caddyserver / forwardproxy

Forward proxy plugin for the Caddy web server
Apache License 2.0
582 stars 218 forks source link

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Closed spuder closed 1 year ago

spuder commented 1 year ago

According to the installation documentation, to install this plugin a user must:

Download prebuilt binary Binaries are at Don't forget to add http.forwardproxy plugin.

Yet when searching , there is no plugin named http.forwardproxy

How is a user supposed to install this plugin?

I'll gladly fix the documentation if you can point me at the correct location to install this plugin.

samstride commented 1 year ago

@spuder , the plugin is only available for caddy and not caddy2.

You can follow this thread where users have queried about caddy2 support.


mholt commented 1 year ago

Yeah, sorry; the caddy2 branch has something usable, I think. But it's just not quite finished yet.

You can use xcaddy:

$ xcaddy build --with