cafce25 / twitchctl

Twitch cli
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Support twitch-cli env file #5

Open hardliner66 opened 3 years ago

hardliner66 commented 3 years ago

When using the official twitch-cli it will store it's token in ~/.twitch-cli/.twitch-cli.env. We should probably use that file if it exists, so you wont need to login twice.

ModProg commented 3 years ago

While should support that, what would be the best place to store our own token?

hardliner66 commented 3 years ago

@ModProg we should probably also respect the XDG_CONFIG_HOME env var, if we want to do it properly.

ModProg commented 3 years ago

@ModProg we should probably also respect the XDG_CONFIG_HOME env var, if we want to do it properly.

Already happening, using