 month ago

any news on this, I still get detected even if I have legitmine and free look enabled

fugured out anything yet? thanks