caewok / fvtt-token-visibility

Advanced token visibility rules for Foundry VTT
MIT License
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[Bug] ATV breaks Special Detection Modes #86

Open LostCarcosa opened 1 month ago

LostCarcosa commented 1 month ago

Using Foundry 11.315, module version 0.6.3; I know I'm a version behind, but the changelog & issues page doesn't indicate this is a known or solved issue.

ATV seems to functionally disable special vision modes. Tested this on a fresh world running only ATV and libwrapper. For example, with Sense All set to 100, I expect to be able to see an enemy through a wall:


With ATV enabled, I see nothing:


I have gone through and tested multiple module versions; the bug seems to have been introduced during the 0.6.0-> 0.6.1 update; detection modes work as expected in 0.6.0 and earlier.