caffeinalab / ti.goosh

GCM/FCM module for Titanium.
MIT License
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Android Notification Message Missing #78

Closed bw-technotects closed 6 years ago

bw-technotects commented 6 years ago

Whenever I include the "message" in the data payload, it does not show up in the Android notification itself. Instead the notification shows:


The payload submitted is: { "data": { "badge": 1, "alert": "Message Text", "tag": "APP", "title": "Title", "message": "Message Text" }, "to": "dPr..." }

Using module v.2.0.7 with Titanium SDK: 6.1.2.GA.

bw-technotects commented 6 years ago

I reviewed all of the keys in the bundle keyset and found that regardless of whether or not I submitted the "alert" value in the payload, it wasn't coming through. I ended up adding a local check to my build to look for a "message" variable and that solves it for me. I wonder why Firebase or Google API is removing the "alert" value from the payload.