caerfinon / KerbinSideRemasteredGAP

Contract Pack for Air flights to bases in Kerbin Side Remastered mod
MIT License
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Stuck on "wait for terminal ramp" at Jeb's Junkyard #77

Closed HiveHD closed 1 year ago

HiveHD commented 1 year ago

This worked on previous missions fine but after landing at Jebs Junkyard for the first contract there, I am stuck waiting for terminal ramp. I got the notification for entering the terminal and it says I have successfully stopped (I can also recover the plane fine) but the ramp timer isn't triggering.

Have tried this with multiple different planes including the planes that worked for the previous missions. Any ideas? Is there a way to skip/ toggle the terminal steps?



HiveHD commented 1 year ago

Used the alt+f12 debug menu to complete that contract and all future contracts seem to work fine since.

caerfinon commented 1 year ago

The Waypoint generator in Contract Configurator sometimes puts the waypoint in a vastly different spot. The Alt-F12 methos is the way to fix this particular glitch.