caduandrade / multi_split_view

Provides horizontal or vertical multiple split view for Flutter.
MIT License
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Consider exposing DividerWidget #40

Closed klondikedragon closed 1 year ago

klondikedragon commented 1 year ago

I'm using MultiSplitView with a theme with one of the stock DividerPainter. However, I want to wrap the actual divider area widget with a tooltip widget. This could easily be accomplished by using the dividerBuilder property. Internally, if no custom dividerBuilder is set, it uses the DividerWidget and passes along the parameters from the function parameters of the dividerBuilder function, which will then use the painter in the theme to paint the divider based on its state. I want to continue using the painter framework (very convenient) but wrap the DividerWidget with a widget that will display a tooltip on hover. Right now DividerWidget is marked as internal so it's not exported.

caduandrade commented 1 year ago

I'll take a look okay? I only ask for a little time because I have demands on all my packages at the same time :smile:

klondikedragon commented 1 year ago

no worries, thanks for the fast response! I'd be happy to create a PR for this if you're OK with exposing the DividerWidget publicly with the package.