cabernetwork / provider_video_m3u

Provides an interface to the M3U and XMLTV.XML URLs
MIT License
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m3u plugin #4

Closed bizzss closed 4 months ago

bizzss commented 4 months ago

Hello, I have tried the current linux and windows version using m3u plugin and have the same problem.

Everything is installed correctly on both systems and I generated a new m3u file and it will not play in any player. Is this the correct generated format stream? (#EXTINF:-1 channelID='' tvg-num='10' tvg-chno='10' tvg-name='FOX NEWS (SD)' tvg-id='' tvg-logo='' group-title='M3U',FOX NEWS (SD)

There are no errors reported in the logs. If the stream is correct; what am I doing wrong?

rocky4546 commented 4 months ago

Not sure what issue you are having. It looks like you are showing an output of the channels.m3u file and it looks fine. If you have issues playing the channel, then we will need a debug log of when you start the stream.

bizzss commented 4 months ago

cabernet.log Thanks rocky for helping. I tried every streaming setting with ffmpeg streamlink etc with both linux and windows. No streams will play on vlc or tvheadend. Also this info may help. (2024-02-05 20:18:59,746-WARNING:main ######################################### 2024-02-05 20:18:59,746-WARNING:main MIT License, Copyright (C) 2021 ROCKY4546 2024-02-05 20:19:45,162-WARNING:web_tuner Unknown Channel ID, not found in database M3U None wpxi%60 2024-02-05 20:19:45,162-WARNING:web_handler [] "GET /M3U/watch/wpxi%60 HTTP/1.1" 503 - 2024-02-05 20:19:45,192-WARNING:web_tuner Unknown Channel ID, not found in database M3U None wpxi%60 2024-02-05 20:19:45,192-WARNING:web_handler [] "GET /M3U/watch/wpxi%60 HTTP/1.0" 503 - 2024-02-05 20:20:21,711-WARNING:main ^C received, shutting down the server


rocky4546 commented 4 months ago

First, that is NOT a debug log. It is a warning log. Second, it clearly states you are trying to request channel wpxi%60 which is NOT in the channel database, so that is why nothing plays.

Update: I noticed you added a cabernet.log file along with the log in the text. It shows you are using streamlink. Have you installed it in the user account that is running cabernet? streamlink is noted as an optional item.

bizzss commented 4 months ago

Rocky, thanks for looking at that post again and seeing the attached debug.log. I couldnt understand what I did wrong and was going to ask you until I just seen your update. I used this program a few years ago with locast and it ran perfect. I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.

Anyway, attached is another debug file from Windows 11 install. I changed the streaming to ffmpeg and played one stream and still have the same results as before. All channels are showing in vlc but will not play. It just keeps on scrolling. The m3u appears to be in the database because I can see them all within the edit screen within cabernet.

Thanks cabernet.log

rocky4546 commented 4 months ago

ffmpeg has no logging in the log. Just FYI, the cabernet.log will normally not have any log data from ffmpeg or streamlink. That outputs to STDOUT and is only available from the System Log Handler and may be dependent on the log level setting. The most log information is provided with the internal_proxy setting. I would try that.

bizzss commented 4 months ago

I changed to internal_proxy setting and restarted as per your instructions. log attached. TY cabernet.log

rocky4546 commented 4 months ago

It looks like your myiptv website is messed up. The m3u8 request was http://myiptv:8080/live/myusername/mypass/109827.ts which does not look like a m3u8 file. Next, your website is returning an empty response to the files listed in the m3u8 file from your website. So it looks like its your myiptv website that is causing the issue.

bizzss commented 4 months ago

I guess I cannot use cabernet. Thank you for taking the time to help.

bizzss commented 4 months ago

After thinking about what you said about the provider, I edited my playlist and changed the format of the stream. My provider does not allow m3u downloads so I used wire shark to get the streams. I manually created my new playlist and modified the stream url to "live" and eliminated the .ts with replacing it with m3u8. Cabernet excepted my new m3u8 list and all streams played with in vlc. I found an easier method after I did all this work. Lol.

Thank you for your help!!

rocky4546 commented 4 months ago

Cabernet not for everyone. The main reason for the m3u plugin is 2 fold. First, you can setup the scheduler in Cabernet to grab updates from the website periodically. That is nice when the file is updated or channels change often. Second, I find some websites are streaming poorly and have dropped packets or timeouts. I can changed settings to make Cabernet get full length videos without packet drops, which is not available using front end viewers like VLC or Kodi.