cabernetwork / cabernet

Cabernet allows control of IPTV streams. Plugins supports DaddyLive, Pluto TV, XUMO, M3U/XMLTV.XML files (SamsungTV, STIRR, DistroTV, Plex TV)
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Broken Docker, pulling/recreating/starting fresh aren't working. #80

Closed Nostradamus1973 closed 1 year ago

Nostradamus1973 commented 1 year ago

Good Morning,

So, I tried setting up an m3u for Stirr, and today instead of yesterday where I was unable to save in the channel editor, I was able to save(showing changes via output in same cabernet window) today, however nothing happened and the m3u/epg for Stirr ended up running for about an hour. I thought initially it was because I used a hyphen instead of an underscrore(m3u_stirr-tv vs m3u_stirr_tv) in the config.ini, so, I changed things to m3u_stirr_tv, then I ended up with yellow and green markers from channels, essentially Cabernet was trying to rename everything and that took probably another hour. So, I figured something was broken, rolled everything back to the previous days backup file and thought I'd be done; well, that wasn't the case, at that point my docker would start but I am unable to view the Cabernet web page. So, I went and repulled/recreated an image and nothing, then I also tried stopping Cabernet and running the command: docker system prune -af and started from scratch, of which I thought would have fixed everything, but it didn't. After starting fresh I have the same exact problem and I have no idea why this is.

I really wanted to leave things running from yesterday. That-being-said, I did all this because I saw that Stirr had WJAR NBC 10(my local affiliate) and I thought it would be great to have some local news.

Now I feel terrible because I'm occupying too much of your time with my mistakes.

Nostradamus1973 commented 1 year ago

Update: I figured out why I had the same problem after a fresh install, I didn't remove all the files from my Cabernet Docker folder. I'm going to try and re-do Stirr and see if I have the same problem. Hopefully I can figure this out on my own. I'll be back in a bit.

Nostradamus1973 commented 1 year ago

Okay, I got everything back up and running, this time with Stirr also, I should have walked away like I did(after reporting the issue) to give my mind a minute to relax before going at it again, I shouldn't have opened an issue. Right, I'm going to continue on my own with Cabernet, Thx