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PbrEnvironmentLight crash on Android Chrome #747

Open sebastianpetrovski opened 2 weeks ago

sebastianpetrovski commented 2 weeks ago

Link to simple, reproducible example patch

Describe the bug image

How To Reproduce

  1. Open Editor
  2. Access Remote Viewer with Android device
  3. PbrEnvironmentLight will crash once the remote session loads

First experienced this on an exported patch and came back to the cables editor to test it.


Android 14; Pixel 6a Build/AP1A.240405.002 Chrome 124.0.6367.82

Dev Tools

steam0r commented 2 weeks ago

hey, re-enabling "Force 8bit IBL" (to the default setting) seems to fix this for me

sebastianpetrovski commented 2 weeks ago

Hey, I just tried it - sorry I didn't think to check that option. I avoid 8bit anything because it tends to introduce banding easily and until now I have not had any issues with 16bit on my phone.

This is really weird because I noticed this bug around the same time as the 16bit RGBA bug in firefox.

Did the ops relating to frame buffers change recently?

Or could browsers have changed their required spec for frame buffer completeness recently?

I just tried another patch on my phone and it throws errors on 16bit ImageCompose. It never used to do that and I've been testing on my phone a lot over the past few weeks.