cagnulein / qdomyos-zwift

Zwift bridge for smart treadmills and bike/cyclette
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[BUG] PC- Domyos Run500 not connecting, domyos-zwift close by itself, #2344

Closed VNT974 closed 3 weeks ago

VNT974 commented 4 weeks ago

Describe the bug Installed on PC Windows 11 Pro, and I am unable to connect Domyos Run500, Geforce Experience app do open itselft, and domyos-zwift do close right after few seconds not allowing me to do anything/even go in Settings. I do not have the Tiles showing up, nore the Play/Pause button working, nore something telling me it's connected.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Treadmill is turned on, connected with a HRM belt, and 'found' on domyos-zwift (I don't know). Treadmill is found but not connected on Windows Bluetooth settings.

  1. Download and Extract folder
  2. Click right-click as admin to open setup.bat, then Open domyos-zwift.exe
  3. As I already setup the settings it's using the old settings
  4. See error

Expected behavior I understand treadmill should be turned on BEFORE (OK) to open the domyos-zwift.exe file, autoconnect the treadmill as it should be saved already; and if I choose either to "Pause when opening domyos-zwift it should detect, and wait for me to start the working.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Append a debug log

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here. debug-Tue_May_21_12_36_14_2024.log debug-Tue_May_21_12_28_19_2024.log debug-Tue_May_21_12_25_52_2024.log debug-Tue_May_21_12_25_26_2024.log debug-Tue_May_21_12_21_00_2024.log debug-Tue_May_21_12_19_09_2024.log debug-Tue_May_21_12_16_15_2024.log

cagnulein commented 4 weeks ago

got the issue and fixed. You will see the new build down here in 30 minutes (bottom of the page).

DOwnload the new build and set first your treadmill to the ftms treadmill setting. This is required because of a bug of windows bluetooth subsystem

cagnulein commented 3 weeks ago

sorry new link

VNT974 commented 3 weeks ago

Fixed with latest build we spoke on Messenger. Thanks so much.