caffeinated / themes

:art: Laravel Themes package with support for the Caffeinated Modules package.
MIT License
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ThemeServiceProvider not found #98

Open thewebartisan7 opened 4 years ago

thewebartisan7 commented 4 years ago

I follow installation guide, which is:

1) laravel new themes // installed laravel 2) composer require caffeinated/themes // installed package 3) php artisan make:theme Bootstrap // created theme

Now works fine if I try to load view, for example bootstrap::welcome

But routes are not loaded, so I added service provider to config/app.php

4) Themes\Bootstrap\Providers\ThemeServiceProvider::class

And now I get error Class 'Themes\Bootstrap\Providers\ThemeServiceProvider' not found

So I update main composer.json adding PSR-4 for "themes" folder, this:

"autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "App\\": "app/",
            "Themes\\": "themes/"

And now works fine...

But there is nothing regarding this step in docs, and I think that command for make theme already update composer...

What am I missing?


kaidesu commented 4 years ago

shouldn't be needed - refactoring this in a future update

instudentmedia commented 4 years ago

Hey there, thanks for this package, I've been using caffeinated/modules to great success and am glad to see a themes package as I was previously using a Themes location in caffeinated/modules,

Just getting started with this, it appears step 4 is still required? My routes aren't loaded until that line is added and this line in the document is still present even though there is no longer a ThemeServiceProvider in laravel:


Be sure to register your custom service providers within your ThemeServiceProvider. Refer to Laravel's service provider documentation as needed.
instudentmedia commented 4 years ago

Looks like you do need a call to:


In your AppServiceProvider's boot method as referenced in