cachix / devenv

Fast, Declarative, Reproducible, and Composable Developer Environments
Apache License 2.0
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devenv does not use authentication to validate cache existance #1204

Closed vetsin closed 1 week ago

vetsin commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug

Devenv does not seem to auth to check cache existance. does not appear to use or pass the auth token to the API, which appears to need if it is to return a 200 for a private cache. The API endpoint does return 200 if auth'd via cookie. Manually hitting the api with Authorization: Bearer <thetoken> returns the correct results. I can cachix use private just fine with the same env.

To reproduce

Use the following devenv.nix, with "private" being something you know exists but is private

{ ... }:{
   cachix.pull = [ "private" ]

Ensure you have your CACHIX_AUTH_TOKEN in env, then devenv test:

$ devenv test 
• Overriding .devenv to .devenv.iU9FZs9vRRDY
• Building tests ...
✖ Cache private does not exist or you don't have a CACHIX_AUTH_TOKEN configured.
✖ To create a cache, go to
• Failed to get cachix caches due to evaluation error

       error: interrupted by the user


On both devenv 1.0.5 (x86_64-linux) and devenv 1.0.5 (aarch64-darwin)

vetsin commented 1 week ago

Fixed by #1209