caffeinated / menus

:pushpin: Menu generator package for the Laravel framework
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Removing methods & breaking BC #110

Open piperone opened 5 years ago

piperone commented 5 years ago

I'm a bit perplexed with regards to your recent releases in which you chose to drop the LaravelCollective-dep. Removing deps is all well and good, but gouging out two of your existing methods without updating your major-version number, is bound to introduce problems for users of your package. From the outside, I get the impression that this was a careless move and I hope you will consider backwards compatibility more next time (i.e. v3.2.1 should have been v4.0.0).

Also, your docs still talk about the attribute-method that was removed.

Thanks for all your work, keeping this package up to date!

kaidesu commented 5 years ago

Ha. You're right - should have been a major release vs. minor - I'll get this rectified, thanks for the feedback!

I'm also in the process of migrating and cleaning up the documentation for all packages to a central location. I've removed the link to the attribute methods in the documentation navigation for now.

jigs1212 commented 5 years ago

What is the alternate we should use for attributes.

Thank you.