cadaver / sidid

C64 playroutine identity scanner
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Conflicting signatures / priorities #2

Closed reFX-Mike closed 1 month ago

reFX-Mike commented 1 month ago

Right now the sidid.cfg is alphabetically sorted, but this leads to misidentification.

e.g. /MUSICIANS/G/Galway_Martin/Arkanoid.sid gets detected as Martin_Galway, but should be Martin_Galway_Digi

or /MUSICIANS/H/Hubbard_Rob/Skate_or_Die_intro.sid gets detected as Rob_Hubbard, but should be (Rob_Hubbard_Digi)

In both cases, if you reverse the order in the sidid.cfg, the playroutines get identified correctly.

Maybe a simple sort can be added, so names that a longer get searched first? Or maybe somebody can sort these special cases manually, and add a note, for future reference?

reFX-Mike commented 1 month ago

After adding a sort (by name length) the situation is improved, but now other player-routines are misidentified (e.g. Geir_Tjelta/Echo vs Geir_Tjelta/SIDDuzz'It) so I figure it's best if a human sorts these so the rarer versions of play-routines are checked before the more common ones.

So Geir_Tjelta/Echo, then Geir_Tjelta/SIDDuzz'It (already the case), but Rob_Hubbard_Digi before Rob_Hubbard and Martin_Galway_Digi before Martin_Galway. There are probably others.

cadaver commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your observations, please submit a fixed config file if you wish. The alphabetical ordering is not really necessary, it was only chosen for clarity of editing the config.