cabouezzi / PhotoManagement

CS520 Project
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Create Basic Database System #4

Open cabouezzi opened 1 month ago

cabouezzi commented 1 month ago

User Story As a customer, I want to be able to store my photos so that I can view them later.

Description Provide a storage solution that can store all relevant data to each photo. The storage solution should be able to store and access images, metadata, and a description of the image.

Acceptance Criteria


Additional Notes The image is in binary format and the text is in text format (technically still binary). The best approach for binary data is through a filesystem solution. This can be done by having our images stored in the filesystem(e.g. image1.png) and having a corresponding file (e.g. image1.meta or image1.description). Another approach is to use a NoSQL database (e.g. MongoDB) to store everything together. Databases have performance and scalability issues when (Transactional databases are not that great for static data[images]). Another solution would be to have a pointer to our images' location. This pointer would need to be updated when the image is moved.