Recently I've realized that certificate request those use DNS-01 and the Route53 service fail with the message
{"level":"error","ts":1719576942.1737874,"logger":"tls.obtain","msg":"could not get certificate from issuer","identifier":"","issuer":"","error":"[] solving challenges: presenting for challenge: adding temporary record for zone \"\": operation error Route 53: ListHostedZonesByName, failed to resolve service endpoint, endpoint rule error, Invalid Configuration: Missing Region (order= (ca="}
IMHO, at least, documentation of the plugin should be updated. The region parameter should be marked as the mandatory.
If the region is empty, AFAK, the underlying libdns Route53 provider will read from AWS_REGION environment variable so it's optional to configure it on Caddyfile-level.
Recently I've realized that certificate request those use DNS-01 and the Route53 service fail with the message
IMHO, at least, documentation of the plugin should be updated. The region parameter should be marked as the mandatory.