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RenderToTextures with more than one slot does not render any text #700

Open multivitamin23 opened 3 months ago

multivitamin23 commented 3 months ago

In this case I've got a Rectange and a TextTexture rendered through RenderToTextures. The first example gets rendered correctly with only one slot. The second example, which has the slots "Default" and "Material ID, Object ID, Instance ID", will not render the TextTexture. The same applies to TextMesh.

Do I miss something out or is it a bug? Experienced on Windows / Firefox (Version 123.0).

Screenshot 2024-03-05 152810 Screenshot 2024-03-05 152836

pandrr commented 3 months ago

thanks for the report, good finds!

texttexture is just one big rectangle with a texture on it,so there can't be different ids it was a bug that it was not showing up at all

i fixed textmesh on so it outputs a instance id to identify each character.

those fixes are up on now, let me know if you find more :)

multivitamin23 commented 3 months ago

lovely, big thanks!

steam0r commented 2 months ago

this is now on!