caffeinated / menus

:pushpin: Menu generator package for the Laravel framework
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How to handle Submenu in a different layout position #56

Closed mstaack closed 9 years ago

mstaack commented 9 years ago

lets say i have this menu:

Menu::make('main', function ($menu) {
$menu->add('Client', 'client')->prepend('<i class="fa fa-suitcase"> </i> ');
$menu->client->add('Insurance', '/client/insurance');

now i have a bootstrap list-group element in my design.. i would like to show the subitems in this list group..somethin like this:

foreach($childs as $item){
{{ link for submenu item}}

any ideas or hints?

mstaack commented 9 years ago

any help for this?

kaidesu commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure I understand what you need. An example of how to display menu item children links is in the documentation here:

    <ul class="dropdown-menu">
        @foreach($item->children() as $child)
            <li><a href="{{ $child->url() }}">{{ $child->title }}</a></li>