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California state site for drought related information
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CA Drought Map - Homepage visual #243

Closed jaredwyee closed 2 years ago

jaredwyee commented 2 years ago

Context: We want to boost the visual appeal of the drought homepage and show meaningful visualizations of current drought conditions.

From user testing of both prototype concepts and the current drought site, we found the Drought Monitor map to be a compelling and easy to understand visual of state wide drought conditions, with color coded shading. Additionally, seeing the entire state (or the whole US on the present drought site's current conditions page), users realized the broad geographic area that is affected by drought (whole state or broader west).

Story: When I want to learn whether CA is in drought conditions, I want to review current and easy to understand information, so I can be informed and be mindful of my water usage.

Requirements: Refer to Figma prototype for design spec


Note: Need separate update to reconcile CA map content with Current Conditions page. Can be separate ticket.

jaredwyee commented 2 years ago

Wont do. Per latest from drought team.