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Website for the ODI Innovation Hub – In progress
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Add Equity EO_ Demographic Data standards section #35

Open YeseniaGtz opened 7 months ago

YeseniaGtz commented 7 months ago

Per Matt Zhou (CalData team)

We were wondering who maintains the Innovation Hub website and if they had any documentation around adding a resource there? It feels like the demographic data standards may find a home there, so I was hoping to get a better idea of lift in getting it developed and integrated into there from its current place in gitbook.

Demographic Data standards Content:

Delivery team actions

m-sullivan7 commented 7 months ago

I looked at the data standards for our V1 launch. At the time, Matt said that they were not ready for publication because they rely on a federal standard that hasn't been approved. They expected approval in June. I put this in our list of future content.

If that dependency is gone and CalData is ready to publish the standard, we can get that going. @sedrayton and I think it would be good to develop a workflow for determining if something is Hub-worthy. (I have my opinions on this.) We could use the data standard to develop that workflow.