cadia-lvl / Eyra

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Calling `GET /backend/qc/report/session/<session_id>` returns invalid JSON when report is available #3

Closed rkjaran closed 5 years ago

rkjaran commented 6 years ago

Example result if you call GET /backend/qc/report/session/<session_id>:

  "status": "processing",
  "modules": [
    "{\"perRecordingStats\": [{\"stats\": {\"old_wer_norm\": 1.0, \"startdel\": 0, \"del\": 0, \"wer\": 1.0, \"hybrid\": 1.0, \"sub\": 0, \"hyp\": \"skilor\\u00f0sbundin refsing fyrir \\u00e1r\\u00e1sir\", \"distance\": 0, \"error\": \"no_error\", \"extraInsertions\": 0, \"accuracy\": 1.0, \"onlyInsOrSub\": false, \"ins\": 0, \"enddel\": 0, \"correct\": 4, \"empty\": false, \"ops\": [\"C\", \"C\", \"C\", \"C\"], \"phone_acc\": 1.0}, \"recordingId\": 33400}, {\"stats\": {\"old_wer_norm\": 0.0, \"startdel\": 0, \"del\": 0, \"wer\": 0.4444444444444444, \"hybrid\": 0.5, \"sub\": 5, \"hyp\": \"\\u00fearna d\\u00fak !s !c !\\u026a !v !\\u026a !\\u00f0 !i !n !t !o !u og bj\\u00e1nalegri sk\\u00e1l\", \"distance\": 12, \"error\": \"no_error\", \"extraInsertions\": 0, \"accuracy\": 0.5714285714285714, \"onlyInsOrSub\": false, \"ins\": 7, \"enddel\": 0, \"correct\": 4, \"empty\": false, \"ops\": [\"C\", \"I\", \"I\", \"I\", \"I\", \"I\", \"I\", \"I\", \"S\", \"S\", \"S\", \"S\", \"S\", \"C\", \"C\", \"C\"], \"phone_acc\": 0.5714285714285714}, \"recordingId\": 33401}, {\"stats\": {\"old_wer_norm\": 0.8, \"startdel\": 0, \"del\": 1, \"wer\": 0.8, \"hybrid\": 0.8, \"sub\": 0, \"hyp\": \"kosningin f\\u00f3r fram s\\u00ed\\u00f0astli\\u00f0inn\", \"distance\": 1, \"error\": \"no_error\", \"extraInsertions\": 0, \"accuracy\": 0.7567567567567568, \"onlyInsOrSub\": false, \"ops\": [\"C\", \"C\", \"C\", \"C\", \"D\"], \"enddel\": 1, \"correct\": 4, \"empty\": false, \"ins\": 0, \"phone_acc\": 0.7567567567567568}, \"recordingId\": 33402}, {\"stats\": {\"old_wer_norm\": 0.75, \"startdel\": 0, \"del\": 1, \"wer\": 0.75, \"hybrid\": 0.75, \"sub\": 0, \"hyp\": \"hva\\u00f0 ver\\u00f0ur lengi\", \"distance\": 1, \"error\": \"no_error\", \"extraInsertions\": 0, \"accuracy\": 0.8421052631578947, \"onlyInsOrSub\": false, \"ops\": [\"C\", \"C\", \"C\", \"D\"], \"enddel\": 1, \"correct\": 3, \"empty\": false, \"ins\": 0, \"phone_acc\": 0.8421052631578947}, \"recordingId\": 33403}, {\"stats\": {\"old_wer_norm\": 1.0, \"startdel\": 0, \"wer\": 1.0, \"hybrid\": 1.0, \"distance\": 0, \"error\": \"no_error\", \"extraInsertions\": 0, \"onlyInsOrSub\": false, \"ins\": 0, \"phone_acc\": 1.0, \"sub\": 0, \"hyp\": \"tugir hafa s\\u00e6rst a\\u00f0 s\\u00f6gn yfirvalda\", \"del\": 0, \"empty\": false, \"accuracy\": 1.0, \"enddel\": 0, \"correct\": 6, \"ops\": [\"C\", \"C\", \"C\", \"C\", \"C\", \"C\"]}, \"recordingId\": 33404}, {\"stats\": {\"old_wer_norm\": 0.8, \"startdel\": 0, \"wer\": 0.8, \"hybrid\": 0.8, \"distance\": 1, \"error\": \"no_error\", \"extraInsertions\": 0, \"onlyInsOrSub\": false, \"ins\": 0, \"phone_acc\": 0.71875, \"sub\": 0, \"hyp\": \"fj\\u00f3rir \\u00e1 sj\\u00fakrah\\u00fas eftir\", \"del\": 1, \"empty\": false, \"accuracy\": 0.71875, \"enddel\": 1, \"correct\": 4, \"ops\": [\"C\", \"C\", \"C\", \"C\", \"D\"]}, \"recordingId\": 33405}], \"sessionId\": 355, \"totalStats\": {\"lowerUtt\": 4, \"avgAcc\": 0.859375, \"upperUtt\": 6, \"accuracy\": 0.8259738239179029}, \"requestId\": \"963753bc-a57f-43c2-8604-190e7c35f836\"}"
  "sessionId": 355

Expected according to

    {"sessionId": ...,
     "status": "processing",
     "modules"  {
        "marosijo" :  {
                        "perRecordingStats": [
                            {"recordingId": ...,
                                "stats": {...}
rkjaran commented 6 years ago

See When loading reports that have been dumped to disk they're loaded as strings. The variable reports in the try block shadows the reports dict defined on line 194