cabbage-ex / cabbage

Story BDD tool for executing elixir in ExUnit
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Is it possible to tag scenarios in feature files? #30

Closed hisapy closed 7 years ago

hisapy commented 7 years ago

In cucumber, you can tag an scenario, for example as @wip and run only the steps corresponding to such scenario. Is this possible with Cabbage?

agustif commented 7 years ago

You can do it in ExUnit which seems to be what Cabbage uses under the hood.

hisapy commented 7 years ago

I know I can use @tag in ExUnit, but how do I tag a single scenario if what I have in my _test.exs files are just the step definitions?. In other words, I have a feature with 3 scenarios but I'm only want to run the tests for one of them, without commenting out the other 2.

mgwidmann commented 7 years ago

This isn't yet a supported feature, but its definitely something we should support! As you can see here: cabbage does tag all tests as :integration, but since tag processing occurs in the setup block, I don't think ExUnit will pick up on it if you were to define it inside a tag.

Any suggestions on how you'd like this to work?

By the way this is the same topic as and we should close one of them.

hisapy commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure about the implementation details but here's the expected behavior

Feature: Tag Scenario
  As a Product Manager/Developer 
  I want to add tags to a scenario in a feature file
  So I can do stuff with the steps implementation based on tags

Scenario: Run test for a scenario tagged as @wip
  Given a some.feature file describing multiple scenarios
  When I put the @wip tag above an scenario
  And run mix test --only wip some_test.exs
  Then only the steps for the scenario tagged as @wip should be executed

Scenario: Run test for more than one scenario tagged as @wip
  # add some steps/behavior here

Notice that it might be useful to combine multiple tags or tag more than one scenario. If each scenario is a test in a test case then perhaps, it might be possible to put the @tag :wip above the corresponding test. It might be also possible to tag the whole feature by adding @wip at the top of the .feature file and then use @moduletag :wip.

mgwidmann commented 7 years ago

So what we can do is take all @whatever you mark in the scenario with and add a @tag :whatever for each of them... That'd be a simple solution.

leifg commented 7 years ago

Related to that: is it possible to overwrite the timeout for a scenario? I have scenarios that run longer than a minute.

mgwidmann commented 7 years ago

All that sort of stuff falls back to exunit (which is why this project did not build its own unit test framework but built on top of exunit instead).

See their docs here:

mgwidmann commented 7 years ago

Implementing in #34 ... see comment in #35