$ ./src/cli.js server start --port 12345
Starting local API server...
Waiting for local API server...
Waiting for local API server...
Waiting for local API server...
API server started! PID: 63095, API URL: http://localhost:12345/v2/check
$ ./src/cli.js config api_url http://localhost:12345/v2/check
$ ./src/cli.js listen "This sentence will be check interactively."
Language: English (US)
Resolved: 0 | Pending: 1
Rule: grammar
Explanation: Consider using either the past participle “checked” or the present participle “checking” here.
Context: This sentence will be check interactively.
Suggested fix: 1) checked 2) checking
$ ./src/cli.js server stop
API server stopped!
fix #29
Test Plan