cabin-lang / cabin

A dead simple, highly performant, extremely safe programming language.
GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 1 forks source link

Possible language rename #2

Open vi013t opened 4 months ago

vi013t commented 4 months ago

The name "Cabin" was a sort of quick band-aid answer to needing a name for this language. I wanted something that expressed what Cabin is — simple, cozy, and unbothered programming. Many aspects of creating the project required me to have some kind of name — the crate name, some traits/documentation in the code itself, a repository name, etc. So, as a maybe-permanent-but-probably-not response to these needs, I came up with Cabin, a word I felt expressed that simple and cozy vibe I was looking for.

However, at some point we should consider how permanent of a name this is. Do we want to stick with Cabin? Should we name it something else? Here are some relevant points to consider:

Overall, the name of the language might stay as Cabin, but it might not. This issue is necessary to open a space for discussion, ideas, and honing on a new name, or confidence that "Cabin" is the right choice. Either way, I wanted to bring this up because I did not choose "Cabin" with the intention of it being necessarily permanent, and now it has spread so far across the codebase and various projects that it's easy to not realize that.

vi013t commented 4 months ago

A sort of sub-issue to this issue is file extensions. If the language name were to remain "Cabin", what should the file extension be for the language? The two most obvious ideas that jump out to me here are .cbn files and .cabin files. .cabin has the advantage that it's easily recognizable (as discussed above as a big plus), but it's a bit long compared to .cbn. Once we decide on a name, if we decide on Cabin, this should be considered.