caddy-dns / route53

Caddy module: dns.providers.route53
MIT License
38 stars 31 forks source link

Module not working or I'm dumb #23

Closed rhferreira closed 1 year ago

rhferreira commented 1 year ago

Hello Guys, how are you? We are facing a problem with the Route53 module. After install the module and configuring it, we are receiving the following error message when we run the system status caddy:

Our configs / Code inside the Caddyfile:

* { tls { dns route53 { max_retries 10 } } reverse_proxy { to } }

Then we reload the service (or even reboot the machine) and now we receive the following error message after sudo systemctl status caddy:

Jul 19 20:49:29 caddy[1827]: {"level":"error","ts":1658263769.5214586,"logger":"tls.obtain","msg":"could not get certificate from issuer","identifier":"","issuer":"","error":"[] solving challenges: presenting for challenge: adding temporary record for zone operation error Route 53: ListHostedZonesByName, failed to sign request: failed to retrieve credentials: static credentials are empty (order= (ca="}

Ps. I'm opening an issue because it used to work in our lab and this is a new environment and I don't know if the new version has any issue or (probably) I'm doing something wrong.

Thanks, Rodolfo

aymanbagabas commented 1 year ago

This is related to

aymanbagabas commented 1 year ago

@rhferreira please try the latest version

rhferreira commented 1 year ago

It worked!

rhferreira commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot!