cablehead / vanilla

Straightforward concurrency for Python
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My experience installing on Ubuntu (precise32 then trusty32 then trusty64) #7

Open mikejohnstn opened 9 years ago

mikejohnstn commented 9 years ago

I know you're not in the business of Linux training but...

I had to apt-get update and then apt-get install python-dev from a fresh precise32 vagrant box. Then I had to apt-get install libffi-dev before python install would work. Of course, I also had to apt-get install pypy to get pypy. I guess because of the order I did things, I then needed to pip install --upgrade cffi because pypy couldn't find it for some reason (even after messing with my PYTHONPATH and redoing python install).

After all that, I realized apt-get had installed pypy 1.8 which is incompatible with I started from scratch with a trusty32 box. Hooray. Installed pypy right away to confirm it is 2.0+ and did an import cffi to make sure I'm good, and then I had to install both pip and python-dev. Finally python install was mostly working except for the stupid ffi again. But since pypy 2.0+ comes with cffi I was finally able to import vanilla and get started. I went back and did apt-get install libffi-dev just in case and that made python install happy again.

Unfortunately I now have a pypy/routes problem (I can import routes in python but not in pypy) and I have to give up for tonight.

And all this makes me might consider writing a short walkthrough for a standard Ubuntu distro on a vagrant box to make it easier for super newbs to get started.

cablehead commented 9 years ago

Oof, thanks Mike.

This is great info.

mikejohnstn commented 9 years ago

I installed and used virtualenv to see if that would help, but it didn't magically fix things. I ended up having to wget then pypy to get setuptools working with pypy.

Finally I could pypy install in the vanilla directory (instead of using python install) and now pypy can find everything, including routes, and I'm good to go.

cablehead commented 9 years ago


Whatcha gonna make!?

I'll leave this issue open until I try out installing from scratch a few times myself, and either find ways to smooth out these issues, or document how to get passed them.

mikejohnstn commented 9 years ago

With trusty32 I was getting an exception:

self.epoll.register(fd, mask)
OverflowError: long int too large to convert to int

So I rebuilt everything using trusty64. I also properly configured a virtualenv for pypy, the magic being virtualenv -p /path-to-pypy/bin/pypy my-pypy-env which nicely symlinks pypy to python. Everything seems to be working now (don't forget to map a port in Vagrantfile).

cablehead commented 9 years ago


Thanks for the update.

BTW, just watch I merged in a large update. There's no rush to pull if you don't want to deal with the updates. There's no more channel anymore. The main primitive is now h.pipe() which returns a sender and a recver.

mikejohnstn commented 9 years ago

Chau, channel. FWIW I found the connected example helpful (saw you removed it).

cablehead commented 9 years ago

Oh.. Kk, I can bring it back.— Sent from Mailbox

On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 9:47 PM, Mike Johnston wrote:

Chau, channel. FWIW I found the connected example helpful (saw you removed it).

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