cachix / devenv

Fast, Declarative, Reproducible, and Composable Developer Environments
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Error: unknown flag: --unix-socket #1155

Closed brianmay closed 2 weeks ago

brianmay commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug

Trying to bring up devenv in flake gives this error.

If I revert the commit that updated the nix flakes, it works.

$ devenv up
warning: Git tree '/home/brian/tree/personal/robotica-rust' is dirty
Error: unknown flag: --unix-socket
  process-compose [flags]
  process-compose [command]

Available Commands:
  attach      Attach the Process Compose TUI Remotely to a Running Process Compose Server
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  down        Stops all the running processes and terminates the Process Compose
  help        Help about any command
  info        Print configuration info
  process     Execute operations on the available processes
  up          Run process compose project
  version     Print version and build info

  -f, --config stringArray      path to config files to load (env: PC_CONFIG_FILES)
  -h, --help                    help for process-compose
  -d, --hide-disabled           hide disabled processes
  -L, --log-file string         Specify the log file path (env: PC_LOG_FILE) (default "/tmp/brian/process-compose-brian.log")
  -n, --namespace stringArray   run only specified namespaces (default all)
  -p, --port int                port number (env: PC_PORT_NUM) (default 8080)
  -r, --ref-rate int            TUI refresh rate in seconds (default 1)
  -R, --reverse                 sort in reverse order
  -S, --sort string             sort column name. legal values (case insensitive): [AGE, EXIT, HEALTH, NAME, NAMESPACE, PID, RESTARTS, STATUS] (default "NAME")
  -t, --tui                     enable TUI (-t=false) (env: PC_DISABLE_TUI) (default true)

Use "process-compose [command] --help" for more information about a command.

To reproduce

git clone
cd robotica-rust
nix develop --impure
devenv up


brian@firebrat:/tmp/robotica-rust]$ devenv version
devenv: 1.0.4
thenonameguy commented 2 weeks ago

You need to have the latest process-compose version from the unstable nixpkgs channel:

Please update your nixpkgs in your flake.nix inputs.

brianmay commented 2 weeks ago

But I want to use nixpkgs stable :-)

Oh, wait, can just set process-managers.process-compose.package, and just set that to the unstable version.

I think I have worked this out now, closing.