cabbage-ex / cabbage

Story BDD tool for executing elixir in ExUnit
MIT License
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Basic tag implementation. #8

Closed mgwidmann closed 7 years ago

mgwidmann commented 7 years ago

@meadsteve This adds the use of tags for each scenario. It does so by adding an ExUnit.setup/2 call to process each tag.

The tests are still failing but I'm fairly certain its almost there.

mgwidmann commented 7 years ago

@shdblowers any comments?

shdblowers commented 7 years ago

From what I can see it looks like you're trying to implement ExUnit.Case tags but I don't think its being done in the right way.

As I understand it, tags are used to pass data from a specific unit test to the setup callback which is used by all tests in that module.

So, converted into Gherkin usage, they would look like this (taken from example in link above):

defmodule FeatureTest do
  use Cabbage.Feature, file: "feature.feature"

  setup context do
    # Read the :cd tag value
    if cd = context[:cd] do
      prev_cd = File.cwd!!(cd)
      on_exit fn ->!(prev_cd) end


# ...
# ...
Feature: Some feature that needs to change working directory

  @tag cd: "another_dir"
  Scenario: Something with CWD
    Given something
    When something else
    Then expected thing happened

Is that what is trying to be achieved @mgwidmann ?

shdblowers commented 7 years ago

I'm also wondering what the use case is for this as you can have as many setup steps as you need, i.e.

Given ...
And ...
And ...

Adding in these tags to do setup just adds unnecessary complexity and makes it harder for a non-technical person to read

mgwidmann commented 7 years ago

When I've worked with tags in cucumber before its always been a way of adding a before/after hook to multiple scenarios, thats what I was going for. It may be lesser needed functionality given you can just put the setup/2 calls in your elixir feature module to perform the same task. I haven't seen where the Gherkin syntax supports any arguments within the .feature file...

shdblowers commented 7 years ago

OK, I am confusing ExUnit tags with Gherkin tags

mgwidmann commented 7 years ago

This issue was causing the tests to fail...

mgwidmann commented 7 years ago

Pushed v0.2.2 with this feature!