cagnulein / qdomyos-zwift

Zwift bridge for smart treadmills and bike/cyclette
GNU General Public License v3.0
342 stars 104 forks source link

[BUG] Elevation gain increas also with inclination set to zero or to a negative value #2259

Closed Fabrix78 closed 4 weeks ago

Fabrix78 commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug As described in the title

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Start the treadmill
  2. Maintain the inclination to 0%, the speed value isn't relevant
  3. The elevation gain increas about 0,5 - 0,8 m/min
  4. Set the inclination to a negative value (Toorx altitude can go just to - 2%)
  5. The elevation gain increas more

Expected behavior Whit inclination set to 0% or to a negative value the elevation gain must be 0.


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Append a debug log

debug-Wed_Mar_27_20_13_40_2024 (2).log

Additional context

cagnulein commented 2 months ago

Thanks I will check it ASAP

Roberto Viola Software engineer and open source enthusiast

Il giorno mer 27 mar 2024 alle 23:07 Fabrix78 @.***> ha scritto:

Assigned #2259 to @cagnulein

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cagnulein commented 2 months ago

I guess I already fixed in the beta. Could you please join it and update the app on the store and report back to me? Thanks!

Roberto Viola Software engineer and open source enthusiast

Il giorno gio 28 mar 2024 alle ore 03:22 cagnulein @.***> ha scritto:

Thanks I will check it ASAP

Roberto Viola Software engineer and open source enthusiast

Il giorno mer 27 mar 2024 alle 23:07 Fabrix78 @.***> ha scritto:

Assigned #2259 to @cagnulein

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Fabrix78 commented 2 months ago

I followed your instructions and took the test again: When i start the treadmill with zero inclination the elevation gain stay to zero, but if I increase the inclination and then put it back to zero the elevation gain increase again about 0,5 m/min. Also with a negative inclination value the inclination gain increase. It maybe that I need to change some settings from the settings menu?

Here you can find the debug file. Thanks for your help.


cagnulein commented 2 months ago

ok, i will check this after easter days. Happy easter Roberto Viola Software engineer and open source enthusiast

Il giorno sab 30 mar 2024 alle ore 08:36 Fabrix78 @.***> ha scritto:

I followed your instructions and took the test again: When i start the treadmill with zero inclination the elevation gain stay to zero, but if I increase the inclination and then put it back to zero the elevation gain increase again about 0,5 m/min. Also with a negative inclination value the inclination gain increase. It maybe that I need to change some settings from the settings menu?

Here you can find the debug file. Thanks for your help.


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cagnulein commented 2 months ago

got the issue, and fixed. it seems a bug of the treadmill. When you are back to 0 the treadmill sends me a -1 instead. The fix will be in the 2.16.51

If you want to check immediately

Google is very slow in these days, reviewing the app on the store, even the beta ones. For this reason, in order to check right now if the patch that I did is right, you can use the android build in the link (check at the bottom of the page in about 1 hour). In order to test it you need first to remove the current QZ version on your phone, install the one that you downloaded. This version is a 15 minutes trial (you can restart it as many times as you want) and I can unlock it if you want, send me an email to mentioning this ticket and that you are on android. Let me know if you have any questions

stale[bot] commented 2 months ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

cagnulein commented 2 months ago

any news?

Fabrix78 commented 1 month ago

Hi, sorry, but I haven't been able to use the treadmill until today. I tested the new app release and the problem of the increase of the elevation gain with negative inclination is fixed. I can notice two minor problems...with zero inclination the elevation gain still increase about 0,5 m/min and with negative inclination the total elevation gain decrease. So if I walk up for 1000 meters and then walk down for 200 meters the total of elevation gain shown by the app is 800 meters instead of the correct value of 1000.

Here the degud file: debug-Sat_Apr_20_09_47_03_2024.log

Thank for your work!

cagnulein commented 1 month ago

you're right! fixed!

stale[bot] commented 1 month ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

cagnulein commented 4 weeks ago

@Fabrix78 any news?