caffeinalab / ti.goosh

GCM/FCM module for Titanium.
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Unable to show our own icon in notification tray ? #91

Closed ChanakyaSrinivas closed 6 years ago

ChanakyaSrinivas commented 6 years ago

Hi All,

I fallows the documentation, When am sending notification from java server program am able to see the notification message in respective device but I was unable see the our own notification tray icon.

How to apply our own custom notification tray icon?

My envirionments:

Operating System = Mac OS X 10.11.3 Node.js Version = 4.6.0 npm Version = 2.15.9 Titanium CLI Version = 5.0.14 Titanium SDK Version = 6.3.0.GA

ChanakyaSrinivas commented 6 years ago

Hi all,

I replaced my own icon inside respective place with suggested resolution. White icon showing even though we place color icon as notificationicon.

I need to show nofitificationicon in notification tray like gmail color notification icon.

Can any one help me out

Jei commented 6 years ago

Reading from the Android docs:

Status bar icons are composed simply of white pixels on a transparent backdrop, with alpha blending used for smooth edges and internal texture where appropriate.

The notification icon has to be white. If you want to change the background color of the icon in the notification, you can use the parameter "color", as it's documented in the readme.