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Seperate column for automated edit #820

Open shriyanss opened 4 months ago

shriyanss commented 4 months ago

Community Note


An additional column should be added in HTTP History tab to show automated edited requests

Currently, when something is replaced with match and replace, it shows Edited in the State column. This makes it harder to identify which request was manually edited, and which was automated edited by seeing the HTTP History table


Use cases

shriyanss commented 4 months ago

Additionally, it would be great if the tool would highlight the changes.

Like when I click on a request in HTTP history, it shows an option to toggle between Original and Automated edit, and the automated edit tab is also like the original one.

So, if the changes made would be just highlighted, and the rules applied would be shown on the bottom, then it would be better to identify changes made in request


PS: Let me know if another issue is to be created for this

Sytten commented 4 months ago

We wanted to rework this system, so this is good input. Currently we create new requests for each version of it (you can see them in search, they show up individually). We were thinking about removing those intermediate requests and only keep the last modification (And only keeping the raw of previous versions). We will likely also have more types of edits, so I think the best we will be able to do is show the last "editer" (original, manual, automated) in that column.