cagnulein / qdomyos-zwift

Zwift bridge for smart treadmills and bike/cyclette
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[BUG]Zwift Auto Incline not working on Nordictrack X22i #2353

Open ufu- opened 3 weeks ago

ufu- commented 3 weeks ago

debug-Sat_May_25_12_41_49_2024.log Describe the bug

I cannot get the Zwift auto incline to work on PC & NordicTrack X22i (AU)

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: QZ successfully connects to the treadmill QZ can control speed and incline with the +/- buttons Zwift sees the treadmill and identifies speed changes if I manually do so from the console I am still able to manually change incline from the console Unfortunately nothing happens automatically when the incline changes in Zwift

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Append a debug log Please see debug Attached

Additional context The debug includes 3 short runs, the first one did not have any incline change finally the third one had some towards the end. I did briefly manually change the incline form 0 to 0.5 and back in the first run.

ufu- commented 3 weeks ago


ufu- commented 3 weeks ago

[Uploading debug-Sat_May_25_13_29_03_2024.log…]()

ufu- commented 3 weeks ago


ufu- commented 3 weeks ago

debug-Mon_May_27_16_51_56_2024.log debug-Mon_May_27_16_37_00_2024.log

cagnulein commented 3 weeks ago

I was checking the differences between the PC and iOS log and yeah, you are right, the major one is

Mon May 27 16:37:15 2024 1716799035833 Debug: ../src/zwift-api/PlayerStateWrapper.h QByteArray ZwiftRequest::protobuf(const QString &) Error: "Error transferring - server replied: Not Found"

Since the code is actually the same between the PC one and the iOS one, the only thing that I could think of is the fact that this url is not avaiable on the pc side. Maybe some firewall issue?

stale[bot] commented 6 days ago

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