caffeine-overload / bandinchina

Naming and shaming companies who kowtow to Chinese censorship requests
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about thatgamecompany #176

Open tkdlxjtm opened 3 years ago

tkdlxjtm commented 3 years ago

more descreption is here # Comment by Jenova Chen

WAUthethird commented 3 years ago

I disagree that this situation has anything to do with censorship. I don't think the actions of Jenova Chen are enough to put his company on this list. It seems like it was a cultural controversy, not one of blocking fundamental access to knowledge.

That is, unless I missed something? I can't read Chinese/Korean, (which many of the comments were) so that's probably likely.

Battlecruiser0 commented 3 years ago

Screenshot_20210206-190337_NAVER NSC20210206_190307 It seems like there is a suspicious act of reply deleting.

caffeine-overload commented 3 years ago

From what I've seen so far I'd tend to agree with @WAUthethird

tkdlxjtm commented 3 years ago

@Battlecruiser0 sorry to realize that. i guess that reply deleted because that user is deleted accout. <here's another image for info

Battlecruiser0 commented 3 years ago

@tkdlxjtm Well, my explanation was not enough. I think the effective censorship is one without been noticed to public. What I am doubting is about the long patterns of account deletation by something that observes this issue. I know that it wouldn't make sense to someone, but I believe dubious attitude will fend against the CCP.

DevilNANA commented 3 years ago In South Korea, that think this way. Joined in China's attempt to subjugate Korean culture.

vus7294 commented 3 years ago

177 i complained also about this