caffeinated / menus

:pushpin: Menu generator package for the Laravel framework
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Add method to reference a route for a menu link #20

Closed xtrasmal closed 9 years ago

xtrasmal commented 9 years ago

Hi there


Shows me that I have a named route called


It tells me that I do not have a route named


when I'm following your instructions in de wiki.

Have you encountered such an problem before?

kaidesu commented 9 years ago

I have not. Could you provide the code you're using to generate your menu?

xtrasmal commented 9 years ago


     * Bootstrap the application services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()

        Menu::make('primary', function($menu) {
            $menu->add('Infrastructure', array('route' => 'infrastructure.index'));


# Content routes
        'prefix'    => 'infrastructure',
        'middleware'    => 'auth',
        Route::get('/', ['as'=>'infrastructure.index', 'uses'=>'InfraViewController@index']);


InvalidArgumentException in UrlGenerator.php line 273: 
Route [infrastructure.index] not defined.

    in UrlGenerator.php line 273
    at UrlGenerator->route('infrastructure.index') in Builder.php line 229
    at Builder->dispatch(array('route' => 'infrastructure.index', 'prefix' => null)) in Item.php line 172
    at Item->url() in Item.php line 300
    at Item->checkActiveStatus() in Item.php line 95
    at Item->configureLink(array('route' => 'infrastructure.index')) in Item.php line 65
    at Item->__construct(object(Builder), '1', 'Infrastructure', array('route' => 'infrastructure.index')) in Builder.php line 76
    at Builder->add('Infrastructure', array('route' => 'infrastructure.index')) in MenuServiceProvider.php line 17
    at MenuServiceProvider->App\Providers\{closure}(object(Builder))
    at call_user_func(object(Closure), object(Builder)) in Menu.php line 65
    at Menu->make('primary', object(Closure)) in Facade.php line 213
xtrasmal commented 9 years ago

It does work when I register my own view composer and put the code there.

kaidesu commented 9 years ago

Ah right, I believe I never got around to adding support for referencing routes when building out a menu. I'll be sure to get that added and I will let you know!

xtrasmal commented 9 years ago

After going through a lot of seems like a lot of stuff isn't really implemented yet. For instance:

Menu::make('primary', function($menu) {
    $menu->add('Infrastructure', array('route' => 'infrastructure.index') );
    $menu->infrastructure->add('Virtual machines', array('route' => 'infrastructure.vms.index') );
    // SO how would I add a a child to $menu->virtualmachines?
   //  $menu->virtualmachines->add() throws an error.
kaidesu commented 9 years ago

Item slugs use camel case, to make them a little easier to read since they don't use any underscore or hyphens:


You can add children items this way indefinitely. You can also assign an item to it's own variable and add children to it that way as well, if you prefer:

$virtualMachines = $menu->infrastructure->add('Virtual Machines', 'lorem/ipsum');

$virtualMachines->add('Child Item', 'foo/bar');