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Online check update in OM-Sharp #61

Open charlesneimog opened 2 years ago

charlesneimog commented 2 years ago

Hi Jean,

I'd like to suggest one more thing!

Could be possible to add a way to check the actual version of om-sharp. I am seeing a lot of people using old versions (??). I think that is because they do not use Github a lot.

Search on the internet I saw two ways to do that, the first one is using curl and uploading a file text in Github repo. The code would be something like this:

(let* (
      (tmpfile (om::tmpfile "om-sharp-version.txt"))
            #+windows(oa::om-command-line (format nil "curl --ssl-no-revoke --output  ~d" (namestring tmpfile)) nil)
            #+mac(oa::om-command-line (format nil "curl -L --output ~d" (namestring tmpfile)) nil)
            #+linux(oa::om-command-line (format nil "curl -L --output ~d" (namestring tmpfile)) nil)))
      (eval (read-from-string (car (uiop:read-file-lines tmpfile))))
      (if (> *actual-version-of-om-sharp* (read-from-string (format nil "~d.~d" CL-USER::*version-major* CL-USER::*version-minor*)))
          (let* (
                (update? (om::om-y-or-n-dialog (format nil "OM-SHARP has been UPDATED to version ~d. Want to update now?" *actual-version-of-om-sharp*))))
                (if update?
                    (let* ()
                          (hqn-web:browse "")))))
      (alexandria::delete-file tmpfile))

One second way will be use this code more beautiful and elegant without curl, just LispWorks functions!

(with-open-stream (http (comm:open-tcp-stream
                         "" 443
                         :ssl-ctx t))
  (format http "GET charlesneimog/OM-CKN/master/resources/om-sharp-version.lisp HTTP/1.1~%Host:"
               (code-char 13) (code-char 10)
               (code-char 13) (code-char 10))
  (force-output http)
  (write-string "Check Update for OM-Sharp...")
  (loop :for ch = (read-char-no-hang http nil :eof)
        :until ch
        :do (write-char #\.)
           (sleep 0.25)
        :finally (unless (eq ch :eof)
                  (unread-char ch http)))
  (loop :for line := (read-line http nil nil)
        :do (om::om-print line "LINE ::::")
        :while line
        :do (x-append line nil)
        :finally (close http)))

But I am not sure how to close the stream (you probably must know!). You will see that the last print of LINE::: something is the (defparameter *actual-version-of-om-sharp* 1.7) from github than I have no more prints but the evaluation do not stop :). This is from reddit from the user tdrhq.

All can be used inside OM without any adaption of an external library that already is on OM-Sharp.

I think that this could help people to always have the last version of OM-Sharp which normally have fewer bugs, etc...

It will be great to use this with libraries too!!!

The file that I am using in

charlesneimog commented 2 years ago

This work without curl.

NOTE: The file om-sharp-version is with 1.7 so it will tell that have update in 1.6.

;; ========================================================================

(defun check-update()

            (http (comm:open-tcp-stream 
                    "" 443
                    :ssl-ctx t
                    :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
            (write-sequence (format 
                        http "GET charlesneimog/OM-CKN/master/resources/om-sharp-version.lisp HTTP/1.1~%Host:" 
                        (code-char 13) (code-char 10)
                        (code-char 13) (code-char 10)) http)
      (force-output http)

      (ignore-errors (loop :for line := (read-line http nil)
                           :while line 
                           :do (setf *om-sharp-last-update* line)))
      (close http)))

;; ========================================================================

(setf *actual-version-of-om-sharp* 0)
(setf *process-of-update* (mp:process-run-function "Check Update for OM-Sharp" () (lambda () (check-update))))
(sleep 2)
(mp:process-terminate *process-of-update*)
(eval (read-from-string *om-sharp-last-update* "OM-Sharp Last Version"))

(if (> *actual-version-of-om-sharp* (read-from-string (format nil "~d.~d" CL-USER::*version-major* CL-USER::*version-minor*)))
           (let* (
                 (update? (om::om-y-or-n-dialog (format nil "OM-SHARP has been UPDATED to version ~d. Want to update now?" *actual-version-of-om-sharp*))))
                 (if update?
                     (let* ()
                           (hqn-web:browse "")))))