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As a Californian, I need to know where my WATER COMES FROM, so I can be informed. #89

Open abquirarte opened 4 years ago

abquirarte commented 4 years ago

As a Californian, I need to know where my WATER COMES FROM, so I can be informed.

Content Type

Calculator (smart answer), Location

Our assumptions:

We assume people will want to know where their water comes from.

Baseline (use screenshots. Github Issues, Links, and date of when test was conducted)

image image

Process (add links, attachments, DRI, and Github issues)

aaronhans commented 4 years ago

We have built a new API which can match a lat,lon to all water systems whose geographic service boundaries contain that location:

This will return the basic metadata we have on that water system including

Rafa showed us a dataset where we can get more granular information about where the water for a specific system comes from like the number of gallons from ground or surface water used to produce clean water. The latest dates in that dataset are from 2016. This data shoulda also contain deeper metadata about a system like the website address: