caicloud / tensorflow-tutorial

Example TensorFlow codes and Caicloud TensorFlow as a Service dev environment.
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第6章迁移学习例程疑问 #16

Closed NodYoung closed 7 years ago

NodYoung commented 7 years ago

6.5.2节中 为什么不同大小的图片均能通过加载的inception-v3模型生成一个2048的特征向量,求具体原理。

def get_or_create_bottleneck(sess, image_lists, label_name, index, category, jpeg_data_tensor, bottleneck_tensor):
    if not os.path.exists(bottleneck_path):

        image_path = get_image_path(image_lists, INPUT_DATA, label_name, index, category)

        image_data = gfile.FastGFile(image_path, 'rb').read() 
       # 我试了一下,对于不同的图片这里读到的image_data大小是不一样的。

        bottleneck_values = run_bottleneck_on_image(sess, image_data, jpeg_data_tensor, bottleneck_tensor)


    return bottleneck_values
def run_bottleneck_on_image(sess, image_data, image_data_tensor, bottleneck_tensor):

    bottleneck_values =, {image_data_tensor: image_data})
    # 也就是说这里的image_data大小也是不一样的,那具体inception-v3模型是怎么处理的呢?网上查到的资料inception-v3模型输入应该是229*229*3的固定大小啊。
    bottleneck_values = np.squeeze(bottleneck_values)
    return bottleneck_values

@caicloud 恳请指教。

perhapszzy commented 7 years ago


Leon-OS commented 7 years ago

通过这个模型又生成了一个 pb,但是怎么运用这个模型,能给一个案例吗 刚买了你的书,求指导

perhapszzy commented 7 years ago


Jone666 commented 7 years ago

D:\Anaconda\An\envs\python.exe "D:\pycharm-community\PyCharm Community Edition 2017.1.4\helpers\" --path "D:/Lianxi/tensorflow/6/6.5/-transfer" Testing started at 10:24 ... Launching Nosetest with arguments D:\pycharm-community\PyCharm Community Edition 2017.1.4\helpers\ D:/Lianxi/tensorflow/6/6.5/-transfer in D:\Lianxi\tensorflow\6\6.5 Level 1:tensorflow:Registering FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs (<function _FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgsGradient at 0x0000000005C221E0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars (<function _FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsGradient at 0x0000000005DB0400>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannel (<function _FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannelGradient at 0x0000000005DB0378>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MatMul,flops (<function _calc_mat_mul_flops at 0x00000000060ED158>) in statistical functions. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering cond_context ((<class 'tensorflow.core.protobuf.control_flow_pb2.CondContextDef'>, <function CondContext.to_proto at 0x000000000618DB70>, <function CondContext.from_proto at 0x000000000618DBF8>)) in proto functions. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering while_context ((<class 'tensorflow.core.protobuf.control_flow_pb2.WhileContextDef'>, <function WhileContext.to_proto at 0x000000000618F8C8>, <function WhileContext.from_proto at 0x000000000618F950>)) in proto functions. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ReadVariableOp (<function _ReadGrad at 0x00000000061BA158>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ResourceGather (<function _GatherGrad at 0x00000000061DF730>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering variables ((<class 'tensorflow.core.framework.variable_pb2.VariableDef'>, <function _to_proto_fn at 0x00000000061DF7B8>, <function _from_proto_fn at 0x00000000061DF840>)) in proto functions. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering trainable_variables ((<class 'tensorflow.core.framework.variable_pb2.VariableDef'>, <function _to_proto_fn at 0x00000000061DF7B8>, <function _from_proto_fn at 0x00000000061DF840>)) in proto functions. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering moving_average_variables ((<class 'tensorflow.core.framework.variable_pb2.VariableDef'>, <function _to_proto_fn at 0x00000000061DF7B8>, <function _from_proto_fn at 0x00000000061DF840>)) in proto functions. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering RandomStandardNormal (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ParameterizedTruncatedNormal (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TruncatedNormal (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering RandomUniform (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Multinomial (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering RandomGamma (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Pack (<function _PackGrad at 0x00000000062BF378>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Unpack (<function _UnpackGrad at 0x00000000062F3158>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Concat (<function _ConcatGrad at 0x00000000062F31E0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ConcatV2 (<function _ConcatGradV2 at 0x00000000062F3378>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ConcatOffset (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Slice (<function _SliceGrad at 0x00000000062F3488>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering StridedSlice (<function _StridedSliceGrad at 0x00000000062F32F0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering StridedSliceGrad (<function _StridedSliceGradGrad at 0x00000000062F3400>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Split (<function _SplitGrad at 0x00000000062F3510>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SplitV (<function _SplitVGrad at 0x00000000062F3598>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Const (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Diag (<function _DiagGrad at 0x00000000062F36A8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering DiagPart (<function _DiagPartGrad at 0x00000000062F3620>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MatrixDiag (<function _MatrixDiagGrad at 0x00000000062F3840>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MatrixDiagPart (<function _MatrixDiagPartGrad at 0x00000000062F3730>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MatrixSetDiag (<function _MatrixSetDiagGrad at 0x00000000062F37B8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MatrixBandPart (<function _MatrixBandPartGrad at 0x00000000062F38C8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering EditDistance (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Fill (<function _FillGrad at 0x00000000062F3950>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ZerosLike (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering OnesLike (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering PreventGradient (<function _PreventGradientGrad at 0x00000000062F39D8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Gather (<function _GatherGrad at 0x00000000062F3A60>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering GatherNd (<function _GatherNdGrad at 0x00000000062F3B70>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering CheckNumerics (<function _CheckNumericsGrad at 0x00000000062F3C80>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Identity (<function _IdGrad at 0x00000000062F3AE8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering PlaceholderWithDefault (<function _IdGrad at 0x00000000062F3AE8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering RefIdentity (<function _RefIdGrad at 0x00000000062F3BF8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering StopGradient (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Reshape (<function _ReshapeGrad at 0x00000000062F3E18>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering InvertPermutation (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ExpandDims (<function _ExpandDimsGrad at 0x00000000062F3D08>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Squeeze (<function _SqueezeGrad at 0x00000000062F3D90>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Transpose (<function _TransposeGrad at 0x00000000062F3F28>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Shape (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ShapeN (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Rank (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Size (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Tile (<function _TileGrad at 0x00000000062FB048>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering BroadcastGradientArgs (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Pad (<function _PadGrad at 0x00000000062FB0D0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ReverseSequence (<function _ReverseSequenceGrad at 0x00000000062FB158>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Reverse (<function _ReverseGrad at 0x00000000062FB1E0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ReverseV2 (<function _ReverseV2Grad at 0x00000000062FB378>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SpaceToBatch (<function _SpaceToBatchGrad at 0x00000000062FB268>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SpaceToBatchND (<function _SpaceToBatchNDGrad at 0x00000000062FB2F0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering BatchToSpace (<function _BatchToSpaceGrad at 0x00000000062FB400>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering BatchToSpaceND (<function _BatchToSpaceNDGrad at 0x00000000062FB488>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SpaceToDepth (<function _SpaceToDepthGrad at 0x00000000062FB510>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering DepthToSpace (<function _DepthToSpaceGrad at 0x00000000062FB598>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering OneHot (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MirrorPad (<function _MirrorPadGrad at 0x00000000062FB620>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MirrorPadGrad (<function _MirrorPadGradGrad at 0x00000000062FB6A8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering QuantizeAndDequantize (<function _QuantizeAndDequantizeGrad at 0x00000000062FB730>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering QuantizeAndDequantizeV2 (<function _QuantizeAndDequantizeV2Grad at 0x00000000062FB7B8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ExtractImagePatches (<function _ExtractImagePatchesGrad at 0x00000000062FB840>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ScatterNd (<function _ScatterNdGrad at 0x00000000062FB8C8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering DynamicPartition (<function _DynamicPartitionGrads at 0x00000000062FB9D8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering DynamicStitch (<function _DynamicStitchGrads at 0x000000000631B048>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Queue (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering QueueEnqueue (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering QueueEnqueueMany (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering QueueDequeue (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering QueueDequeueMany (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering QueueDequeueUpTo (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering QueueClose (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering QueueSize (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Stack (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering StackPush (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering StackPop (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering StackClose (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering GetSessionHandle (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering GetSessionHandleV2 (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering GetSessionTensor (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering DeleteSessionTensor (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Sum (<function _SumGrad at 0x000000000631B510>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Max (<function _MaxGrad at 0x000000000631BA60>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Min (<function _MinGrad at 0x000000000631BAE8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Mean (<function _MeanGrad at 0x000000000631BB70>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Prod (<function _ProdGrad at 0x000000000631BBF8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SegmentSum (<function _SegmentSumGrad at 0x000000000631BC80>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SegmentMean (<function _SegmentMeanGrad at 0x000000000631BD08>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SparseSegmentSum (<function _SparseSegmentSumGrad at 0x000000000631BD90>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SparseSegmentMean (<function _SparseSegmentMeanGrad at 0x000000000631BE18>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SparseSegmentSqrtN (<function _SparseSegmentSqrtNGrad at 0x000000000631BEA0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SegmentMin (<function _SegmentMinGrad at 0x0000000006340048>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SegmentMax (<function _SegmentMaxGrad at 0x00000000063400D0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering UnsortedSegmentSum (<function _UnsortedSegmentSumGrad at 0x0000000006340158>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering UnsortedSegmentMax (<function _UnsortedSegmentMaxGrad at 0x00000000063401E0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Abs (<function _AbsGrad at 0x0000000006340268>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Neg (<function _NegGrad at 0x00000000063402F0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Inv (<function _InvGrad at 0x0000000006340378>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Reciprocal (<function _ReciprocalGrad at 0x0000000006340400>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering InvGrad (<function _InvGradGrad at 0x0000000006340488>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ReciprocalGrad (<function _ReciprocalGradGrad at 0x0000000006340620>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Square (<function _SquareGrad at 0x0000000006340510>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Sqrt (<function _SqrtGrad at 0x00000000063406A8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SqrtGrad (<function _SqrtGradGrad at 0x0000000006340598>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Rsqrt (<function _RsqrtGrad at 0x0000000006340840>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering RsqrtGrad (<function _RsqrtGradGrad at 0x0000000006340730>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Exp (<function _ExpGrad at 0x00000000063407B8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Expm1 (<function _Expm1Grad at 0x00000000063408C8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Log (<function _LogGrad at 0x0000000006340950>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Log1p (<function _Log1pGrad at 0x00000000063409D8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Tanh (<function _TanhGrad at 0x0000000006340A60>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TanhGrad (<function _TanhGradGrad at 0x0000000006340AE8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Erf (<function _ErfGrad at 0x0000000006340C80>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Erfc (<function _ErfcGrad at 0x0000000006340B70>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Lgamma (<function _LgammaGrad at 0x0000000006340BF8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Digamma (<function _DigammaGrad at 0x0000000006340D90>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Igamma (<function _IgammaGrad at 0x0000000006340EA0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Igammac (<function _IgammacGrad at 0x0000000006340E18>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Betainc (<function _BetaincGrad at 0x0000000006340F28>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Zeta (<function _ZetaGrad at 0x0000000006340D08>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Polygamma (<function _PolygammaGrad at 0x00000000063450D0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Sigmoid (<function _SigmoidGrad at 0x0000000006345048>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SigmoidGrad (<function _SigmoidGradGrad at 0x0000000006345268>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Sign (<function _SignGrad at 0x0000000006345158>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Sin (<function _SinGrad at 0x00000000063451E0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Cos (<function _CosGrad at 0x00000000063452F0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Tan (<function _TanGrad at 0x0000000006345378>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Asin (<function _AsinGrad at 0x0000000006345400>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Acos (<function _AcosGrad at 0x0000000006345488>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Atan (<function _AtanGrad at 0x0000000006345510>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Atan2 (<function _Atan2Grad at 0x0000000006345598>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering AddN (<function _AddNGrad at 0x0000000006345620>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Add (<function _AddGrad at 0x00000000063456A8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Sub (<function _SubGrad at 0x0000000006345730>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Mul (<function _MulGrad at 0x00000000063457B8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Div (<function _DivGrad at 0x0000000006345840>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering FloorDiv (<function _FloorDivGrad at 0x00000000063458C8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TruncateDiv (<function _TruncateDivGrad at 0x0000000006345A60>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering RealDiv (<function _RealDivGrad at 0x0000000006345950>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Pow (<function _PowGrad at 0x0000000006345B70>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Maximum (<function _MaximumGrad at 0x0000000006345AE8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Minimum (<function _MinimumGrad at 0x0000000006345D08>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SquaredDifference (<function _SquaredDifferenceGrad at 0x0000000006345D90>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Less (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering LessEqual (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Greater (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering GreaterEqual (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Equal (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ApproximateEqual (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering NotEqual (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering LogicalAnd (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering LogicalOr (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering LogicalNot (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Select (<function _SelectGrad at 0x0000000006345BF8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MatMul (<function _MatMulGrad at 0x0000000006345E18>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SparseMatMul (<function _SparseMatMulGrad at 0x0000000006345EA0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Floor (<function _FloorGrad at 0x0000000006345C80>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Ceil (<function _CeilGrad at 0x0000000006345F28>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Round (<function _RoundGrad at 0x000000000634B048>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Rint (<function _RintGrad at 0x000000000634B0D0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering BatchMatMul (<function _BatchMatMul at 0x000000000634B158>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Range (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering LinSpace (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Complex (<function _ComplexGrad at 0x000000000634B1E0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Real (<function _RealGrad at 0x000000000634B378>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Imag (<function _ImagGrad at 0x000000000634B268>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Conj (<function _ConjGrad at 0x000000000634B2F0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ComplexAbs (<function _ComplexAbsGrad at 0x000000000634B400>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Cast (<function _CastGrad at 0x000000000634B488>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Cross (<function _CrossGrad at 0x000000000634B510>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Cumsum (<function _CumsumGrad at 0x000000000634B598>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Cumprod (<function _CumprodGrad at 0x000000000634B6A8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SparseAddGrad (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SparseConcat (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SparseToDense (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SparseReorder (<function _SparseReorderGrad at 0x000000000634BE18>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SparseAdd (<function _SparseAddGrad at 0x000000000634BEA0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SparseTensorDenseAdd (<function _SparseTensorDenseAddGrad at 0x000000000634BF28>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SparseReduceSum (<function _SparseReduceSumGrad at 0x0000000006358048>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SparseTensorDenseMatMul (<function _SparseTensorDenseMatMulGrad at 0x00000000063580D0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SparseDenseCwiseAdd (<function _SparseDenseCwiseAddGrad at 0x0000000006358158>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SparseDenseCwiseMul (<function _SparseDenseCwiseMulGrad at 0x0000000006358268>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SparseDenseCwiseDiv (<function _SparseDenseCwiseDivGrad at 0x00000000063582F0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SparseSoftmax (<function _SparseSoftmaxGrad at 0x0000000006358378>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SparseSparseMaximum (<function _SparseSparseMaximumGrad at 0x0000000006358400>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SparseSparseMinimum (<function _SparseSparseMinimumGrad at 0x0000000006358488>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering FFT (<function _FFTGrad at 0x0000000006358AE8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering IFFT (<function _IFFTGrad at 0x0000000006362158>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering FFT2D (<function _FFT2DGrad at 0x00000000063621E0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering IFFT2D (<function _IFFT2DGrad at 0x0000000006362268>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering FFT3D (<function _FFT3DGrad at 0x0000000006362378>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering IFFT3D (<function _IFFT3DGrad at 0x00000000063622F0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering RFFT (<function _RFFTGradHelper.._Grad at 0x0000000006362510>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering IRFFT (<function _IRFFTGradHelper.._Grad at 0x0000000006362598>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering RFFT2D (<function _RFFTGradHelper.._Grad at 0x0000000006362620>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering IRFFT2D (<function _IRFFTGradHelper.._Grad at 0x00000000063626A8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Assign (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering AssignAdd (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering AssignSub (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ScatterAdd (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ScatterSub (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ScatterMul (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ScatterDiv (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ScatterNdUpdate (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ScatterNdAdd (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ScatterNdSub (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ScatterNdMul (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ScatterNdDiv (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArray (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArrayGrad (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArraySize (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArrayClose (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArrayV2 (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArrayGradV2 (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArraySizeV2 (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArrayCloseV2 (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArrayV3 (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArrayGradV3 (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArraySizeV3 (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArrayCloseV3 (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArrayReadV3 (<function _TensorArrayReadGrad at 0x0000000006362BF8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArrayReadV2 (<function _TensorArrayReadGrad at 0x0000000006362BF8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArrayRead (<function _TensorArrayReadGrad at 0x0000000006362BF8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArrayWriteV3 (<function _TensorArrayWriteGrad at 0x0000000006362C80>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArrayWriteV2 (<function _TensorArrayWriteGrad at 0x0000000006362C80>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArrayWrite (<function _TensorArrayWriteGrad at 0x0000000006362C80>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArrayGatherV3 (<function _TensorArrayGatherGrad at 0x0000000006362D08>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArrayGatherV2 (<function _TensorArrayGatherGrad at 0x0000000006362D08>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArrayGather (<function _TensorArrayGatherGrad at 0x0000000006362D08>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArrayScatterV3 (<function _TensorArrayScatterGrad at 0x0000000006362D90>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArrayScatterV2 (<function _TensorArrayScatterGrad at 0x0000000006362D90>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArrayScatter (<function _TensorArrayScatterGrad at 0x0000000006362D90>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArrayConcatV3 (<function _TensorArrayConcatGrad at 0x0000000006362E18>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArrayConcatV2 (<function _TensorArrayConcatGrad at 0x0000000006362E18>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArrayConcat (<function _TensorArrayConcatGrad at 0x0000000006362E18>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArraySplitV3 (<function _TensorArraySplitGrad at 0x0000000006362EA0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArraySplitV2 (<function _TensorArraySplitGrad at 0x0000000006362EA0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorArraySplit (<function _TensorArraySplitGrad at 0x0000000006362EA0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Switch (<function _SwitchGrad at 0x0000000006386730>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering RefSwitch (<function _SwitchGrad at 0x0000000006386730>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Merge (<function _MergeGrad at 0x00000000063A8730>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering RefMerge (<function _RefMergeGrad at 0x00000000063A8598>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Exit (<function _ExitGrad at 0x00000000063A8840>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering RefExit (<function _ExitGrad at 0x00000000063A8840>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering NextIteration (<function _NextIterationGrad at 0x00000000063A87B8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering RefNextIteration (<function _RefNextIterationGrad at 0x00000000063A8620>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Enter (<function _EnterGrad at 0x00000000063A88C8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering RefEnter (<function _RefEnterGrad at 0x00000000063A8950>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering LoopCond (<function _LoopCondGrad at 0x00000000063A8AE8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ResizeNearestNeighbor (<function _ResizeNearestNeighborGrad at 0x00000000063A89D8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ResizeBilinear (<function _ResizeBilinearGrad at 0x00000000063B9048>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering CropAndResize (<function _CropAndResizeGrad at 0x00000000063B9158>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MatrixInverse (<function _MatrixInverseGrad at 0x00000000063B92F0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MatrixDeterminant (<function _MatrixDeterminantGrad at 0x00000000063B97B8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Cholesky (<function _CholeskyGrad at 0x00000000063B9840>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MatrixSolve (<function _MatrixSolveGrad at 0x00000000063B99D8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MatrixSolveLs (<function _MatrixSolveLsGrad at 0x00000000063B98C8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MatrixTriangularSolve (<function _MatrixTriangularSolveGrad at 0x00000000063B9950>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SelfAdjointEigV2 (<function _SelfAdjointEigV2Grad at 0x00000000063B9A60>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Print (<function _PrintGrad at 0x00000000063B9B70>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering HistogramSummary (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ImageSummary (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering AudioSummary (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering AudioSummaryV2 (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MergeSummary (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ScalarSummary (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ReaderRead (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ReaderReadUpTo (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ReaderNumRecordsProduced (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ReaderNumWorkUnitsCompleted (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ReaderSerializeState (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ReaderRestoreState (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ReaderReset (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering WholeFileReader (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TextLineReader (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering FixedLengthRecordReader (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TFRecordReader (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering IdentityReader (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering StringToHashBucket (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering StringToHashBucketFast (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering StringToHashBucketStrong (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ReduceJoin (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering StringJoin (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering StringSplit (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering AsString (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering EncodeBase64 (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering DecodeBase64 (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering LookupTableFind (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering LookupTableFindV2 (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering LookupTableInsert (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering LookupTableInsertV2 (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering LookupTableSize (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering LookupTableSizeV2 (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering HashTable (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering HashTableV2 (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering InitializeTable (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering InitializeTableV2 (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering InitializeTableFromTextFile (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering InitializeTableFromTextFileV2 (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MutableDenseHashTable (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MutableDenseHashTableV2 (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MutableHashTable (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MutableHashTableV2 (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MutableHashTableOfTensors (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MutableHashTableOfTensorsV2 (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering DecodeRaw (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ParseTensor (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering StringToNumber (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering PyFunc (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering PyFuncStateless (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TensorSummary (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering savers ((<class 'tensorflow.core.protobuf.saver_pb2.SaverDef'>, <function Saver.to_proto at 0x0000000006630268>, <function Saver.from_proto at 0x00000000066302F0>)) in proto functions. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering queue_runners ((<class 'tensorflow.core.protobuf.queue_runner_pb2.QueueRunnerDef'>, <function QueueRunner.to_proto at 0x000000000668A9D8>, <function QueueRunner.from_proto at 0x000000000668AA60>)) in proto functions. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Conv2D,flops (<function _calc_conv_flops at 0x00000000066E3730>) in statistical functions. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering DepthwiseConv2dNative,flops (<function _calc_depthwise_conv_flops at 0x000000000675EB70>) in statistical functions. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering BiasAdd,flops (<function _calc_bias_add_flops at 0x000000000675EC80>) in statistical functions. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Dilation2D,flops (<function _calc_dilation2d_flops at 0x000000000676D048>) in statistical functions. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Conv2DBackpropInput (<function _Conv2DBackpropInputGrad at 0x00000000066C0510>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Conv2DBackpropFilter (<function _Conv2DBackpropFilterGrad at 0x000000000676D158>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Conv3D (<function _Conv3DGrad at 0x000000000676D1E0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Conv3DBackpropInputV2 (<function _Conv3DBackpropInputGrad at 0x000000000676D2F0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Conv3DBackpropFilterV2 (<function _Conv3DBackpropFilterGrad at 0x000000000676D268>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering AvgPool3D (<function _AvgPool3DGrad at 0x000000000676D378>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering AvgPool3DGrad (<function _AvgPool3DGradGrad at 0x000000000676D400>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MaxPool3D (<function _MaxPool3DGrad at 0x000000000676D488>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MaxPool3DGrad (<function _MaxPool3DGradGrad at 0x000000000676D510>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MaxPool3DGradGrad (<function _MaxPool3DGradGradGrad at 0x000000000676D598>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Softmax (<function _SoftmaxGrad at 0x000000000676D620>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering LogSoftmax (<function _LogSoftmaxGrad at 0x000000000676D7B8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering BiasAdd (<function _BiasAddGrad at 0x000000000676D6A8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering BiasAddGrad (<function _BiasAddGradGrad at 0x000000000676D8C8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering BiasAddV1 (<function _BiasAddGradV1 at 0x000000000676D730>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Relu (<function _ReluGrad at 0x000000000676D840>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering EluGrad (<function _EluGradGrad at 0x000000000676D950>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Relu6 (<function _Relu6Grad at 0x000000000676DAE8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Elu (<function _EluGrad at 0x000000000676D9D8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Softplus (<function _SoftplusGrad at 0x000000000676DA60>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SoftplusGrad (<function _SoftplusGradGrad at 0x000000000676DC80>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Softsign (<function _SoftsignGrad at 0x000000000676DB70>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ReluGrad (<function _ReluGradGrad at 0x000000000676DD90>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits (<function _SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogitsGrad at 0x000000000676DBF8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits (<function _SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogitsGrad at 0x000000000676DD08>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Conv2D (<function _Conv2DGrad at 0x000000000676DEA0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering DepthwiseConv2dNative (<function _DepthwiseConv2dNativeGrad at 0x000000000676DF28>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering Dilation2D (<function _Dilation2DGrad at 0x0000000006773048>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering LRN (<function _LRNGrad at 0x00000000067730D0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering AvgPool (<function _AvgPoolGrad at 0x0000000006773158>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering AvgPoolGrad (<function _AvgPoolGradGrad at 0x00000000067732F0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MaxPool (<function _MaxPoolGrad at 0x00000000067731E0>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MaxPoolWithArgmax (<function _MaxPoolGradWithArgmax at 0x0000000006773400>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MaxPoolGrad (<function _MaxPoolGradGrad at 0x0000000006773268>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering MaxPoolGradGrad (<function _MaxPoolGradGradGrad at 0x0000000006773378>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering FractionalMaxPool (<function _FractionalMaxPoolGrad at 0x0000000006773488>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering FractionalAvgPool (<function _FractionalAvgPoolGrad at 0x0000000006773510>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering BatchNormWithGlobalNormalization (<function _BatchNormWithGlobalNormalizationGrad at 0x0000000006773598>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering FusedBatchNorm (<function _FusedBatchNormGrad at 0x0000000006773620>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering L2Loss (<function _L2LossGrad at 0x00000000067736A8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TopKV2 (<function _TopKGrad at 0x00000000067737B8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering TopK (<function _TopKGrad at 0x00000000067737B8>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering CTCLoss (<function _CTCLossGrad at 0x0000000006773730>) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering CTCGreedyDecoder (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering CTCBeamSearchDecoder (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SetSize (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering DenseToDenseSetOperation (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering DenseToSparseSetOperation (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SparseToSparseSetOperation (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SdcaFprint (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SdcaOptimizer (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SdcaShrinkL1 (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering RandomCrop (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering RGBToHSV (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering HSVToRGB (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering DrawBoundingBoxes (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering SampleDistortedBoundingBox (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering ExtractGlimpse (None) in gradient. Level 1:tensorflow:Registering NonMaxSuppression (None) in gradient. E

ERROR: -transfer learning.get_test_bottlenecks

Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\Anaconda\An\envs\lib\site-packages\nose\", line 197, in runTest self.test(*self.arg) TypeError: get_test_bottlenecks() missing 5 required positional arguments: 'sess', 'image_lists', 'n_classes', 'jpeg_data_tensor', and 'bottleneck_tensor' -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs (<function _FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgsGradient at 0x0000000005C221E0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars (<function _FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsGradient at 0x0000000005DB0400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannel (<function _FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannelGradient at 0x0000000005DB0378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatMul,flops (<function _calc_mat_mul_flops at 0x00000000060ED158>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering cond_context ((<class 'tensorflow.core.protobuf.control_flow_pb2.CondContextDef'>, <function CondContext.to_proto at 0x000000000618DB70>, <function CondContext.from_proto at 0x000000000618DBF8>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering while_context ((<class 'tensorflow.core.protobuf.control_flow_pb2.WhileContextDef'>, <function WhileContext.to_proto at 0x000000000618F8C8>, <function WhileContext.from_proto at 0x000000000618F950>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReadVariableOp (<function _ReadGrad at 0x00000000061BA158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ResourceGather (<function _GatherGrad at 0x00000000061DF730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering variables ((<class 'tensorflow.core.framework.variable_pb2.VariableDef'>, <function _to_proto_fn at 0x00000000061DF7B8>, <function _from_proto_fn at 0x00000000061DF840>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering trainable_variables ((<class 'tensorflow.core.framework.variable_pb2.VariableDef'>, <function _to_proto_fn at 0x00000000061DF7B8>, <function _from_proto_fn at 0x00000000061DF840>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering moving_average_variables ((<class 'tensorflow.core.framework.variable_pb2.VariableDef'>, <function _to_proto_fn at 0x00000000061DF7B8>, <function _from_proto_fn at 0x00000000061DF840>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RandomStandardNormal (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ParameterizedTruncatedNormal (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TruncatedNormal (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RandomUniform (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Multinomial (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RandomGamma (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Pack (<function _PackGrad at 0x00000000062BF378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Unpack (<function _UnpackGrad at 0x00000000062F3158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Concat (<function _ConcatGrad at 0x00000000062F31E0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ConcatV2 (<function _ConcatGradV2 at 0x00000000062F3378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ConcatOffset (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Slice (<function _SliceGrad at 0x00000000062F3488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StridedSlice (<function _StridedSliceGrad at 0x00000000062F32F0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StridedSliceGrad (<function _StridedSliceGradGrad at 0x00000000062F3400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Split (<function _SplitGrad at 0x00000000062F3510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SplitV (<function _SplitVGrad at 0x00000000062F3598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Const (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Diag (<function _DiagGrad at 0x00000000062F36A8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DiagPart (<function _DiagPartGrad at 0x00000000062F3620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixDiag (<function _MatrixDiagGrad at 0x00000000062F3840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixDiagPart (<function _MatrixDiagPartGrad at 0x00000000062F3730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixSetDiag (<function _MatrixSetDiagGrad at 0x00000000062F37B8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixBandPart (<function _MatrixBandPartGrad at 0x00000000062F38C8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering EditDistance (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Fill (<function _FillGrad at 0x00000000062F3950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ZerosLike (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering OnesLike (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering PreventGradient (<function _PreventGradientGrad at 0x00000000062F39D8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Gather (<function _GatherGrad at 0x00000000062F3A60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GatherNd (<function _GatherNdGrad at 0x00000000062F3B70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CheckNumerics (<function _CheckNumericsGrad at 0x00000000062F3C80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Identity (<function _IdGrad at 0x00000000062F3AE8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering PlaceholderWithDefault (<function _IdGrad at 0x00000000062F3AE8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefIdentity (<function _RefIdGrad at 0x00000000062F3BF8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StopGradient (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Reshape (<function _ReshapeGrad at 0x00000000062F3E18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InvertPermutation (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ExpandDims (<function _ExpandDimsGrad at 0x00000000062F3D08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Squeeze (<function _SqueezeGrad at 0x00000000062F3D90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Transpose (<function _TransposeGrad at 0x00000000062F3F28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Shape (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ShapeN (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Rank (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Size (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Tile (<function _TileGrad at 0x00000000062FB048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BroadcastGradientArgs (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Pad (<function _PadGrad at 0x00000000062FB0D0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReverseSequence (<function _ReverseSequenceGrad at 0x00000000062FB158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Reverse (<function _ReverseGrad at 0x00000000062FB1E0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReverseV2 (<function _ReverseV2Grad at 0x00000000062FB378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SpaceToBatch (<function _SpaceToBatchGrad at 0x00000000062FB268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SpaceToBatchND (<function _SpaceToBatchNDGrad at 0x00000000062FB2F0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BatchToSpace (<function _BatchToSpaceGrad at 0x00000000062FB400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BatchToSpaceND (<function _BatchToSpaceNDGrad at 0x00000000062FB488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SpaceToDepth (<function _SpaceToDepthGrad at 0x00000000062FB510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DepthToSpace (<function _DepthToSpaceGrad at 0x00000000062FB598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering OneHot (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MirrorPad (<function _MirrorPadGrad at 0x00000000062FB620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MirrorPadGrad (<function _MirrorPadGradGrad at 0x00000000062FB6A8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QuantizeAndDequantize (<function _QuantizeAndDequantizeGrad at 0x00000000062FB730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QuantizeAndDequantizeV2 (<function _QuantizeAndDequantizeV2Grad at 0x00000000062FB7B8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ExtractImagePatches (<function _ExtractImagePatchesGrad at 0x00000000062FB840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNd (<function _ScatterNdGrad at 0x00000000062FB8C8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DynamicPartition (<function _DynamicPartitionGrads at 0x00000000062FB9D8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DynamicStitch (<function _DynamicStitchGrads at 0x000000000631B048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Queue (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueEnqueue (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueEnqueueMany (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueDequeue (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueDequeueMany (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueDequeueUpTo (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueClose (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueSize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Stack (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StackPush (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StackPop (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StackClose (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GetSessionHandle (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GetSessionHandleV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GetSessionTensor (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DeleteSessionTensor (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sum (<function _SumGrad at 0x000000000631B510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Max (<function _MaxGrad at 0x000000000631BA60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Min (<function _MinGrad at 0x000000000631BAE8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Mean (<function _MeanGrad at 0x000000000631BB70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Prod (<function _ProdGrad at 0x000000000631BBF8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SegmentSum (<function _SegmentSumGrad at 0x000000000631BC80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SegmentMean (<function _SegmentMeanGrad at 0x000000000631BD08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSegmentSum (<function _SparseSegmentSumGrad at 0x000000000631BD90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSegmentMean (<function _SparseSegmentMeanGrad at 0x000000000631BE18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSegmentSqrtN (<function _SparseSegmentSqrtNGrad at 0x000000000631BEA0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SegmentMin (<function _SegmentMinGrad at 0x0000000006340048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SegmentMax (<function _SegmentMaxGrad at 0x00000000063400D0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering UnsortedSegmentSum (<function _UnsortedSegmentSumGrad at 0x0000000006340158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering UnsortedSegmentMax (<function _UnsortedSegmentMaxGrad at 0x00000000063401E0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Abs (<function _AbsGrad at 0x0000000006340268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Neg (<function _NegGrad at 0x00000000063402F0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Inv (<function _InvGrad at 0x0000000006340378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Reciprocal (<function _ReciprocalGrad at 0x0000000006340400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InvGrad (<function _InvGradGrad at 0x0000000006340488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReciprocalGrad (<function _ReciprocalGradGrad at 0x0000000006340620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Square (<function _SquareGrad at 0x0000000006340510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sqrt (<function _SqrtGrad at 0x00000000063406A8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SqrtGrad (<function _SqrtGradGrad at 0x0000000006340598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Rsqrt (<function _RsqrtGrad at 0x0000000006340840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RsqrtGrad (<function _RsqrtGradGrad at 0x0000000006340730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Exp (<function _ExpGrad at 0x00000000063407B8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Expm1 (<function _Expm1Grad at 0x00000000063408C8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Log (<function _LogGrad at 0x0000000006340950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Log1p (<function _Log1pGrad at 0x00000000063409D8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Tanh (<function _TanhGrad at 0x0000000006340A60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TanhGrad (<function _TanhGradGrad at 0x0000000006340AE8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Erf (<function _ErfGrad at 0x0000000006340C80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Erfc (<function _ErfcGrad at 0x0000000006340B70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Lgamma (<function _LgammaGrad at 0x0000000006340BF8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Digamma (<function _DigammaGrad at 0x0000000006340D90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Igamma (<function _IgammaGrad at 0x0000000006340EA0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Igammac (<function _IgammacGrad at 0x0000000006340E18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Betainc (<function _BetaincGrad at 0x0000000006340F28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Zeta (<function _ZetaGrad at 0x0000000006340D08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Polygamma (<function _PolygammaGrad at 0x00000000063450D0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sigmoid (<function _SigmoidGrad at 0x0000000006345048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SigmoidGrad (<function _SigmoidGradGrad at 0x0000000006345268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sign (<function _SignGrad at 0x0000000006345158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sin (<function _SinGrad at 0x00000000063451E0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cos (<function _CosGrad at 0x00000000063452F0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Tan (<function _TanGrad at 0x0000000006345378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Asin (<function _AsinGrad at 0x0000000006345400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Acos (<function _AcosGrad at 0x0000000006345488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Atan (<function _AtanGrad at 0x0000000006345510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Atan2 (<function _Atan2Grad at 0x0000000006345598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AddN (<function _AddNGrad at 0x0000000006345620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Add (<function _AddGrad at 0x00000000063456A8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sub (<function _SubGrad at 0x0000000006345730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Mul (<function _MulGrad at 0x00000000063457B8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Div (<function _DivGrad at 0x0000000006345840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FloorDiv (<function _FloorDivGrad at 0x00000000063458C8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TruncateDiv (<function _TruncateDivGrad at 0x0000000006345A60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RealDiv (<function _RealDivGrad at 0x0000000006345950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Pow (<function _PowGrad at 0x0000000006345B70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Maximum (<function _MaximumGrad at 0x0000000006345AE8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Minimum (<function _MinimumGrad at 0x0000000006345D08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SquaredDifference (<function _SquaredDifferenceGrad at 0x0000000006345D90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Less (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LessEqual (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Greater (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GreaterEqual (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Equal (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ApproximateEqual (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NotEqual (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LogicalAnd (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LogicalOr (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LogicalNot (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Select (<function _SelectGrad at 0x0000000006345BF8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatMul (<function _MatMulGrad at 0x0000000006345E18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseMatMul (<function _SparseMatMulGrad at 0x0000000006345EA0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Floor (<function _FloorGrad at 0x0000000006345C80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Ceil (<function _CeilGrad at 0x0000000006345F28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Round (<function _RoundGrad at 0x000000000634B048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Rint (<function _RintGrad at 0x000000000634B0D0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BatchMatMul (<function _BatchMatMul at 0x000000000634B158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Range (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LinSpace (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Complex (<function _ComplexGrad at 0x000000000634B1E0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Real (<function _RealGrad at 0x000000000634B378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Imag (<function _ImagGrad at 0x000000000634B268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conj (<function _ConjGrad at 0x000000000634B2F0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ComplexAbs (<function _ComplexAbsGrad at 0x000000000634B400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cast (<function _CastGrad at 0x000000000634B488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cross (<function _CrossGrad at 0x000000000634B510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cumsum (<function _CumsumGrad at 0x000000000634B598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cumprod (<function _CumprodGrad at 0x000000000634B6A8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseAddGrad (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseConcat (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseToDense (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseReorder (<function _SparseReorderGrad at 0x000000000634BE18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseAdd (<function _SparseAddGrad at 0x000000000634BEA0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseTensorDenseAdd (<function _SparseTensorDenseAddGrad at 0x000000000634BF28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseReduceSum (<function _SparseReduceSumGrad at 0x0000000006358048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseTensorDenseMatMul (<function _SparseTensorDenseMatMulGrad at 0x00000000063580D0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseDenseCwiseAdd (<function _SparseDenseCwiseAddGrad at 0x0000000006358158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseDenseCwiseMul (<function _SparseDenseCwiseMulGrad at 0x0000000006358268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseDenseCwiseDiv (<function _SparseDenseCwiseDivGrad at 0x00000000063582F0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSoftmax (<function _SparseSoftmaxGrad at 0x0000000006358378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSparseMaximum (<function _SparseSparseMaximumGrad at 0x0000000006358400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSparseMinimum (<function _SparseSparseMinimumGrad at 0x0000000006358488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FFT (<function _FFTGrad at 0x0000000006358AE8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IFFT (<function _IFFTGrad at 0x0000000006362158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FFT2D (<function _FFT2DGrad at 0x00000000063621E0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IFFT2D (<function _IFFT2DGrad at 0x0000000006362268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FFT3D (<function _FFT3DGrad at 0x0000000006362378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IFFT3D (<function _IFFT3DGrad at 0x00000000063622F0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RFFT (<function _RFFTGradHelper.._Grad at 0x0000000006362510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IRFFT (<function _IRFFTGradHelper.._Grad at 0x0000000006362598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RFFT2D (<function _RFFTGradHelper.._Grad at 0x0000000006362620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IRFFT2D (<function _IRFFTGradHelper.._Grad at 0x00000000063626A8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Assign (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AssignAdd (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AssignSub (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterAdd (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterSub (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterMul (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterDiv (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNdUpdate (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNdAdd (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNdSub (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNdMul (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNdDiv (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArray (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGrad (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayClose (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGradV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySizeV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayCloseV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayV3 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGradV3 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySizeV3 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayCloseV3 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayReadV3 (<function _TensorArrayReadGrad at 0x0000000006362BF8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayReadV2 (<function _TensorArrayReadGrad at 0x0000000006362BF8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayRead (<function _TensorArrayReadGrad at 0x0000000006362BF8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayWriteV3 (<function _TensorArrayWriteGrad at 0x0000000006362C80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayWriteV2 (<function _TensorArrayWriteGrad at 0x0000000006362C80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayWrite (<function _TensorArrayWriteGrad at 0x0000000006362C80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGatherV3 (<function _TensorArrayGatherGrad at 0x0000000006362D08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGatherV2 (<function _TensorArrayGatherGrad at 0x0000000006362D08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGather (<function _TensorArrayGatherGrad at 0x0000000006362D08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayScatterV3 (<function _TensorArrayScatterGrad at 0x0000000006362D90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayScatterV2 (<function _TensorArrayScatterGrad at 0x0000000006362D90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayScatter (<function _TensorArrayScatterGrad at 0x0000000006362D90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayConcatV3 (<function _TensorArrayConcatGrad at 0x0000000006362E18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayConcatV2 (<function _TensorArrayConcatGrad at 0x0000000006362E18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayConcat (<function _TensorArrayConcatGrad at 0x0000000006362E18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySplitV3 (<function _TensorArraySplitGrad at 0x0000000006362EA0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySplitV2 (<function _TensorArraySplitGrad at 0x0000000006362EA0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySplit (<function _TensorArraySplitGrad at 0x0000000006362EA0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Switch (<function _SwitchGrad at 0x0000000006386730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefSwitch (<function _SwitchGrad at 0x0000000006386730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Merge (<function _MergeGrad at 0x00000000063A8730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefMerge (<function _RefMergeGrad at 0x00000000063A8598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Exit (<function _ExitGrad at 0x00000000063A8840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefExit (<function _ExitGrad at 0x00000000063A8840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NextIteration (<function _NextIterationGrad at 0x00000000063A87B8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefNextIteration (<function _RefNextIterationGrad at 0x00000000063A8620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Enter (<function _EnterGrad at 0x00000000063A88C8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefEnter (<function _RefEnterGrad at 0x00000000063A8950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LoopCond (<function _LoopCondGrad at 0x00000000063A8AE8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ResizeNearestNeighbor (<function _ResizeNearestNeighborGrad at 0x00000000063A89D8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ResizeBilinear (<function _ResizeBilinearGrad at 0x00000000063B9048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CropAndResize (<function _CropAndResizeGrad at 0x00000000063B9158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixInverse (<function _MatrixInverseGrad at 0x00000000063B92F0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixDeterminant (<function _MatrixDeterminantGrad at 0x00000000063B97B8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cholesky (<function _CholeskyGrad at 0x00000000063B9840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixSolve (<function _MatrixSolveGrad at 0x00000000063B99D8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixSolveLs (<function _MatrixSolveLsGrad at 0x00000000063B98C8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixTriangularSolve (<function _MatrixTriangularSolveGrad at 0x00000000063B9950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SelfAdjointEigV2 (<function _SelfAdjointEigV2Grad at 0x00000000063B9A60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Print (<function _PrintGrad at 0x00000000063B9B70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering HistogramSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ImageSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AudioSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AudioSummaryV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MergeSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScalarSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderRead (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderReadUpTo (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderNumRecordsProduced (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderNumWorkUnitsCompleted (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderSerializeState (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderRestoreState (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderReset (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering WholeFileReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TextLineReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FixedLengthRecordReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TFRecordReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IdentityReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringToHashBucket (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringToHashBucketFast (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringToHashBucketStrong (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReduceJoin (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringJoin (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringSplit (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AsString (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering EncodeBase64 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DecodeBase64 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableFind (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableFindV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableInsert (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableInsertV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableSize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableSizeV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering HashTable (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering HashTableV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InitializeTable (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InitializeTableV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InitializeTableFromTextFile (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InitializeTableFromTextFileV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableDenseHashTable (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableDenseHashTableV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableHashTable (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableHashTableV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableHashTableOfTensors (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableHashTableOfTensorsV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DecodeRaw (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ParseTensor (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringToNumber (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering PyFunc (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering PyFuncStateless (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering savers ((<class 'tensorflow.core.protobuf.saver_pb2.SaverDef'>, <function Saver.to_proto at 0x0000000006630268>, <function Saver.from_proto at 0x00000000066302F0>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering queue_runners ((<class 'tensorflow.core.protobuf.queue_runner_pb2.QueueRunnerDef'>, <function QueueRunner.to_proto at 0x000000000668A9D8>, <function QueueRunner.from_proto at 0x000000000668AA60>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv2D,flops (<function _calc_conv_flops at 0x00000000066E3730>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DepthwiseConv2dNative,flops (<function _calc_depthwise_conv_flops at 0x000000000675EB70>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BiasAdd,flops (<function _calc_bias_add_flops at 0x000000000675EC80>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Dilation2D,flops (<function _calc_dilation2d_flops at 0x000000000676D048>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv2DBackpropInput (<function _Conv2DBackpropInputGrad at 0x00000000066C0510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv2DBackpropFilter (<function _Conv2DBackpropFilterGrad at 0x000000000676D158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv3D (<function _Conv3DGrad at 0x000000000676D1E0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv3DBackpropInputV2 (<function _Conv3DBackpropInputGrad at 0x000000000676D2F0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv3DBackpropFilterV2 (<function _Conv3DBackpropFilterGrad at 0x000000000676D268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AvgPool3D (<function _AvgPool3DGrad at 0x000000000676D378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AvgPool3DGrad (<function _AvgPool3DGradGrad at 0x000000000676D400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPool3D (<function _MaxPool3DGrad at 0x000000000676D488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPool3DGrad (<function _MaxPool3DGradGrad at 0x000000000676D510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPool3DGradGrad (<function _MaxPool3DGradGradGrad at 0x000000000676D598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Softmax (<function _SoftmaxGrad at 0x000000000676D620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LogSoftmax (<function _LogSoftmaxGrad at 0x000000000676D7B8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BiasAdd (<function _BiasAddGrad at 0x000000000676D6A8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BiasAddGrad (<function _BiasAddGradGrad at 0x000000000676D8C8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BiasAddV1 (<function _BiasAddGradV1 at 0x000000000676D730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Relu (<function _ReluGrad at 0x000000000676D840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering EluGrad (<function _EluGradGrad at 0x000000000676D950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Relu6 (<function _Relu6Grad at 0x000000000676DAE8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Elu (<function _EluGrad at 0x000000000676D9D8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Softplus (<function _SoftplusGrad at 0x000000000676DA60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SoftplusGrad (<function _SoftplusGradGrad at 0x000000000676DC80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Softsign (<function _SoftsignGrad at 0x000000000676DB70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReluGrad (<function _ReluGradGrad at 0x000000000676DD90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits (<function _SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogitsGrad at 0x000000000676DBF8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits (<function _SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogitsGrad at 0x000000000676DD08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv2D (<function _Conv2DGrad at 0x000000000676DEA0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DepthwiseConv2dNative (<function _DepthwiseConv2dNativeGrad at 0x000000000676DF28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Dilation2D (<function _Dilation2DGrad at 0x0000000006773048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LRN (<function _LRNGrad at 0x00000000067730D0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AvgPool (<function _AvgPoolGrad at 0x0000000006773158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AvgPoolGrad (<function _AvgPoolGradGrad at 0x00000000067732F0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPool (<function _MaxPoolGrad at 0x00000000067731E0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPoolWithArgmax (<function _MaxPoolGradWithArgmax at 0x0000000006773400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPoolGrad (<function _MaxPoolGradGrad at 0x0000000006773268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPoolGradGrad (<function _MaxPoolGradGradGrad at 0x0000000006773378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FractionalMaxPool (<function _FractionalMaxPoolGrad at 0x0000000006773488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FractionalAvgPool (<function _FractionalAvgPoolGrad at 0x0000000006773510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BatchNormWithGlobalNormalization (<function _BatchNormWithGlobalNormalizationGrad at 0x0000000006773598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FusedBatchNorm (<function _FusedBatchNormGrad at 0x0000000006773620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering L2Loss (<function _L2LossGrad at 0x00000000067736A8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TopKV2 (<function _TopKGrad at 0x00000000067737B8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TopK (<function _TopKGrad at 0x00000000067737B8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CTCLoss (<function _CTCLossGrad at 0x0000000006773730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CTCGreedyDecoder (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CTCBeamSearchDecoder (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SetSize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DenseToDenseSetOperation (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DenseToSparseSetOperation (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseToSparseSetOperation (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SdcaFprint (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SdcaOptimizer (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SdcaShrinkL1 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RandomCrop (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RGBToHSV (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering HSVToRGB (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DrawBoundingBoxes (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SampleDistortedBoundingBox (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ExtractGlimpse (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NonMaxSuppression (None) in gradient. --------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

Ran 1 test in 0.030s

FAILED (errors=1)

Error Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\Anaconda\An\envs\lib\unittest\", line 59, in testPartExecutor yield File "D:\Anaconda\An\envs\lib\unittest\", line 601, in run testMethod() File "D:\Anaconda\An\envs\lib\site-packages\nose\", line 197, in runTest self.test(*self.arg) Exception: get_test_bottlenecks() missing 5 required positional arguments: 'sess', 'image_lists', 'n_classes', 'jpeg_data_tensor', and 'bottleneck_tensor' -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs (<function _FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgsGradient at 0x0000000005C221E0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars (<function _FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsGradient at 0x0000000005DB0400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannel (<function _FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannelGradient at 0x0000000005DB0378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatMul,flops (<function _calc_mat_mul_flops at 0x00000000060ED158>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering cond_context ((<class 'tensorflow.core.protobuf.control_flow_pb2.CondContextDef'>, <function CondContext.to_proto at 0x000000000618DB70>, <function CondContext.from_proto at 0x000000000618DBF8>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering while_context ((<class 'tensorflow.core.protobuf.control_flow_pb2.WhileContextDef'>, <function WhileContext.to_proto at 0x000000000618F8C8>, <function WhileContext.from_proto at 0x000000000618F950>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReadVariableOp (<function _ReadGrad at 0x00000000061BA158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ResourceGather (<function _GatherGrad at 0x00000000061DF730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering variables ((<class 'tensorflow.core.framework.variable_pb2.VariableDef'>, <function _to_proto_fn at 0x00000000061DF7B8>, <function _from_proto_fn at 0x00000000061DF840>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering trainable_variables ((<class 'tensorflow.core.framework.variable_pb2.VariableDef'>, <function _to_proto_fn at 0x00000000061DF7B8>, <function _from_proto_fn at 0x00000000061DF840>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering moving_average_variables ((<class 'tensorflow.core.framework.variable_pb2.VariableDef'>, <function _to_proto_fn at 0x00000000061DF7B8>, <function _from_proto_fn at 0x00000000061DF840>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RandomStandardNormal (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ParameterizedTruncatedNormal (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TruncatedNormal (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RandomUniform (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Multinomial (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RandomGamma (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Pack (<function _PackGrad at 0x00000000062BF378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Unpack (<function _UnpackGrad at 0x00000000062F3158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Concat (<function _ConcatGrad at 0x00000000062F31E0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ConcatV2 (<function _ConcatGradV2 at 0x00000000062F3378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ConcatOffset (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Slice (<function _SliceGrad at 0x00000000062F3488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StridedSlice (<function _StridedSliceGrad at 0x00000000062F32F0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StridedSliceGrad (<function _StridedSliceGradGrad at 0x00000000062F3400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Split (<function _SplitGrad at 0x00000000062F3510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SplitV (<function _SplitVGrad at 0x00000000062F3598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Const (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Diag (<function _DiagGrad at 0x00000000062F36A8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DiagPart (<function _DiagPartGrad at 0x00000000062F3620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixDiag (<function _MatrixDiagGrad at 0x00000000062F3840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixDiagPart (<function _MatrixDiagPartGrad at 0x00000000062F3730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixSetDiag (<function _MatrixSetDiagGrad at 0x00000000062F37B8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixBandPart (<function _MatrixBandPartGrad at 0x00000000062F38C8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering EditDistance (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Fill (<function _FillGrad at 0x00000000062F3950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ZerosLike (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering OnesLike (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering PreventGradient (<function _PreventGradientGrad at 0x00000000062F39D8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Gather (<function _GatherGrad at 0x00000000062F3A60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GatherNd (<function _GatherNdGrad at 0x00000000062F3B70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CheckNumerics (<function _CheckNumericsGrad at 0x00000000062F3C80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Identity (<function _IdGrad at 0x00000000062F3AE8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering PlaceholderWithDefault (<function _IdGrad at 0x00000000062F3AE8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefIdentity (<function _RefIdGrad at 0x00000000062F3BF8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StopGradient (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Reshape (<function _ReshapeGrad at 0x00000000062F3E18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InvertPermutation (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ExpandDims (<function _ExpandDimsGrad at 0x00000000062F3D08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Squeeze (<function _SqueezeGrad at 0x00000000062F3D90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Transpose (<function _TransposeGrad at 0x00000000062F3F28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Shape (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ShapeN (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Rank (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Size (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Tile (<function _TileGrad at 0x00000000062FB048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BroadcastGradientArgs (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Pad (<function _PadGrad at 0x00000000062FB0D0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReverseSequence (<function _ReverseSequenceGrad at 0x00000000062FB158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Reverse (<function _ReverseGrad at 0x00000000062FB1E0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReverseV2 (<function _ReverseV2Grad at 0x00000000062FB378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SpaceToBatch (<function _SpaceToBatchGrad at 0x00000000062FB268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SpaceToBatchND (<function _SpaceToBatchNDGrad at 0x00000000062FB2F0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BatchToSpace (<function _BatchToSpaceGrad at 0x00000000062FB400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BatchToSpaceND (<function _BatchToSpaceNDGrad at 0x00000000062FB488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SpaceToDepth (<function _SpaceToDepthGrad at 0x00000000062FB510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DepthToSpace (<function _DepthToSpaceGrad at 0x00000000062FB598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering OneHot (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MirrorPad (<function _MirrorPadGrad at 0x00000000062FB620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MirrorPadGrad (<function _MirrorPadGradGrad at 0x00000000062FB6A8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QuantizeAndDequantize (<function _QuantizeAndDequantizeGrad at 0x00000000062FB730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QuantizeAndDequantizeV2 (<function _QuantizeAndDequantizeV2Grad at 0x00000000062FB7B8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ExtractImagePatches (<function _ExtractImagePatchesGrad at 0x00000000062FB840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNd (<function _ScatterNdGrad at 0x00000000062FB8C8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DynamicPartition (<function _DynamicPartitionGrads at 0x00000000062FB9D8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DynamicStitch (<function _DynamicStitchGrads at 0x000000000631B048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Queue (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueEnqueue (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueEnqueueMany (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueDequeue (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueDequeueMany (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueDequeueUpTo (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueClose (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueSize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Stack (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StackPush (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StackPop (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StackClose (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GetSessionHandle (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GetSessionHandleV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GetSessionTensor (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DeleteSessionTensor (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sum (<function _SumGrad at 0x000000000631B510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Max (<function _MaxGrad at 0x000000000631BA60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Min (<function _MinGrad at 0x000000000631BAE8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Mean (<function _MeanGrad at 0x000000000631BB70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Prod (<function _ProdGrad at 0x000000000631BBF8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SegmentSum (<function _SegmentSumGrad at 0x000000000631BC80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SegmentMean (<function _SegmentMeanGrad at 0x000000000631BD08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSegmentSum (<function _SparseSegmentSumGrad at 0x000000000631BD90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSegmentMean (<function _SparseSegmentMeanGrad at 0x000000000631BE18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSegmentSqrtN (<function _SparseSegmentSqrtNGrad at 0x000000000631BEA0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SegmentMin (<function _SegmentMinGrad at 0x0000000006340048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SegmentMax (<function _SegmentMaxGrad at 0x00000000063400D0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering UnsortedSegmentSum (<function _UnsortedSegmentSumGrad at 0x0000000006340158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering UnsortedSegmentMax (<function _UnsortedSegmentMaxGrad at 0x00000000063401E0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Abs (<function _AbsGrad at 0x0000000006340268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Neg (<function _NegGrad at 0x00000000063402F0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Inv (<function _InvGrad at 0x0000000006340378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Reciprocal (<function _ReciprocalGrad at 0x0000000006340400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InvGrad (<function _InvGradGrad at 0x0000000006340488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReciprocalGrad (<function _ReciprocalGradGrad at 0x0000000006340620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Square (<function _SquareGrad at 0x0000000006340510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sqrt (<function _SqrtGrad at 0x00000000063406A8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SqrtGrad (<function _SqrtGradGrad at 0x0000000006340598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Rsqrt (<function _RsqrtGrad at 0x0000000006340840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RsqrtGrad (<function _RsqrtGradGrad at 0x0000000006340730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Exp (<function _ExpGrad at 0x00000000063407B8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Expm1 (<function _Expm1Grad at 0x00000000063408C8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Log (<function _LogGrad at 0x0000000006340950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Log1p (<function _Log1pGrad at 0x00000000063409D8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Tanh (<function _TanhGrad at 0x0000000006340A60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TanhGrad (<function _TanhGradGrad at 0x0000000006340AE8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Erf (<function _ErfGrad at 0x0000000006340C80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Erfc (<function _ErfcGrad at 0x0000000006340B70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Lgamma (<function _LgammaGrad at 0x0000000006340BF8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Digamma (<function _DigammaGrad at 0x0000000006340D90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Igamma (<function _IgammaGrad at 0x0000000006340EA0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Igammac (<function _IgammacGrad at 0x0000000006340E18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Betainc (<function _BetaincGrad at 0x0000000006340F28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Zeta (<function _ZetaGrad at 0x0000000006340D08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Polygamma (<function _PolygammaGrad at 0x00000000063450D0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sigmoid (<function _SigmoidGrad at 0x0000000006345048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SigmoidGrad (<function _SigmoidGradGrad at 0x0000000006345268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sign (<function _SignGrad at 0x0000000006345158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sin (<function _SinGrad at 0x00000000063451E0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cos (<function _CosGrad at 0x00000000063452F0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Tan (<function _TanGrad at 0x0000000006345378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Asin (<function _AsinGrad at 0x0000000006345400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Acos (<function _AcosGrad at 0x0000000006345488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Atan (<function _AtanGrad at 0x0000000006345510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Atan2 (<function _Atan2Grad at 0x0000000006345598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AddN (<function _AddNGrad at 0x0000000006345620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Add (<function _AddGrad at 0x00000000063456A8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sub (<function _SubGrad at 0x0000000006345730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Mul (<function _MulGrad at 0x00000000063457B8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Div (<function _DivGrad at 0x0000000006345840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FloorDiv (<function _FloorDivGrad at 0x00000000063458C8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TruncateDiv (<function _TruncateDivGrad at 0x0000000006345A60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RealDiv (<function _RealDivGrad at 0x0000000006345950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Pow (<function _PowGrad at 0x0000000006345B70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Maximum (<function _MaximumGrad at 0x0000000006345AE8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Minimum (<function _MinimumGrad at 0x0000000006345D08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SquaredDifference (<function _SquaredDifferenceGrad at 0x0000000006345D90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Less (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LessEqual (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Greater (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GreaterEqual (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Equal (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ApproximateEqual (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NotEqual (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LogicalAnd (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LogicalOr (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LogicalNot (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Select (<function _SelectGrad at 0x0000000006345BF8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatMul (<function _MatMulGrad at 0x0000000006345E18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseMatMul (<function _SparseMatMulGrad at 0x0000000006345EA0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Floor (<function _FloorGrad at 0x0000000006345C80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Ceil (<function _CeilGrad at 0x0000000006345F28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Round (<function _RoundGrad at 0x000000000634B048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Rint (<function _RintGrad at 0x000000000634B0D0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BatchMatMul (<function _BatchMatMul at 0x000000000634B158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Range (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LinSpace (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Complex (<function _ComplexGrad at 0x000000000634B1E0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Real (<function _RealGrad at 0x000000000634B378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Imag (<function _ImagGrad at 0x000000000634B268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conj (<function _ConjGrad at 0x000000000634B2F0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ComplexAbs (<function _ComplexAbsGrad at 0x000000000634B400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cast (<function _CastGrad at 0x000000000634B488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cross (<function _CrossGrad at 0x000000000634B510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cumsum (<function _CumsumGrad at 0x000000000634B598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cumprod (<function _CumprodGrad at 0x000000000634B6A8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseAddGrad (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseConcat (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseToDense (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseReorder (<function _SparseReorderGrad at 0x000000000634BE18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseAdd (<function _SparseAddGrad at 0x000000000634BEA0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseTensorDenseAdd (<function _SparseTensorDenseAddGrad at 0x000000000634BF28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseReduceSum (<function _SparseReduceSumGrad at 0x0000000006358048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseTensorDenseMatMul (<function _SparseTensorDenseMatMulGrad at 0x00000000063580D0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseDenseCwiseAdd (<function _SparseDenseCwiseAddGrad at 0x0000000006358158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseDenseCwiseMul (<function _SparseDenseCwiseMulGrad at 0x0000000006358268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseDenseCwiseDiv (<function _SparseDenseCwiseDivGrad at 0x00000000063582F0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSoftmax (<function _SparseSoftmaxGrad at 0x0000000006358378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSparseMaximum (<function _SparseSparseMaximumGrad at 0x0000000006358400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSparseMinimum (<function _SparseSparseMinimumGrad at 0x0000000006358488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FFT (<function _FFTGrad at 0x0000000006358AE8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IFFT (<function _IFFTGrad at 0x0000000006362158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FFT2D (<function _FFT2DGrad at 0x00000000063621E0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IFFT2D (<function _IFFT2DGrad at 0x0000000006362268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FFT3D (<function _FFT3DGrad at 0x0000000006362378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IFFT3D (<function _IFFT3DGrad at 0x00000000063622F0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RFFT (<function _RFFTGradHelper.._Grad at 0x0000000006362510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IRFFT (<function _IRFFTGradHelper.._Grad at 0x0000000006362598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RFFT2D (<function _RFFTGradHelper.._Grad at 0x0000000006362620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IRFFT2D (<function _IRFFTGradHelper.._Grad at 0x00000000063626A8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Assign (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AssignAdd (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AssignSub (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterAdd (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterSub (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterMul (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterDiv (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNdUpdate (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNdAdd (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNdSub (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNdMul (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNdDiv (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArray (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGrad (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayClose (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGradV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySizeV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayCloseV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayV3 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGradV3 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySizeV3 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayCloseV3 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayReadV3 (<function _TensorArrayReadGrad at 0x0000000006362BF8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayReadV2 (<function _TensorArrayReadGrad at 0x0000000006362BF8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayRead (<function _TensorArrayReadGrad at 0x0000000006362BF8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayWriteV3 (<function _TensorArrayWriteGrad at 0x0000000006362C80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayWriteV2 (<function _TensorArrayWriteGrad at 0x0000000006362C80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayWrite (<function _TensorArrayWriteGrad at 0x0000000006362C80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGatherV3 (<function _TensorArrayGatherGrad at 0x0000000006362D08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGatherV2 (<function _TensorArrayGatherGrad at 0x0000000006362D08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGather (<function _TensorArrayGatherGrad at 0x0000000006362D08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayScatterV3 (<function _TensorArrayScatterGrad at 0x0000000006362D90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayScatterV2 (<function _TensorArrayScatterGrad at 0x0000000006362D90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayScatter (<function _TensorArrayScatterGrad at 0x0000000006362D90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayConcatV3 (<function _TensorArrayConcatGrad at 0x0000000006362E18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayConcatV2 (<function _TensorArrayConcatGrad at 0x0000000006362E18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayConcat (<function _TensorArrayConcatGrad at 0x0000000006362E18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySplitV3 (<function _TensorArraySplitGrad at 0x0000000006362EA0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySplitV2 (<function _TensorArraySplitGrad at 0x0000000006362EA0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySplit (<function _TensorArraySplitGrad at 0x0000000006362EA0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Switch (<function _SwitchGrad at 0x0000000006386730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefSwitch (<function _SwitchGrad at 0x0000000006386730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Merge (<function _MergeGrad at 0x00000000063A8730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefMerge (<function _RefMergeGrad at 0x00000000063A8598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Exit (<function _ExitGrad at 0x00000000063A8840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefExit (<function _ExitGrad at 0x00000000063A8840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NextIteration (<function _NextIterationGrad at 0x00000000063A87B8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefNextIteration (<function _RefNextIterationGrad at 0x00000000063A8620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Enter (<function _EnterGrad at 0x00000000063A88C8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefEnter (<function _RefEnterGrad at 0x00000000063A8950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LoopCond (<function _LoopCondGrad at 0x00000000063A8AE8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ResizeNearestNeighbor (<function _ResizeNearestNeighborGrad at 0x00000000063A89D8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ResizeBilinear (<function _ResizeBilinearGrad at 0x00000000063B9048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CropAndResize (<function _CropAndResizeGrad at 0x00000000063B9158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixInverse (<function _MatrixInverseGrad at 0x00000000063B92F0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixDeterminant (<function _MatrixDeterminantGrad at 0x00000000063B97B8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cholesky (<function _CholeskyGrad at 0x00000000063B9840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixSolve (<function _MatrixSolveGrad at 0x00000000063B99D8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixSolveLs (<function _MatrixSolveLsGrad at 0x00000000063B98C8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixTriangularSolve (<function _MatrixTriangularSolveGrad at 0x00000000063B9950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SelfAdjointEigV2 (<function _SelfAdjointEigV2Grad at 0x00000000063B9A60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Print (<function _PrintGrad at 0x00000000063B9B70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering HistogramSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ImageSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AudioSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AudioSummaryV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MergeSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScalarSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderRead (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderReadUpTo (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderNumRecordsProduced (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderNumWorkUnitsCompleted (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderSerializeState (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderRestoreState (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderReset (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering WholeFileReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TextLineReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FixedLengthRecordReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TFRecordReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IdentityReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringToHashBucket (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringToHashBucketFast (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringToHashBucketStrong (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReduceJoin (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringJoin (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringSplit (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AsString (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering EncodeBase64 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DecodeBase64 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableFind (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableFindV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableInsert (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableInsertV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableSize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableSizeV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering HashTable (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering HashTableV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InitializeTable (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InitializeTableV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InitializeTableFromTextFile (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InitializeTableFromTextFileV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableDenseHashTable (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableDenseHashTableV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableHashTable (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableHashTableV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableHashTableOfTensors (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableHashTableOfTensorsV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DecodeRaw (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ParseTensor (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringToNumber (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering PyFunc (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering PyFuncStateless (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering savers ((<class 'tensorflow.core.protobuf.saver_pb2.SaverDef'>, <function Saver.to_proto at 0x0000000006630268>, <function Saver.from_proto at 0x00000000066302F0>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering queue_runners ((<class 'tensorflow.core.protobuf.queue_runner_pb2.QueueRunnerDef'>, <function QueueRunner.to_proto at 0x000000000668A9D8>, <function QueueRunner.from_proto at 0x000000000668AA60>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv2D,flops (<function _calc_conv_flops at 0x00000000066E3730>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DepthwiseConv2dNative,flops (<function _calc_depthwise_conv_flops at 0x000000000675EB70>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BiasAdd,flops (<function _calc_bias_add_flops at 0x000000000675EC80>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Dilation2D,flops (<function _calc_dilation2d_flops at 0x000000000676D048>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv2DBackpropInput (<function _Conv2DBackpropInputGrad at 0x00000000066C0510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv2DBackpropFilter (<function _Conv2DBackpropFilterGrad at 0x000000000676D158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv3D (<function _Conv3DGrad at 0x000000000676D1E0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv3DBackpropInputV2 (<function _Conv3DBackpropInputGrad at 0x000000000676D2F0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv3DBackpropFilterV2 (<function _Conv3DBackpropFilterGrad at 0x000000000676D268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AvgPool3D (<function _AvgPool3DGrad at 0x000000000676D378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AvgPool3DGrad (<function _AvgPool3DGradGrad at 0x000000000676D400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPool3D (<function _MaxPool3DGrad at 0x000000000676D488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPool3DGrad (<function _MaxPool3DGradGrad at 0x000000000676D510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPool3DGradGrad (<function _MaxPool3DGradGradGrad at 0x000000000676D598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Softmax (<function _SoftmaxGrad at 0x000000000676D620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LogSoftmax (<function _LogSoftmaxGrad at 0x000000000676D7B8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BiasAdd (<function _BiasAddGrad at 0x000000000676D6A8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BiasAddGrad (<function _BiasAddGradGrad at 0x000000000676D8C8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BiasAddV1 (<function _BiasAddGradV1 at 0x000000000676D730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Relu (<function _ReluGrad at 0x000000000676D840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering EluGrad (<function _EluGradGrad at 0x000000000676D950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Relu6 (<function _Relu6Grad at 0x000000000676DAE8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Elu (<function _EluGrad at 0x000000000676D9D8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Softplus (<function _SoftplusGrad at 0x000000000676DA60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SoftplusGrad (<function _SoftplusGradGrad at 0x000000000676DC80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Softsign (<function _SoftsignGrad at 0x000000000676DB70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReluGrad (<function _ReluGradGrad at 0x000000000676DD90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits (<function _SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogitsGrad at 0x000000000676DBF8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits (<function _SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogitsGrad at 0x000000000676DD08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv2D (<function _Conv2DGrad at 0x000000000676DEA0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DepthwiseConv2dNative (<function _DepthwiseConv2dNativeGrad at 0x000000000676DF28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Dilation2D (<function _Dilation2DGrad at 0x0000000006773048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LRN (<function _LRNGrad at 0x00000000067730D0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AvgPool (<function _AvgPoolGrad at 0x0000000006773158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AvgPoolGrad (<function _AvgPoolGradGrad at 0x00000000067732F0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPool (<function _MaxPoolGrad at 0x00000000067731E0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPoolWithArgmax (<function _MaxPoolGradWithArgmax at 0x0000000006773400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPoolGrad (<function _MaxPoolGradGrad at 0x0000000006773268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPoolGradGrad (<function _MaxPoolGradGradGrad at 0x0000000006773378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FractionalMaxPool (<function _FractionalMaxPoolGrad at 0x0000000006773488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FractionalAvgPool (<function _FractionalAvgPoolGrad at 0x0000000006773510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BatchNormWithGlobalNormalization (<function _BatchNormWithGlobalNormalizationGrad at 0x0000000006773598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FusedBatchNorm (<function _FusedBatchNormGrad at 0x0000000006773620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering L2Loss (<function _L2LossGrad at 0x00000000067736A8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TopKV2 (<function _TopKGrad at 0x00000000067737B8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TopK (<function _TopKGrad at 0x00000000067737B8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CTCLoss (<function _CTCLossGrad at 0x0000000006773730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CTCGreedyDecoder (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CTCBeamSearchDecoder (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SetSize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DenseToDenseSetOperation (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DenseToSparseSetOperation (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseToSparseSetOperation (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SdcaFprint (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SdcaOptimizer (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SdcaShrinkL1 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RandomCrop (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RGBToHSV (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering HSVToRGB (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DrawBoundingBoxes (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SampleDistortedBoundingBox (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ExtractGlimpse (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NonMaxSuppression (None) in gradient. --------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

Process finished with exit code 1


anglia88 commented 5 years ago

您好,关注了您写的书和代码,用了您写的fune tuning训练出来分类模型,要测试一张图片是哪个类型的话要如何运用呢,我看了很大资料说要有inference里面的logits,但是这个好像是cifar10里面的,目前是个初学者,很多不懂,希望得到指点,非常感谢