Closed ChadABratton closed 4 years ago
Foodbanks - auto complete test is written and working, here is the code:
describe("food banks", () => { test("fb autocomplete works", async () => { await page.goto(hostname+'/services/find-food-banks-near-you/'); await page.waitForSelector(".city-search"); await page.type(".city-search", '9582'); await page.waitForSelector("#awesomplete_list_1 li"); let listitems = await page.$$eval('#awesomplete_list_1 li', listitems => { return listitems }); expect(listitems.length).toBeGreaterThan(1); }, 16000); });
2nd test complete!
Code checked into master branch!
Issue can now be closed. Food banks end to end testing is all done! See results above, all tests passed with success. @abquirarte @KimberlyglennTSM
At a minimum, the foodbanks page must autocomplete and display results near you.