caffeinated / menus

:pushpin: Menu generator package for the Laravel framework
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Collective\Html\HtmlBuilder Giving Errors #35

Closed nla-asia closed 9 years ago

nla-asia commented 9 years ago

Hi , I am getting this error on my laravel5.0.13 new project.Not sure, this is an issue or my setup fault. Please kindly help.

Argument 3 passed to Caffeinated\Menus\Menu::__construct() must be an instance of Collective\Html\HtmlBuilder, instance of Illuminate\Html\HtmlBuilder given, called in D:\www\laravel-5-boilerplate\vendor\caffeinated\menus\src\Caffeinated\Menus\MenusServiceProvider.php on line 47 and defined

nla-asia commented 9 years ago

oh, it looks like i am missing the package : i got it ,now.

kaidesu commented 9 years ago

Just to clarify, the Laravel Collective HTML package will be installed with Caffeinated Menus. I'm guessing you already had the Illuminate HTML package installed with your application though?

nla-asia commented 9 years ago

yes, Illuminate HTML package is already there( i am using : but Laravel Collective HTML package is not.So, I needed to install it in order to work Caffeinated Menus well.