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OM# macOS Monterey #52

Open Fabrizio-F opened 2 years ago

Fabrizio-F commented 2 years ago

Hello everybody; has anyone tried om # with MacOs Monterey?

j-bresson commented 2 years ago

Have you ? :) I suspect it might not work. I'm planning tu update the release soon.

Fabrizio-F commented 2 years ago

dear Jean, the new MacBook pro with the M1 Max is expected to be delivered to me on Tuesday 7 _12; as soon as I receive it, I will mount OM # and notify you of the result.

Fabrizio-F commented 2 years ago

dear Jean, unfortunately as expected OM # does not work with MacOS 12.0.1 and the M1 Max processor. I hope that the problem can be solved without major problems and I am available to try every update as soon as it is ready. I am attaching the error report Thanks and good job, Fabrizi errore OM#-M1.pdf

j-bresson commented 2 years ago

Hi Fabrizio. I just posted an update of OM# (v1.5) which I think should run on MacOs Monterey. Let me know if it works for you!

Fabrizio-F commented 2 years ago

Great! version 1.5 works fine !!! Now I use it and I will report any problems I find with M1 max; let me know if you want me to report even minor problems. With rosetta the speed is not very different from that of my old 2015 macBook pro, but it works! Thanks thanks thanks

Fabrizio-F commented 2 years ago

Dear Jean, as promised I would like to point out the small inconveniences that for now I have encountered with om # v1.5, mounted on MacBook Pro 16 "with M1 Max, 64Gb ram, macOs 12.1. I emphasize that this is a small problem and that I am working very well with this version. The session window does not appear upon opening; if you invoke it from Windows in the menu bar, you will notice that an error is reported: "External format error: could not load file as utf-8. Now trying with latin-1." and that the external libraries are not loaded (in the external libraries section the window is empty). You must then open the Preferences, go to the Libraries section, point to the folder that contains them, after which everything works. Even if you run a file that uses patches from external libraries, even if you have selected "Will silently load any ..." the same thing happens. I specify that the same version of om # I also mounted it on my old MacBook Pro 15 "(2015) Intel Core i7 2.8 Ghz with 16Gb ram, and everything works without problems. If I encounter other problems I will report it to you. Thanks again!

Schermata 2021-12-15 alle 16 36 30 Schermata 2021-12-15 alle 16 36 41


j-bresson commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the news! Mh. this error report isn't doing its jobs so well: it would be interesting to know which file is loaded, which produces this error :) Does this happen every time you launch OM#, or just the first time after you installed it ?

j-bresson commented 2 years ago

On a new computer, it is normal that the libraries are not found, since their location is stored locally in a Preference file. However, if this problem persists after you set the location, and each time when you launch om#, then something else might be wrong.

j-bresson commented 2 years ago

I also suspect that same preference file to contain some non-utf8 encoded characters, which could cause this error reported at startup. Could you attach the file ? (<YOUR_HOME>/Library/Preferences/om#/

Fabrizio-F commented 2 years ago

Dear Jean, of course this problem happens every time I open om #. Unfortunately I can't send you the / file because I can't find it; i can't figure out what the mac is up to ... i see it as a directory in the terminal, but not in the graphical interface. I am sending you the path in case you can give me suggestions. Sorry and thank Senza nome 2.pdf s

j-bresson commented 2 years ago

The Library is a hidden folder, but you can still open it, or any of its subfolders, from the Terminal using the open command:

open ~/Library/Preferences/om#/

You can also copy the preference file directly

cp ~/Library/Preferences/om#/ ~/Desktop/

(then it should be copied on your desktop)

Fabrizio-F commented 2 years ago

Thank Jean!

Fabrizio-F commented 2 years ago

If it could be useful I am attaching the file # of my macbook pro 15 of 2015. with this computer I do not have this problem .

Fabrizio-F commented 2 years ago

but i don't wish the problem was due to the fact that i have the two computers sharing iCloud and maybe also sharing the same preference file as om #. could it be that the old mac where i installed for some time om # points to the file correctly, while the new one can't find it?

Fabrizio-F commented 2 years ago

sorry Jean, what has just been said is the great stupidity of an ignorant amateur on the subject !!

j-bresson commented 2 years ago

Ok, so I think the encoding error is just caused by a pathname containing non UTF-8 characters in the "recently opened" files. I can reproduce that here, and will try to handle this better. But this is not what blocks the rest of the startup sequence in your case.

Looking at your Listener again now, I see that the startup sequence seems to stop after setting up MIDI ports, probably when setting the CoreAudio audio driver. Could you show me how your Audio preferences look like ?

Fabrizio-F commented 2 years ago

Dear Jean, I am attaching what you requested, but I will report what I have just noticed now, with the sequence of my operations: I launch Max and the simple patch I created to hear what I do with om #; I launch om # and nothing appears until I launch the session window from the Windows menu where I see that the entire opening sequence stops at the midi channels (and nothing appears in the external libraries window); I open the preferences and after about a minute the opening sequence proceeds up to om-sharp v1.5 ....; even at this point the libraries are not visible; I go back to preferences and go to Libraries where the path for the folder is correctly indicated (but in om-sharp window they are still not seen; I go back to selecting the path for the external libraries and now they appear. <img width="634" alt="Schermata 2021-12-16 alle 22 16 16" src=" <img width="600" alt="Schermata 2021-12-16 alle 22 16 58" src="https://user

Schermata 2021-12-16 alle 22 22 39 Schermata 2021-12-16 alle 22 21 47"> 53/146450380-401e18c8-4874-4cb7-b252-efcace1104b1.png"> <img width="936" alt="Schermata 2021-12-16 alle 22 03 03" src="

Schermata 2021-12-16 alle 22 13 36



Fabrizio-F commented 2 years ago
Schermata 2021-12-16 alle 22 03 51 Schermata 2021-12-16 alle 22 16 16 Schermata 2021-12-16 alle 22 16 58
Fabrizio-F commented 2 years ago

I add that if I launch a patch without having activated the external libraries as described above, the patch does not appear in this form and the following error is reported in the listene

Schermata 2021-12-17 alle 09 15 04


Fabrizio-F commented 2 years ago

... the patch appear in this form...

j-bresson commented 2 years ago

There seem to be another issue here. Can you share the patch ?

Fabrizio-F commented 2 years ago

autotransp e accordi filtrati

j-bresson commented 2 years ago

🤔 Mh. Can't reproduce that here. It seems to be something with drawing the scores. I'll need a little bit of time to investigate, sorry.

Fabrizio-F commented 2 years ago

Thanks Jean; I'm in no hurry; I can work without problems. Always available for any test or to send you clarifications if necessary. Good day

Fabrizio-F commented 2 years ago

Dear Jean, in the meantime happy new year (we hope)! in the event that it may be of help, I will point out what appears to me from today in the listener, after I have followed the opening procedure as I described previously. (this doesn't stop me from working)

MIDI :: initialized
MIDI :: devices detected:
MIDI :: [in] from Max 1
MIDI :: [in] from Max 2
MIDI :: [out] to Max 1
MIDI :: [out] to Max 2
MIDI :: ports setup
MIDI :: [out] 0 => to Max 1
MIDI :: [out] 1 => to Max 2
MIDI :: [out] 2 => to Max 1
MIDI :: [out] 3 => to Max 2
AUDIO :: selecting default audio driver: "CoreAudio".
AUDIO :: [out] "MacBook Pro Speakers", 2 channels / 44100 Hz.
AUDIO :: routing channels:
AUDIO :: 1 => off
AUDIO :: 2 => off
AUDIO :: 3 => off
AUDIO :: 4 => off
[!!] :: A library named Filters already exists: / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / Filters /. Can not register / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / Filters / as new library.
[!!] :: A library named Repmus already exists: / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / Repmus /. Can not register / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / Repmus / as new library.
[!!] :: A library named Patterns already exists: / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / Patterns /. Can not register / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / Patterns / as new library.
[!!] :: A library named Combine already exists: / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / Combine /. Can not register / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / Combine / as new library.
[!!] :: A library named OMRC already exists: / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / OMRC /. Can not register / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / OMRC / as new library.
[!!] :: A library named Cluster-Engine already exists: / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / Cluster-Engine /. Can not register / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / Cluster-Engine / as new library.
[!!] :: A library named OMTimePack already exists: / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / OMTimePack /. Can not register / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / OMTimePack / as new library.
[!!] :: A library named OM-pm2 already exists: / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / OM-pm2 /. Can not register / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / OM-pm2 / as new library.
[!!] :: A library named Alea already exists: / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / Alea /. Can not register / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / Alea / as new library.
[!!] :: A library named OMCS already exists: / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / OMCS /. Can not register / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / OMCS / as new library.
[!!] :: A library named Profile already exists: / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / Profile /. Can not register / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / Profile / as new library.
[!!] :: A library named mathtools already exists: / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / mathtools /. Can not register / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / mathtools / as new library.
[!!] :: A library named LZ already exists: / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / LZ /. Can not register / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / LZ / as new library.
[!!] :: A library named OM-SuperVP already exists: / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / OM-SuperVP /. Can not register / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / OM-SuperVP / as new library.
[!!] :: A library named Chaos already exists: / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / Chaos /. Can not register / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / Chaos / as new library.
[!!] :: A library named Morphologie already exists: / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / Morphologie /. Can not register / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / Morphologie / as new library.
[!!] :: A library named Esquisse already exists: / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / Esquisse /. Can not register / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / Esquisse / as new library.
[!!] :: A library named OM-AIS already exists: / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / OM-AIS /. Can not register / Users / fabriziofanticini / OM-sharp / Libraries 1 / OM-AIS / as new library.
om-sharp v1.5
r. 2021/12/12
j-bresson commented 2 years ago

Hello! All messages here seem to be related to your preferences.

j-bresson commented 2 years ago
AUDIO :: routing channels:
AUDIO :: 1 => off
AUDIO :: 2 => off
AUDIO :: 3 => off
AUDIO :: 4 => off

=> this is about the "Buffer channel routing" option in the "Audio" tab. It probably has something like nil nil nil nil in the text filed. If you don't want anything specific, just leave this field empty.

j-bresson commented 2 years ago

... and the library registration issue is most likely due to a duplicate search path in the "Libraries" tab. Or maybe one search path including another one. In this case there is an attept at registering teh same libraries twice.

Fabrizio-F commented 2 years ago

for the audio error I solved with your suggestions, but I have only one libraries located in the home. I have two macs on the same network with iCloud sharing; on every mac I have installed om # and in the relative home libraries. I wouldn't want this to be the problem, but it only occurs on the 16 "MI max and with both the 15" intel off and on.

MIDI :: initialized
MIDI :: devices detected:
MIDI :: [in]  from Max 1
MIDI :: [in]  from Max 2
MIDI :: [out] to Max 1
MIDI :: [out] to Max 2
MIDI :: ports setup
MIDI :: [out] 0 => to Max 1
MIDI :: [out] 1 => to Max 2
Opening document: /Users/fabriziofanticini/Desktop/OM#/chitarra/accordi filtrati chitarra.opat
[!!] :: unknown function: harm-series
[!!] :: unknown function: harm-series
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
ERROR: nil is not of type hash-table when accessing slot system::gethash-fn.
AUDIO :: selecting default audio driver: "CoreAudio".
AUDIO :: [out] "Altoparlanti MacBook Pro", 2 channels / 44100 Hz.
AUDIO :: routing channels:
AUDIO :: [reset]
[!!] :: A library named Filters already exists: /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/Filters/. Can not register /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/Filters/ as new library.
[!!] :: A library named Repmus already exists: /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/Repmus/. Can not register /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/Repmus/ as new library.
[!!] :: A library named Patterns already exists: /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/Patterns/. Can not register /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/Patterns/ as new library.
[!!] :: A library named Combine already exists: /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/Combine/. Can not register /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/Combine/ as new library.
[!!] :: A library named OMRC already exists: /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/OMRC/. Can not register /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/OMRC/ as new library.
[!!] :: A library named Cluster-Engine already exists: /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/Cluster-Engine/. Can not register /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/Cluster-Engine/ as new library.
[!!] :: A library named OMTimePack already exists: /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/OMTimePack/. Can not register /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/OMTimePack/ as new library.
[!!] :: A library named OM-pm2 already exists: /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/OM-pm2/. Can not register /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/OM-pm2/ as new library.
[!!] :: A library named Alea already exists: /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/Alea/. Can not register /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/Alea/ as new library.
[!!] :: A library named OMCS already exists: /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/OMCS/. Can not register /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/OMCS/ as new library.
[!!] :: A library named Profile already exists: /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/Profile/. Can not register /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/Profile/ as new library.
[!!] :: A library named mathtools already exists: /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/mathtools/. Can not register /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/mathtools/ as new library.
[!!] :: A library named LZ already exists: /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/LZ/. Can not register /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/LZ/ as new library.
[!!] :: A library named OM-SuperVP already exists: /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/OM-SuperVP /. Can not register /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/OM-SuperVP / as new library.
[!!] :: A library named Chaos already exists: /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/Chaos/. Can not register /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/Chaos/ as new library.
[!!] :: A library named Morphologie already exists: /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/Morphologie/. Can not register /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/Morphologie/ as new library.
[!!] :: A library named Esquisse already exists: /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/Esquisse/. Can not register /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/Esquisse/ as new library.
[!!] :: A library named OM-AIS already exists: /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/OM-AIS/. Can not register /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/OM-AIS/ as new library.
om-sharp v1.5
r. 2021/12/12

Loading library: /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/Esquisse/Esquisse.omlib...
; Loading text file /Users/fabriziofanticini/OM-sharp/Libraries/Esquisse/sources/esquisse.lisp

Esquisse 1.1
Esquisse library
Fabrizio-F commented 2 years ago

Dear Jean, I have just made a discovery that I am immediately communicating to you. If I launch om # 1.5, after 58 seconds in which everything seems to stop, the om-sharp Window appears, recognizes the libraries and everything works! I have no idea why this happens and it is certainly not a problem of slow processor or low ram! Have a nice day and a happy new year!