This adds an option for admins to upload votes to the db
The votes will be added under a specific client id for marosijo
The votes file should be a comma separated file with clipid, vote where clipid is an existing clip and vote is 0 or 1 for valid or invalid vote
The votes file will first be uploaded to the server, then the insert process will start and a crude message will be shown to the admin about the estimated time. For more detailed progress the admin will have to query the db directly (count votes from marosijo user from date upload time or somesuch)
I have also update the server config for connectionLimit from 1000 to 10. I'm quite sure that the server should not need more than 10. And I think the amount of allowed connections to our AWS RDS database is around 100 anyway.
This adds an option for admins to upload votes to the db
I have also update the server config for connectionLimit from 1000 to 10. I'm quite sure that the server should not need more than 10. And I think the amount of allowed connections to our AWS RDS database is around 100 anyway.
Please review critically :D