cadon / ARKStatsExtractor

A tool for the game ARK: Survival Evolved. Extracts possible levelups of creatures to get the values for breeding. With library and pedigree-view.
MIT License
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Pulmonoscorpius health issue #16

Closed joebywan closed 7 years ago

joebywan commented 8 years ago

Just tamed a 120 pulmonoscorpius resulting in 162 level.

Health was 1636.1, and the software is flagging it as a red value.

Unofficial, 4x taming multiplier, that's all that's changed.

Same with a this pteranodon. Issues with the food, damage & speed.

cadon commented 8 years ago

Hi, thanks for the feedback! The Ptera works fine for me. What version of the tool do you have? The current is 0.17.7. For the Scorpion I have to investigate further.

joebywan commented 8 years ago

I thought it could've been the version, so I updated to the latest one 0.17.7 and it's still doing it.

joebywan commented 8 years ago

Ok, so another dino 158 carno freshly tamed. Issues with food & damage.

cadon commented 8 years ago

Just donwloaded a fresh copy of 0.17.7, it's working fine. Maybe you changed the multipliers in your library? You can try to select File -> Load Multipliers-File... and then choose the original multipliers.txt in the tool's folder.

joebywan commented 8 years ago

How would I change the multipliers in my library?

Is there something I have to change to reflect the 4x taming multiplier on the server?

If you're saying it's something I've modified, I just downloaded the zip, extracted & ran the executable. Only changes I've made are entering dinosaur data.

cadon commented 8 years ago

Hm, strange. Can you send a screenshot of the unsuccessful extraction? The taming-multiplier is independant from the tool, that shouldn't be an issue.

joebywan commented 8 years ago

Scorpion: (Small note: The 'possible levels' section shouldn't think that the TE can be 87% as scorpions can't get that high on spoiled meat)

For some reason the pteranadon is working now which is confusing, but good atleast :)

Also the carno seems to be sorted... I'm not sure why.

It's super late here, so I'll have a go at my other dinos tomorrow if I get time. Either way, hope this helps :)

EchoAlien commented 8 years ago

If its no trouble, I would like to contribute to this, as I too am having problems with the scorpion health.

I screenied the stats and calculator together so you can get a good look too to make sure i'm not missing anything or typoing somewhere. The Scorpion was found at level 100, tamed to 145 with ~91% TE.

The only multiplier i have changed is taming x8 (This explains the high TE), but i never modified stat values. I checked what the health is supposed to be based on the amount of points there should be for the amount of HP the scorpion had, and according to the calc, the health stat should be either 1540.1, or 1600.1, but ingame is actually 1568.1 as seen in the screenie. When i double checked the other two stats mentioned above, your calculator was green on both cases, and if i remember correctly, the number of points put in was 21 and 22 for those two numbers, if you were interested in doing some testing using my stats.

Good job on the tool by the way, was looking for something to keep track of breeding stats for me :)

cadon commented 8 years ago

Hi, sorry for the late reply, that post got burried. The issue with the scorpion is more complicated as it seems. The stats were changed in a patch, not the big nerf-patch, only the values of the scorpion were adjusted, and only the health for the scorpion. Normally the creatures gain 20% of their base-value per wild-level, that was 60 with a base-health-value of 300. The adjustment decreased the base-health to 280, but strangely the increase per wild-level stayed at 60, making the increase 21.4285714285714% instead of 20% of the base-value. This alone would be no problem, a computer calculates both numbers unnoticeable fast, but the shown values ingame of the health didn't update, unless the health was leveled up, triggering a recalculation of the shown value. So the issue you have could come from a wrongly displayed value. The solution for this could be to levelup health, to trigger a recalculation of the value. If that doesn't help, there's maybe something else. If you happen to figure it out, I'd be happy to know.

EchoAlien commented 8 years ago

It seems to still be having this issue despite updates. i put some levels into the stats, and decided to unlock the stats to see where it put the points, if not in health.

It put 3 into damage (I know i put at least a couple into damage), which means it thinks the other two were something else (health), but that doesn't seem right either. Honestly i'm not sure what could be wrong... scorpstats2

... I'm horrible at calculating, but if you like, perhaps I can do the testing and you can do the calculations? I'll go fetch a high level scorp, tame it, test its stats after tame, and then if it comes out red in the calculator, i'll level it in health for like 10 levels and report each number change? Maybe you'll see a pattern.

EchoAlien commented 8 years ago

I decided to go ahead and grab some stats just so you'd have something to look at that might help figure out this issue.

I spawned a level 1 scorpion, and tamed it with no bonus levels, the health stat changed to 280.1. The image below includes its other stats for convenience, and below that is the health values at each level.



Edit: I just realized i forgot to check those, checked them, and they show up green, so it seems to be something to do with the TE additional levels? I'll try some more testing later.

cadon commented 8 years ago

The problem is, newly spawned in scorpions work well, so they can't be used for figuring out the numbers the old ones use. I hope the old ones will adapt to the new numbers eventually.

IIRC the old values of the scorpion for the health were


but they don't work either on the one you posted earlier. Maybe it's some kind of mix of these two.

EchoAlien commented 8 years ago

Thats really odd, because on my server i make a habit of admin destroying the dinos occasionally to refresh it to get new stuff to spawn, and it wasn't long before my first post here that i had refreshed the spawns and then tamed that one.

The last little detail i can recall when experimenting with the values is that any values i swapped or modified to test things resulted in the HP coming within 2 to 3 health points of the ingame value, but if other scorps are working fine at this point, then its just the one, I suppose. I'm gonna chalk it up to the scorpion just being bugged in an odd way, and if i find anything worth noting, i'll let you know.

cadon commented 7 years ago

In the meantime, a restart of the server seems to solve the wrong display of the stat-values. If you have issues with Scorpions (or Procoptodons), wait for a server restart and the extraction should work.