caesarcai / ZORO

Zeroth-Order Regularized Optimization (ZORO): Approximately Sparse Gradients and Adaptive Sampling
MIT License
9 stars 5 forks source link

Code about adversarial images #1

Open JindongTong opened 1 year ago

JindongTong commented 1 year ago

Very nice paper indeed! Would you provide the code mentioned in section 7.4(Sparse adversarial attack)?

DanielMckenzie commented 1 year ago

Hi Jindong,

My apologies for this delayed reply. Actually, we are unable to release the code for Section 7.4, as it was written by our co-author at a private company. However, several of our follow up projects contain adversarial attack code that may be of interest to you, e.g.:

  1. ZO-BCD
  2. CARS

I hope this helps! Daniel